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Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL). Bringing together key laboratories of the Paris area in the field of environmental studies. IPSL = a federation of 6 laboratories in the Paris area. LATMOS: atmospheric chemistry, mesoscale processes LISA: atmospheric chemistry, air quality
Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) Bringing together key laboratories of the Paris area in the field of environmental studies
IPSL = a federation of 6 laboratories in the Paris area • LATMOS: atmospheric chemistry, mesoscale processes • LISA: atmospheric chemistry, air quality • LMD: atmospheric dynamics, climate studies • LOCEAN: physical and biogeochemical studies of the ocean • LPMAA: High altitude atmosphere • LSCE: paleoclimatology, geochemical cycles, climate impacts in total about 1000 persons (permanent + temporary researchers; permanent + temporary support)
Key areas of the IPSL action • Modeling studies • Observational studies: in situ and from space • Prepare the tools which are necessary for focused scientific studies: participation to the IPCC, field campaigns, planetary sciences
19 vert. levels 30 vert. levels IPSL Climate Model Atmosphere and Continental surfaces (LMDZ - ORCHIDEE) coupler (OASIS) Résolution: Atm: 3.75°x2.5° (~350 km) Oce: 2°x2° Ocean and sea-ice (ORCA-LIM)
Participation to IPCC Simulations [GIEC 2007]
Orchid é e LMD ZT LMD ORCALIM Z Atmospheric Circulation Oc é anique Continental surface Circulatio è n Glace de mer sols et v é g é tation STOMATE PISCES é Biog é ochimie et Biochemistry biologie marine Carbon CO2 Carbon INCA Chemistry CH , COV, DMS 4 Gases A é rosols Nutriments & A é rosols A é rosols Sels marins Earth System Model Continents Atmosphere Oceans Physics Carbon Cycle Chemistry
GLODAP IPSL-CM4-LOOP Atmospheric CO2 seasonal cycle : eg. Mauna Loa DIC Penetration in Atlantic Ocean
The chemistry-transport model CHIMERE (IPSL/LMD) A communitary model in free access http://euler.lmd.polytechnique.fr/chimere CHIMERE is a chemistry-transport model for the calculation of concentrations fields as: ozone, NOx, COVs, aerosols, dust... • More than 100 users • More than 20 institutes are using CHIMERE for daily forecast • More than 35 institutes for research • More than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals Involved in numerous European projects such as GEMS, PROMOTE, City-Delta, Euro-Delta, CIRCE, AMMA, GEOMON, NATAIR. Used for analysis, forecast, pollution peaks and trends, direct or adjoijnt modelling, data assimilation. Vertical cross-section of a dust event over Ukraine (March 2007) Example of daily forecast • experimental (at LMD): - France (GEMS) - Africa, Atlantic and Europe: CHIMERE-DUST for minreal dust • operational: PREVAIR french nationla plat-form (INERIS) CHIMERE users in Europe One of the forecast web sites
Applications: Instrument development, comparisons, and qualification Cloud and aerosol physical process studies Sensitivities and trends in physical parameters Ground-Satellite Synergies Lidar backscatter Cloud radiative effect Lidar Leosphere Lidar LMD Cloud optical thickness Site d’observation: L’exemple du SIRTA • Mid-latitudes: 48,7°N - 2,2°E • Urban-rural region • Objectives: • Bring together and provide access to remote sensing instruments; provide access to observations • Observe physical processes in the troposphere using instrument synergies: • Long-term routine measurements • Field campaigns • Provide experimental teaching and outreach http://www.sirta.fr
Illustration des 6 satellites composant l'A-train. De gauche à droite : Aura, Parasol, Calipso, Cloudsat, Aqua, OCO. Crédits : CNES octobre 2004, illustration P. Carril
Observations satellitaires: exemple du bilan radiatif par ScaraB
Key issues • Data distribution, outreach • Combination of various tools for specific aims