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A Prayer for Owen Meany. Multiple Choice Test Question Creation. #1
A Prayer for Owen Meany Multiple Choice Test Question Creation
#1 The local sagamore’s name was Watahantowet; instead of his signature, he made his mark upon the deed in the form of his totem-an armless man. Later there was some dispute-not very interesting-regarding the Indian deed, and more interesting speculation regarding whyWatahantowet’s totem was an armless man. Some said it was how it made the sagamore feel to give up all that land — to have his arms cut off — and others pointed out that earlier “marks” made by Watahantowet revealed that the figure, although armless, held a feather in his mouth; this was said to indicate the sagamore’s frustration at being unable to write. But in several other versions of the totem ascribed to Watahantowet, the figure has a tomahawk in its mouth and looks completely crazy — or else, he is making a gesture toward peace: no arms, tomahawk in mouth; together, perhaps, they are meant to signify that Watahantowet does not fight. As for the settlement of the disputed deed, you can be sure the Indians were not the beneficiaries of the resolution to that difference of opinion. And later still, our town fell under Massachusetts authority — which may, to this day, explain why residents of Gravesend detest people from Massachusetts. Mr. Wheelwright would move to Maine. He was eighty when he spoke at Harvard, seeking contributions to rebuild a part of the college destroyed by a fire — demonstrating that he bore the citizens of Massachusetts less of a grudge than anyone else from Gravesend would bear them. Wheelwright died in Salisbury, Massachusetts, where he was the spiritual leader of the church, when he was almost ninety. But listen to the names of Gravesend’s founding fathers: you will not hear a Meany among them. BarlowBlackwellColeCopelandCrawleyDearbornHiltonHutchinsonLittlefieldReadRishworthSmartSmithWalkerWardellWentworthWheelwright (Irving 8-9).
1. What importance does the list show about how the others feel about the Meany’s? • a. The Meany’s are important. • b. They are less superior to everyone in the town • c. They feel bad for them • d. They have been living there since the town was founded • 2. Why is the Watahantowet’s totem armless? • a. Its showing that they don’t want to fight • b. Showing that they gave up land • c. They fell off in a storm • d. Both A & B • 3. What was the function of the totem? • a. Territorial marker • b. Religious symbol • c. Gesture towards peace • d. The holy ghost of Massachusetts • 4. What were the Indians showing when the put out the totem? • a. They were not going to fight • b. They surrender • c. They were having a celebration • d. Just for decoration
5. What was the main point of this passage? • a. Shows historical back round • b. To show how important the Meany’s were • c. How the founding fathers took away the Indians land • d. Both A & C • e. Both B & C • 6. How do Meany’s ancestors relate to Owens parents? • a. They were really small • b. Not much importance • c. Didn’t want to stand out • d. Didn’t fight for their land • e. All of the above • 7. What does the symbol of the totem relate to in today’s world? • a. The Trojan Horse • b. Statue of Liberty • c. Mona Lisa • d. Mt. Rushmore • 8. What was the effect of the last sentence? • a. Contrast between Owen and John • b. To make you laugh • c. Who would become president • d. Shows how Owens last name is uncommon
Answer Key • 1. B • 2. D • 3. C • 4. A • 5. D • 6. E • 7. B • 8. A
1.What is the function of Irving offering both interpretations of the feather in the watahantowet’s mouth? a. To show his personal opinon b. To show the cultural differences of the Indians and Massachusetts authority To show his personality To show both opinions the indians were viewed as 2.What is the narrative progress of the passage? a. Following history b. Explanation of culture c. The relations between two cultures The progress of their disagreements 3. What is the shift in development from the 1st paragraph to the 2nd? a. Like to dislike b. Difference of opinions to history c. Specific to general Both A and B 4. What is this passage primarily concerned with? a. Cause and effect b. Narration c. Chronological d. Comparison between 2 opinions
