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KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Modelos y Estrategias de Implementación en la Gestión del Conocimiento. Ph.D. Augusto Bernuy Alva E-mail: abernuy@usmp.edu.pe. CONTENT. Adaptative Systems Organizational Culture KM Life Cycle KMCluster KM Project. Market. 2. I. Sistemas Adaptativos.
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Modelos y Estrategias de Implementación en la Gestión del Conocimiento Ph.D. Augusto BernuyAlva E-mail: abernuy@usmp.edu.pe
CONTENT • Adaptative Systems • Organizational Culture • KM Life Cycle • KMCluster • KM Project Market 2
I. Sistemas Adaptativos The universe is full of systems, weather systems, immune systems, social systems etc and that these systems are complex and constantly adapting to their environment. The agents in the system are all the components of that system. For example the air and water molecules in a weather system, and flora and fauna in an ecosystem. These agents interact and connect with each other in unpredictable and unplanned ways.
I. Sistemas Adaptativos Adaptive systems are today commonly used in finance, industry, consumer products, medicine, science and software detection. Map of the internet: thecomplexity of moderntechmology. advanced industrial processes biologicalsystems Computerevolving a neural networksimulation
I. Sistemas Adaptativos http://www.cas-group.net/ Complex Adaptive Systems mutually interacting parts and agents. Examples: neural and social networks, nervous and immune systems, ancient and modern cultures, languages, economies and ecologies, galaxies and hurricanes.
II. Organizational Culture A market system is any systematic process regulation, qualification, credentials, reputations and clearing operating in a social context.
II. Organizational Culture Harvest hɑ:rvəst / cosecha; The culture of an organisation is formed by many features, some of them can be changed and some of them are inflexible. Organisations adapt from their external environments for designing responsive structures and systems, adopting relevant technologies, and harvesting appropriate skills and qualities (Pierre A. Balthazard, 2004). Organisation makes a number of "choices" which collectively define its culture. These choices are influenced by the philosophy of the organisation and the values of top management. responsive /ri spɑ:nsɪv sensible; receptivo;
II. Organizational Culture the behavior, the attitudes, the values and belief system of the employees encouraging /ɪn’¡ɜ:rɪdʒɪŋ / alentador, esperanzador
II. Organizational Culture Resource
II. Organizational Culture Layer leɪər/ capa ; The sum of how effectively all layers in an organization interact to reach business goals; "the way you do business".
II. Organizational Culture The organization culture includes: · the values and convictions of the staff; · the manner in which the employees are rewarded and controlled; · the orientation towards work of the employees; · the way in which experiences are shared; · the way in which authority is imposed and distributed; · the degree of formalisation and standardisation; · notions and concepts concerning the use of time and space; · rituals, myths and organisation stories; · the organisation ‘language’ (words or phrases that have a certain meaning or significance for the members of the organisation).
III. KM Life cycle New Problem
IV. KM Projects http://www.kmci.org/index.html
V. KM Cluster / Lider society Construir una visión e Invitar a todas las empresas con quienes trabaja USMP Un lugar en el que se trata de potenciar tanto la transferencia como la creación de conocimiento inter organizacional. Sistematizar la cooperación entre agentes parte de la cadena de valor de conocimiento: mundo académico, consultoría, organismos institucionales y empresas; para afrontar los problemas que presentan las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs) en base al aprendizaje y la estructuración del conocimiento.
KM Cluster /The Knowledge society http://www.accc.ca/eng/services/rkc.htm We believe in the knowledge society. Knowledge is important as a competitive factor. We need to learn more about how to manage knowledge in the future
KM Cluster /The Knowledge society Research Objectives • Collaborative and Participatory Approaches • Knowledge and Knowledge Transfer • Workforce Development • Applied Research, Innovation and Commercialization • Partnerships and Networks • Lessons Learned • Rural Secretariat Policy and Program Impact
Some web pages to review: Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (JIKM) http://www.worldscinet.com/jikm/jikm.shtml http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/article.aspx?titleid=2717