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Philemon Philemon 1:1-7. Introduction-2. Some of those named in this letter are also mentioned in Paul’s letter to the Colossians- Col. 4:9-10 & 17 Paul called Philemom a beloved friend and fellow laborer- V1
Introduction-2 • Some of those named in this letter are also mentioned in Paul’s letter to the Colossians- Col. 4:9-10 & 17 • Paul called Philemom a beloved friend and fellow laborer- V1 • He was known for his faith and love for Christ and other christians- V5 • He also had a reputation for his hospitality- V7 • He hosted a church which met in his house
Onesimus • A slave that belonged to Philemon • Though his name means profitable, he had been unprofitable to Philemon- V11 • He had run away from his master • Paul had taught Onesimus, and he had become a christian- V10 • Onesimushad become a faithful Christian • With Tychicus he carried the letter to the Colossians- Col. 4:9
Paul’s Instructions Concerning Onesismus-1 • Are in perfect harmony with what he had previously taught • His instructions would surprise many today • He did not pronounce Onesimus a free man • Becoming a christianchanges our relationship with the Lord but does not remove social or financial obligations- I Cor. 7:20-22 • It does not break the marriage bond as some claim today • Onesimus was still Philemon’s slave
Paul’s Instructions Concerning Onesimus-2 • Onesimus had an obligation to serve his master to the best of his ability- Eph. 6:5-6 • Though Paul wanted to keep Onesimus with him, but he was sending him back to Philemon- V12-14 • Paul had no rebuke or correction of Philemon concerning his previous treatment of Onesimus • Evidently he had been a fair and good master to him- Eph. 6:9
Paul’s Appeal to Philemon-1 • Being an apostle, Paul had the authority to command Philemon to do what was right • But he appealed to him as a brother on the basis of their mutual love for Christ and for one another- V8-9 • Paul’s appeal was the same that Christ makes of us • He does not compel us to obey His word • But He said, “If you love me, keep My commandments”- Jn. 14:15
Paul’s Appeal to Philemon-2 • It is a powerful and an effective appeal to those who love the Lord • Paul asked Philemon to receive Onesimus into a different relationship • No longer just as a slave but now as a brother in Christ- V15-16 • Even as he would have received Paul- V17 • Forgiveness for past sins is implied- Col. 3:13 • Paul reminded Philemon of his debt to him and promised to repay any thing that Onesimus owed to him- V18-19
Paul’s Confidence in Philemon • Paul was confident that Philemon would do all that he asked and even more- V21 • That assurance was refreshing to Paul- V20 • We should have confidence in each other as Paul had in Philemon • Philemon may have freed Onesimus • Applying the principles found in the gospel would lead to the elimination of slavery- Jas. 2:8
Those with Paul-1 1. Epaphras, a Colossian who was Paul’s fellow servant and a faithful minister of Christ- Col. 4:12 & Col. 1:7 • He was in prison with Paul when he wrote to Philemon- V23 2. Mark also known as John Mark • Who once left Paul & Barnabas in Perga- Act 13:13 • But now he was profitable for spreading the gospel- Col. 4:10 3. Aristarchus
Those with Paul-2 • Most likely the Aristarchus from Thessalonica who accompanied Paul to Jerusalem- Acts 20:4 • Accompanied Paul on his voyage to Rome- Acts 27:2 • And was a also a prisoner in Rome- Col. 4:10 4. Demas who later left Paul because he loved the world- II Tim. 4:10 5.Luke, the beloved physician, who was Paul’s traveling companion and the author of the book of Acts
Lessons from Philemon 1. Becoming a Christian does not change all social and financial relationships 2. We ought to love appreciate and respect every brother and sister in Christ 3. We are all on the same spiritual level in Christ- Gal. 3:28 4. We should be willing to forego our wants and rights for the sake of others and the benefit of the church- Phil. 2:3-4