5. What tone does “and later still, our town fell under Massachusetts authority” convey? a. Disappointed b. Indifferent c. Angry Content 6. What does the author imply about the Indians in the last sentence of the 1st paragraph? a. The colony did not like them b. Difficult to deal with c. Unimportant None of the above 7. Where is Watahantowet set in the 1st paragraph? a. The colony b. Tribe c. Gravesend Not enough information 8. Who is the author speaking to in this passage? a. The reader b. Watahantowet c. Mr. Wheelwright d. Meany
1. B. 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. A
1.) Based on the passage a sagamore is... a. A chief b. A totem c. A god A pacifist 2.) Which allusion evokes a tone of pride and superiority… a. Massachusetts b. Watanhantowet c. Hutchinson Harvard 3.) The organization of the piece separates which two main ideas a. Different states b. Differences in authority c. The significance of being armless Common names versus unique names 4.) Which aspects of the totem represent peacefulness … a. No arms b. Feather in mouth c. Great size d. Its use as a signature
5.) The long description of the sagamore implies… a. Inferiority b. Belief in religion c. Importance of ancestors The mysteries of the early United States history 6.) The repetition of names signifies… a. The importance of title to early Americans b. The common names still found today c. The allusions associated with the names Irving’s passion for American history 7.) What is the tone in the last line is of… a. Respect b. Contempt c. Patronizing d. Contentious 8.) What is the speaker’s attitude toward Mr. Wheelwright? a. Anger b. Awe c. Reverent Derisive Need answers SANJI and MADDIE
1. In line 7, “he” refers to whom? a. Sagamore b. Watahantowet c. The figure d. Mr. Wheelwright 2. All of the following are mentioned to explain why the totem may be armless EXCEPT: a. It shows their pain for giving up their land b. It resembles their inability to write c. It is a gesture toward piece d. It resembles their god 3. The phrase “you will not hear a Meany among them”(line 15) serves primarily to: a. Explain that the founding fathers weren’t mean b. Exclude the Meany family from the founding fathers c. Explain that the Meanys did not originate in Gravesend d. Show that the Meanys have been forgotten 4. In context, the phrase “to have his arms cut off” is best interpreted to mean: a. What Watahantowet had to do to save his land b. The feeling of having no say or control c. The ritual that Watahantowet did after he gave up the land d. The way the other people got the land
5. This passage is primarily concerned with which of the following? a. The history and origin of Gravesend b. How the founding fathers came to Gravesend c. The Wheelwright’s beginning in Gravesend The presence of Native Americans in Gravesend 6. Regarding the dispute over the land, it can be inferred from the first paragraph that the Indians were: a. Happy that they got a good deal for the land b. Angry that they got their arms cut off c. Sad that they had no control or say over the dispute d. Happy because they got to keep the land 7. Based on the second paragraph (lines 10-14), The narrator’s attitude toward Mr. Wheelwright can best be described as: a. Respectful b. Disgusted c. Remorseful d. Indifferent 8. According to the first paragraph (lines 1-9), how might Watahantowet be characterized by the Indians? a. Crazy b. Intuitive c. Peaceful d. Reproachful
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C
1. It can be inferred from lines 6-8 in the passage that (a) Peace is more important than violence (b) The Watahantowet totem is a sign of peace, not violence (c) The warrior has no arms because his is victorious in his conquests (d) The narrator supports acts of violence (e) The Watahatowet is an ancient warrior 2. The purpose of listing the names at the end of the passage is to emphasize that (a) Wheelwright is one of the names included (b) They are the founding fathers of Gravesend (c) Massachusetts has an inclusive social class (d) Meany is not incorporated within the list (e) All of the above 3. The passage primarily regards Massachusetts’s society as (a) Warm and welcoming (b) Cold and conservative (c) Very Hierarchical (d) Structured (e) Lacking social grace 4. The word “Marks” in line 4 refers to a (an) (a) Symbol (b) Dash (c) Sign (d) Smudge (e) Legacy
