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Social Committee - Performance Management Reporting: Quarter 2. Guide to reporting Achievements Key Service Priorities carried over from 2005/06 Social Committee’s Key Service Priorities 2006/07 Half-yearly BVPI health check. Guide to Reporting.
Social Committee - Performance Management Reporting: Quarter 2 Guide to reporting Achievements Key Service Priorities carried over from 2005/06 Social Committee’s Key Service Priorities 2006/07 Half-yearly BVPI health check
Guide to Reporting = Work is on target to achieve the objectives as specified. = Warning that the achievement of the target in the way specified in the plan may not be possible or the outturn is <10% from the target. Although no decision is required at this stage to amend the action, an explanation is required. = Target is no longer achievable in the way specified or the outturn is >10% from the target. This requires a decision about remedial action. Direction of travel from the previous quarter
Achievements • Schedule of affordable housing completion dates and thus nominations agreed. • New housing performance indicators agreed by Committee in July following Affordable Housing Inspection Report – incorporated into performance management framework (separate agenda item in this committee meeting). • As at the end of September 2006, 49 affordable housing units have been delivered (8 units at Revere (formerly Highway House) and 41 units at Livingstone Park (formerly Horton Hospital)). • Future programme of starts and completions identified • Working party established to provide Councillor oversight into concessionary fares negotiations. • Continued press coverage achieved re Epsom General Hospital.
KSPs carried over from 2005/06 Social Committee • Ensure that the use of bed & breakfast accommodation for households with children or pregnant women is an option of last resort and is not used for longer than 3 weeks. • Was ‘Red’ at end 2005/06 due to 1 case at the year end. • There have been no further cases this financial year, this indicator is a Key Service Priority for 2006/07. • Implement the 2005/06 work plan for contaminated land within financial constraints. • Our plan was to survey ten sites, but because of the need to carry out detailed intrusive investigations on one site, we were only able within financial constraints, to survey four sites in total.
Key Service Priorities 2006/07 Social Committee 1 action 5 actions There are no actions at ‘Red.’
Key Service Priorities 2006/07 (cont’d) There are 5 actions at : • Transport for the elderly and the vulnerable: Management information system for Route Call in place shows trends in service use – will inform future decisions (). • Transport for the elderly and the vulnerable: Concessionary fares. Interim findings from the external consultant (hired by all the Surrey authorities) has been produced (). • As a result the proportion paid by the individual Districts within Surrey have been altered to reflect the current uptake of the scheme; likely to have a positive effect on EEBC. Negotiations are still ongoing between SCC and the bus operators. • A working party from EEBC’s Social Committee has been created to provide Councillor input. • Securing nominations to 95 units of new affordable housing during 2006/07 and ensuring that construction commences on a further 48 units, subject to funding being in place (). • We expect that the targets will be achieved.
Key Service Priorities 2006/07 (cont’d) (Actions at Amber – cont’d): • Develop the social centres to be community centres (). • Centre managers to produce a high level activity plan (and implement it) to increase occupancy rates for weekdays after 5pm and weekends, and implement promotional activity. • The new Head of Venues is reviewing necessary actions. • Ensure a reduction in use of temporary accommodation (). • Develop a project plan for the review of temporary accommodation. • Implementation has been delayed by the rejection of the Upper High Street proposal.
Half-yearly BVPI health check • There are 3 actions at : • BV 183b (the average length of stay in hostel accommodation of households that are unintentionally homeless and in priority need. The Audit Commission is reviewing the definition of this indicator. • BV 76 (Housing Benefit security). We are marginally behind the targets for the sub-indicators here, resulting in an ‘Amber’ classification. • BV 64 (no. of private sector vacant dwellings that are returned into occupation or demolished during 2006.07 as a direct action by the local authority. • The target for the year in 10, and as at end September we are at 4 (1 unit behind the target).
Half-yearly BVPI health check (cont’d) There is 1 action at . • BV 216 (contaminated land). The number of sites of potential concern has increased from 231 to 242, which has increased the denominator for this indicator. • The indicator looks at the number of sites being investigated against the total number of sites. • As the denominator increases, due to EEBC being proactive re identifying the sites, the performance against this indicator deteriorates.