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http://www.fitnessbythesea.com/beverly-hills-summer-camp/nSummer Camp Beverly Hills, summer camps beverly hills, beverly hills summer camp, beverly hills summer camps, summer day camp beverly hills, summer day camps beverly /nhills, summer camp in beverly hills, summer camps in beverly hills, summer camp beverly hills ca, summer camps beverly hills ca, summer camp beverly hills california, /nsummer camps beverly hills california/nFitness by the Sea is a kid’s summer day camp with a variety of easy areas for our campers traveling from Beverly Hills. Anyone who has been to Fitness by the Sea can /ntestify to the quality of the day camp your kids will enjoy./nCreativity and a good time is the keyword at FBS with a staff that’s prepared to strongly encourage each of those. We strive to encourage fun and friendly /nrelationships while cultivating personal development and growth./nYou can choose from one of our 4 locations. You will find 2 locations in the Pacific Palisades, 1 in South Bay and 1 in Santa Monica. Just click here for directions to /nany of these four wonderful beach camp areas.
For Further Information On Summer Camp Beverly Hills Please Take A Look On http://www.fitnessbythesea.com/beverly-hills-summer-camp/