5. The image of an “armless man” throughout the first paragraph is intended to mean (a) Helplessness in the face of God (b) A gesture of peace (c) The remorse of giving up Indian land (d) The powerlessness of Indians towards the colonizers (e) Both b & c 6. The passage is primarily written from the perspective of (a) A grown man reflecting on his childhood (b) An American Indian relishing in the past (c) An elite member of Gravesend ‘s social class (d) A Gravesend citizen reflecting on the history of his/her home town (e) An old woman speaking to her Grandchild 7. The word “it” in line 3 refers to the (a) Narrator (b) Totem (c) Town (d) State of Massachusetts (e) Narrator’s idol 8. The purpose of the hyphenated portion of the sentence in line 4 is to (a) Emphasize the armless image (b) Break up the pace of the sentence (c) Emphasize the irony of the situation (d) To split the sentence into multiple clauses (e) None of the above
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. E 6. D 7. B 8. A
#2 It was because I trusted Dan Needham that I gave the armadillo to Owen. I put it in a brown paper bag, which I put inside another brown paper bag, and although I had no doubt that Owen would know exactly what it was, before he opened the bags, I gave brief consideration to how shocked his mother might be if she opened the bags; but it was not her business to open the bags, I figured. Owen and I were eleven; we had no other way to articulate what we felt about what had happened to my mother. He gave me his baseball cards, but he really wanted them back, and I gave him my stuffed armadillo, which I certainly hoped he’d give back to me-all because it was impossible for us to say to each other how we really felt. How did it feel to hit a ball that hard-and then realize that the ball had killed you best friend’s mother? How did it feel to see my mother sprawled in the grass, and to have the moronic chief of police complain about the missing baseball-and calling that stupid ball “the instrument of death” and “the murder weapon”? Owen and I couldn’t have talked about those things-at least, not then. So we gave each other our best-loved possessions, and hoped to get them back. When you think of it, that’s not so silly. By my calculations, Owen was a day late returning the armadillo; he kept it overnight for two nights which in my view was one night too many. But he did return it. Once again I heard the lowest-possible gear of the granite truck; once again, there was an early-morning drop-off at the 80 Front Street, before Mr. Meany went ahead with the rest of the day’s heavy business. And there were the same brown paper bags that I had used on the step by the back door; it was a little dangerous to leave the armadillo outside on the step, I thought, given the indiscriminate appetites of that certain Labrador retriever belonging to our neighbor Mr. Fish. Then I remembered that Sagamore was dead (84-85).
1. The phrase “best-loved possessions” is used to describe: • I. The armadillo • II. The baseball • III. The baseball cardsA. I B. I and III C. I, II, and III D. None of the above • 2. What does the word “moronic” describe? • a. Owen • b. The armadillo • c. Police Chief • d. Dan Needham • 3. Why are “the instrument of death” and “the murder weapon” in quotes? • a. Because it was previously said by the Chief of Police • b. To emphasize their meaning • c. To bring out the irony of the statements • d. None of the above • 4. In this passage the word indiscriminate (line 15) most closely means: • a. Careless • b. Specific • c. Assorted • d. Confused
5. What are the functions of the two paper bags? • a. To symbolize how strong Owen and the narrator’s friendship is • b. To keep it safe • c. To emphasize how important the armadillo is to both of them • d. None of the above • 6. The purpose of this passage is best described as: • a. To explain how the narrator and Owen expressed their grief • b. To mourn the passing of Sagamore • c. To explain how Dan impacted the narrator’s life • d. Describing how the narrator felt • 7. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that • a. Owen brutally killed the narrator’s mother • b. To apologize for killing Owen’s mom the narrator gave him an armadillo • c. The narrator is angry at Owen • d. The two boys were unable to talk about their emotions so they devised their own way to convey how they felt • 8. Which of the following expresses the narrator at the end of the passage? • a. Fierce anger • b. Hesitantly forgiving • c. Mournfully depressed • d. All of the above
1. B • 2. C • 3. A • 4. C • 5. C • 6. A • 7. D • 8. B
1. Who is the narrator referring to in this phrase “Then I remember that Sagamore was dead…” • a. Mr. Meany • b. Mr. Fish • c. Our Neighbor • d. Labrador Retriever • 2. Whose point of view is this passage coming from? • a. Mr. Meany • b. John • c. Owen • d. Dan Needham • 3. This phrase “the instrument of death” refers to… • a. The armadillo • b. Baseball cards • c. Stupid ball • d. Labrador retriever • 4. “Owen and I couldn’t have talked about those things” What is the function of talked? • a. Represents they couldn’t communicate • b. Owen and John hated each other • c. John was ready to talk, but not Owen • d. It was embarrassing to talk about their feelings
5. What can you infer from this passage about John and Owen? • a. They are related • b. They are enemies • c. They are good friends • d. They share a class pet • 6. Why does the John put the armadillo in two bags instead of one bag? • a. To be careful • b. So it is hard to find • c. So people don’t see it • d. To kill the armadillo • 7. The phrase”80 Front Street” is an example of… • a. Metaphor • b. Personification • c. Diction • d. Dramatic irony • 8. What does the narrator imply about Owen’s mother in this phrase “…but it was not her business to open the bags…”? • a. Doesn’t do anything • b. Not part of Owen’s life • c. Mr. Meany is too protective • d. Doesn’t like Owen • 9. “By my calculations, Owen was a day late returning the armadillo” most likely represents what tone? • a. Frustration • b. Anger • c. Pity • d. Nervousness
1. “Then I remembered that Sagamore was dead” In the last line Sagamore refers to who • D. Labrador retrieve • 2. Whose point of view is this passage written from? • B. John • 3. “The instrument of death” and “the murder weapon” refers to what in the passage? • C. The stupid ball • 4. “Owen and I couldn’t have talked about those things” What does the function of talked do to the passage? • A. Represents that they couldn’t communicate • 5. What can you infer from this passage about John (the narrator) and Owen? • C. They are good friends • 6. Why does the narrator put the armadillo in 2 bags instead of 1? • C. So people don’t see it • 7. The phrase “80 front street” is an example of what? • C. Diction • 8. What does the narrator imply about Owen’s mother? “But it was not her business to open the bags…” • B. Not a part of Owen’s life • 9. “By my calculations, Owen was a day late returning the armadillo” most likely portrays what tone? • A. frustration
1. What does “the instrument of death” refer to? A. The Armadillo B. Owen C. Owen’s Voice The ball 2. What’s the purpose of the word “did” in “but he did return it”? A. Shows how true their friendship is B. Shows John’s doubt for Owen C. Shows Owen’s lack of responsibility B & C 3. What’s the irony behind having an armadillo in this chapter? I. Represents friendship II. Shows John’s trust even after his mother’s death III. Proves that Owen is mistrusted A. I only B. II only C. I & II III only 4. What can you infer from the text about what the armadillo represents? A. Dan Needham B. Owen Meany C. John’s mother D. John
5. According to the passage, what can you infer about where John’s mother died? A. The Baseball field B. At home C. In Boston In Mr. Fish’s house 6. What is the significance between the comparison of the armadillo and Owen and John’s friendship? A. John wants Owen to get hurt just like he did B. Owen wants to steal the armadillo from John C. The strength of their friendship How much they are willing to share 7. Why does John describe putting the armadillo in two brown paper bags? A. He wants to suffocate it B. He doesn’t want it to get ruined C. He wants to make it harder for Owen to get into the bag D. To signify the importance of the armadillo to John 8. Who does “she” refer to in “if she opened the bags”? A. John’s mother B. John’s grandmother C. Owen’s mother D. Sagamore
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. C
1. The narrator and Owen use the armadillo primarily for: a. A celebration of friendship b. Form of currency c. Act of forgiveness d. To show class division Both A and C 2. The phrases “the instrument of death” and “the murder weapon” are what to the ball? a. Personification b. Imagery c. Simile d. Metaphor Juxtaposition 3. Infer the tone at the end of the 3rd passage describing Sagamore’s death: a. Ecstatic b. Reminiscent c. Sorrowful d. Detached Indifferent 4. The exchange of baseball cards and the armadillo between the narrator and Owen can best be interpreted as: I. Forgiveness II. Trust Love a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. I, II, and III e. Only I
5. What is the function of the italicized word “talked” in paragraph 2? a. Convey deep conversation b. Lack of vernacular language c. Use of different syntax d. To describe “those things” Barrier not overcome by age 6. The phrase “my mother sprawled in the grass” presents an example of: a. Diction b. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia d. Imagery Allegory 7. Why were there two paper bags used to guard the armadillo? a. To protect their “feelings” from the outside world b. To hide their emotions c. To hide from grandmother d. To ensure secrecy To show responsibility to Dan 8. What does the pronoun “it” in the 2nd paragraph, last sentence refer to? a. Armadillo b. Baseball cards c. Death of narrator’s mother d. Exchange of gifts e. The granite truck
Answer Key: C D B D E D A D
What are the functions of the two paper bags? • To symbolize how strong Owen and the narrator’s friendship is • To keep it safe • To emphasize how important the armadillo is to both of them • None of the above • The purpose of this passage is best described as: • To explain how the narrator and Owen expressed their grief • To mourn the passing of Sagamore • To explain how Dan impacted the narrator’s life • Describing how the narrator felt • It can be inferred from the second paragraph that • Owen brutally killed the narrator’s mother • To apologize for killing Owen’s mom the narrator gave him an armadillo • The narrator is angry at Owen • The two boys were unable to talk about their emotions so they devised their own way to convey how they felt • Which of the following expresses the narrator at the end of the passage? • Fierce anger • Hesitantly forgiving • Mournfully depressed • All of the above
1. In context, what does “certain” mean in line 16? Demonic B. Notorious C. Troublesome D. Long-lost E. Influential 2. The narrator expresses all of the following tones toward Owen EXCEPT? Peeved B. Short-tempered C. Sympathetic D. Questioning E. Pensive 3. What is the main effect of the use of rhetorical questions? Empathy is created for Owen B. The mother’s description is enhanced C. Sympathy is generated for the narrator D. A bitter attitude is created toward the baseball 4. Why did John and Owen exchange their possessions? So they could both experience loss B. To express their love for one another C. To express their empathy D. To repress sad memories 5. What is the shift from paragraph two to paragraph three? Change in point of view B. Sadness to gratitude C. Analytical to literal D. Resentful to forgiven 6. Which of the following is the main impression given by the narrator’s aside notes? Lasting bitterness about the situation B. The narrator second guessing his own actions C. Justification for his actions D. Fully developed understanding of why the situation proceeded as it did. 7. Which of the following best represents the narrator’s attitude toward Owen when he keeps the armadillo for two nights? Conciliatory B. Agitated C. Forgiving D. Conflicted 8. All of the following rhetorical devices appear in the second paragraph EXCEPT? A. Anaphora B. Rhetorical questions C. Apostrophetic speech D. Parallelism E. Pathos
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C
1. What tone does the police officer leave the reader with in lines 9-10? a. Lighthearted b. Professional and serious c. Apathetic d. Humorous 2. What effect do lines 7-9 have on the reader when focused on the casual tone of the narrator? a. Somber and grim b. Cheery and joyful c. Mocking and rhetorical Childish and naïve 3. In lines 1-4 the author draws an extended metaphor drawn from the brown paper bag to ___. a. John revealing his feelings towards his mother’s death b. John closing off his feelings towards his mother’s death c. Owen revealing his feelings towards Tabitha’s death d. Owen closing off his feelings towards Tabitha’s death 4. Why does the narrator choose to look at Owen’s, John’s and the Police Officer’s recollections of Tabitha’s death? a. To show contrast and express their feelings b. To confuse the reader c. To allow the reader to infer what actually happened d. To reveal Tabitha’s death from different age perspectives
5. What is the function of the author saying “it was a little dangerous” to leave the armadillo outside if it was known to the reader already that the Labrador retriever was dead? a. To express Owen’s “god-like” powers b. To emphasize John’s hate for dogs c. To express John’s oblivious state of mind towards reality d. To emphasize John’s fear of the outside world 6. In line 10, why is the word “talked” italicized? a. To express the importance of discussing Tabitha’s death b. To condemn the police officer’s blunt words c. To emphasize how audacious the idea of talking would be d. To describe how John and Owen want to anxiously gossip about the subject later 7. When the author refers to the dog’s “indiscriminate” appetite in line 16 he is referring to the dog’s appetite being ___. a. Carefree and thoughtless b. Brutal and vicious c. Starved and famished d. Gentle and tame 8. In line 11 what does “it” refer to? a. Instead of talking about their feelings, John and Owen exchange gifts b. John and Owen’s unwillingness to talk about Tabitha’s death c. Tabitha’s death d. John and Owen playing hide and go seek
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A
1. Why are John and Owen exchanging items? a. Because they feel that giving each other presents will make them feel better about the death of John’s Mother b. Because they are trying to hide “The instrument of death” c. Because they are trying to articulate how they feel about the death of John’s Mother They have birthdays that are only two days apart. 2. What tone does the narrator take when referring to the police chief in line 9? a. Exasperated b. Hateful c. Morose Sarcastic 3. Which of the following best describes the narrator at the end of the passage? a. He is angry at Owen for killing his mother b. He is worried that Owen’s mother might be scared by the armadillo c. He feels satisfied that they both understand how they feel about the death of his mom He is scared that the armadillo might be eaten by Sagamore 4. To what does John refer to by “it” when he states “I had no doubt that Owen know exactly what it was” in line 2? a. The Baseball b. The Armadillo c. Owen’s Baseball card collection d. Another Brown Paper Bag
5. It could be inferred from the second paragraph that… a. John secretly dislikes Owen b. John actively hates Owen for killing his mother c. Owen and Johnny don’t need words to communicate how they’re feeling about each other Owen and Johnny are guarded 6. The phrase “given the indiscriminate appetites of that certain Labrador retriever” (line 16) is primarily concerned with a. How dangerous it is to leave the armadillo outside b. How the dog wouldn’t mind eating the armadillo c. The Labrador is picky in its food choice The dog’s yard is full of food for it 7. What is the purpose of including details of John’s mother’s death in the second paragraph? a. Explain in greater depth why it’s so hard to convey their feelings between each other b. To create a red herring, making the passage more interesting c. Make the reader second guess their beliefs Talk about the death of John’s mother 8. The pronoun “he” in lines five through six refers to a. John b. Dan c. Mr. Fish d. Owen
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D
#3 “But one of the things I failed to notice about Owen was how exact he was---how he meant everything literally, which is not a usual feature of the language of children. For years he would say, “I WILL NEVER FORGET YOUR GRANDMOTHER, WAILING LIKE A BANSHEE.” But I paid no attention; I could hardly remember Grandmother making much of a ruckus—what I remembered was Owen’s scream. Also, I thought it was just an expression---“wailing like a banshee”--- and couldn’t imagine why Owen remembered my grandmother’s commotion with such importance. I must have repeated what Owen said to Dan Needham, because years later Dan asked me, “Did Owen say your grandmother was a banshee?” “He said she was ‘wailing like a banshee,’” I explained. Dan got out the dictionary, then; he was clucking his tounge and shaking his head, and laughing to himself, saying, “That boy! What a boy! Brilliant but preposterous!” And that was the first time I learned, literally, what a banshee was---a banshee, in Irish folklore, is a female spirit whose wailing is a sign that a loved one will soon die” (105-106).
1. The phrase “wailing like a banshee” is an example of: • a. Personification • b. Metaphor • c. Hyperbole • d. Simile • 2. The word “literally” refers to • a. The context of Owen’s speech • b. The wailing of the grandmother • c. Dan Needham’s response to the phrase • d. The meaning of the banshee • 3. What did Dan Needham mean when he said, “That boy! What a boy! Brilliant but preposterous!”? • a. The wailing like a banshee • b. That he is going to die • c. That Owen was brilliant but also foolish • d. That Owen is the instrument of God • 4. Which of the following best describes John at the end of the passage? • a. He was wailing like a banshee • b. He was confused about a banshee • c. He learned literally what a banshee was • d. He knows him mother is dead
5. In parargraph 2, line 2, Dan’s tone is best described as: • a. Shocking • b. Angry • c. Ironic • d. A banshee • 6. Describe what a banshee is in Irish folklore: • a. A woman who is going to die • b. A female spirit wailing in sign that a loved one will soon die • c. A woman spirit who kills • d. A woman who brings love • 7. What was John, the narrator’s attitude toward Owen? • a. Angry • b. Confused • c. Skeptical • d. B and C • 8. What can be inferred from the phrase, “how he meant everything literally, which is not a usual feature of the language of children”? • i. John feels Owen has certain importance in his life • ii. Owen’s personality is unusual to what John comprehends • iii. John feels that Owen is an abnormal child and is jealous of him • iv. John feels Owen is wise beyond his years • a. i and ii only • b. i and iii only • c. ii and iv only • d. i, ii, iii, and iv
Answer Key • 1. The answer is d, simile, because the phrase “wailing like a banshee,” is comparing the grandmother’s scream to that of a banshee using the word like, making it a simile. • 2. The answer is a, the context of Owen’s speech, because the narrator says Owen meant everything he said literally, which was unusual for a child, and finds this out later in his life. • 3. The answer is c, that Owen was brilliant but also foolish, because Dan describes him as being intelligent but also “preposterous” referring to him as ridiculous and foolish. • 4. The answer is c, he learned literally what a banshee was because it can be drawn from the text, “that as the first time I learned, literally, what a banshee was” • 5. The answer is a, shocking, because, he described Owen as being brilliant but preposterous in the sense that Owen understood what a banshee was and what it meant as a sign for the future. • 6. The answer is b, a female spirit wailing in sign that a loved one will soon die, because it can be drawn from the text in the second paragraph. • 7. The answer is d, b and c, because he was confused , when he said “which is not a usual feature of children” he thought Owen’s speech was unlike the other children, and he was also skeptical in the sense that he “thought it was just an expression” and did not realize the allusion had significance to himself and Dan Needham • 8. The answer is c, ii and iv only.
A Prayer for Owen Meany Multiple Choice Questions • 1. What might make Dan remember the narrator’s comment on what Owen said years later? • A. He has a good memory and was curious to what Owen might have meant. • B. Some event may have transpired that triggered the memory. • C. He didn’t have enough time to take time to understand what Owen meant at the moment. • D. The narrator mentioned the event again. • 2. What evidence suggests that Owen means everything he says literally? • A. Owen’s reference to the banshee. • B. The narrator saying Owen means everything literally. • C. How he remembered the commotion that the narrator’s grandmother made. • D. Owen mentioning how the narrator’s grandmother wailed for years. • 3. What is the significance of lines 7-9(The last paragraph)? • A. Dan’s curiosity • B. Owen’s brilliance • C. The Irish folklore • D. The banshee • 4. What sort of tone is present in this passage? • A. Concerning • B. Comical • C. Reflective • D. Realization
5. What can the reader infer about the character, Dan Needham's attitude towards Owen from, "Dan got out the dictionary, then, he was clucking his tongue and shaking his head, and laughing to himself, saying, 'That Boy! What a boy! Brilliant, but preposterous!'" (7-8). That he is: a. uncaring and insensitive b. kind and fatherly c. caring and in disbelief of intelligence d. angered and upset 6. What does Owen compare John's Grandmother to? a. an Irishman b. a Banshee c. a mother d. Owen himself 7.) The description of the banshee serves primarily to ... a. inform the reader that John's Grandmother is a banshee b. illustrate Owen's intelligence c. foreshadow an impending death d. show Owen has wild thoughts 8.) The purpose of Owen's speaking voice in capitols is to? a. show that Owen is an angry person b. add an additional affect to help covey Owen's speaking voice to the reader c. There is no reason d. make the importance of Owen's voice stand out on the page KEY: 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B
1. The primary purpose for this passage is to… • a. Inform the reader that Owen has unusual language for a child • b. Owen’s words such as “banshee” foreshadow events to come • c. To let the reader know someone will die • d. Johnny’s grandma is a banshee • 2. What does Dan mean when he says, “That boy! What a boy! Brilliant but preposterous!”? • a. He can’t believe Owen knows such complex words • b. He wants Johnny to be as smart as Owen • c. It angers Dan that Owen would call Johnny’s Grandmother a banshee • d. Dan is caring towards Owen • 3. How does the word “banshee” affect the passage? • a. Owen wants to show that he is smarter than Johnny • b. Owen is a difficult person to understand, and the words he uses reflect him • c. To know that Johnny’s grandma was a female spirit • 4. What type of figurative language is banshee? • a. Simile • b. Metaphor • c. Allusion • d. Onomatopoeia
The phrase “I WILL NEVER FORGET YOUR GRANDMOTHER, WAILING LIKE A BANSHEE” is a) Metaphor b) Allusion c) Dramatic irony d) Simile 6.What is the grammatical purpose of the word “literally” being italicized? a) To show the narrator’s shock at Owen’s vocabulary b) Emphasize how Owen was not like other children c) To point out that Owen says/does everything with/for a purpose d) No purpose, just a typo 7What is the narrator’s point of mentioning that years later was his first time learning what banshee really meant? a) Show how Owen was smarter than him b) Emphasize the narrator and Dan’s memory c) Emphasize Owen’s advanced knowledge as a child d) To show his lack of care for words 8. What does Dan’s reaction tell the reader about Owen’s statement, “I WILL NEE FOGET YOUR GRANDMOTHER, WAILING LIKE A BANSHEE”? a) It was profound for a boy to use such vocabulary b) It was nothing special c) It wasn’t normal d) Owen had great memory
1. What is the overall tone of this passage? a. Ironic b. Violent c. Descriptive d. Both A and C Avocado 2. Which one of these words has the loudest connotation diction wise? a. Shout b. Blast c. Scream d. Wail Barbaric Yawp 3. The Narrator has all of the following feelings towards Owen except: a. Jealousy b. Impressed c. Disbelief d. Close friendship Hungry 4. The phrase “wailing like a banshee” refers to: a. Owen’s voice b. Owen’s opinion of the grandmother’s attitude c. A female spirit d. A creature outside the house e. Simplicity
5. We can infer that Owen’s intelligence is impressive because of the following literary devices: i. Simile ii. Hyperbole iii. Allegory a. i only b. i and iii c. ii and iii d. i and ii none- Owen is a dog 6. Dan Needham calling Owen intelligent forces the reader to conclude all but the following: a. Dan would always listen to Owen when he spoke b. Dan remembers the narrator’s description of Owen well c. Dan deeply cared about Owen d. Dan was himself very intelligent e. No 7. How did the narrator react to Owen’s words on his grandmother? a. He never paid much attention b. He took much offense c. He thought Owen was intelligent d. He laughed at Owen’s comment e. I don’t know!!
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A
1. In line 7 “clucking” is an example of what figurative language? a. Onomatopoeia b. Ambiguity c. Irony Personification 2. In line 4 “Wailing like a Banshee” is an example of what kind of figurative language? a. Metaphor b. Dramatic Irony c. Simile Personification 3. “Which…. children” (Lines 1-2) connotes that Owen is: a. More intelligent and cognitive than the other children b. Condescending c. Less intelligent than the other children Offensive 4. The use of the word “Banshee” describes the grandmother’s wail. What auditory image does this diction connote? a. Quiet and meek b. Primal and over exaggerated c. Angry and odd d. Sad and uncommon