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Article VII Assistance

Article VII Assistance. Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Assistance Programme (IAP). Article VII. Fundamental compliance obligations for a State Party upon entry into force of the CWC include: Enacting implementing legislation outlawing Article I prohibitions, to include penalties

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Article VII Assistance

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  1. Article VII Assistance Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Assistance Programme (IAP)

  2. Article VII • Fundamental compliance obligations for a State Party upon entry into force of the CWC include: • Enacting implementing legislation outlawing Article I prohibitions, to include penalties • Establishing a national authority • Enacting administrative measures to compel declarations and inspections under Articles IV-VI • Each State Party must ensure compliance by all persons, facilities, and trading companies under its jurisdiction

  3. Article VII Plan of Action(C-8/DEC.16) • Calls on States Parties to comply with Article VII by the 10th Conference of States Parties (7-11 November 2005) • 10th CSP will consider and decide on any appropriate measures to be taken to ensure universal compliance with Article VII • Encourages States Parties to provide assistance

  4. Statistics • Based on a total of 167 States Parties to the CWC (as of November 15, 2004) • 2 As of August 31, 2004. It is unclear how many States Parties that have not submitted a declaration do not have anything to declare.

  5. Article VII Assistance • “States Parties are making progress, but slowly, in implementing the plan of action.”1 • The following have offered to provide assistance to States Parties in meeting their Article VII obligations: • Technical Secretariat • Network of Legal Experts • States Parties (see EC-38/DG.16) • Implementation Assistance Programme (IAP) • Developed jointly by Romania and the United States 1 EC-38/DG.16

  6. IAP Objective • Provide information to assist States Parties in: • establishing a National Authority • implementing the CWC’s declaration and import/export control obligations under Article VI

  7. IAP and Compliance with Article VII • Menu-driven software that allows for simple navigation of materials at the user’s desired level of detail • designed to assist both novice and expert users with varied experiences • All-inclusive resource, containing: • treaty objectives, including prohibited and non-prohibited activities • an overview of the OPCW’s organs • National Authority responsibilities

  8. IAP: All-Inclusive Resource (cont’d) • rationale for chemicals subject to data monitoring • methodologies for establishing declaration and export/import control regimes • compliance and outreach tips, including outreach publications that can be tailored to a State Party’s requirements • reference materials • OPCW declaration handbook and declaration forms • Swiss declaration database • points of contact for additional assistance from the Technical Secretariat, States Parties, and Network of Legal Experts

  9. IAP Elements • Overview of the Treaty • Establishing a National Authority • Glossary of Terms • Chemicals • Declaration Regime • Export and Import Requirements • Compliance Activities • Industry Outreach • Tools

  10. IAP Demonstrations Group Demonstrations • Meeting of National Authorities • November 27-28 • OPCW, Room 27 • 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 5:00 pm • Available upon request after 1:00 pm on November 28 • Conference of States Parties • November 30-December 1 • OPCW, Room 11 • 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 5:00 pm Individual Demonstrations also Available at Other Times

  11. Content Romanian National Agency for Export Controls (ANCEX) Phone: +(4021) 311-2083 Fax: +(4021) 311-1265 E-mail: ancex@ancex.ro Software Application U.S. Department of Commerce Phone: +(001) 703-605-4400 Fax: +(001) 703-605-4424 E-mail: iap@cwc.gov Contact Information • Updates to the IAP are planned in 2005 • Please submit any comments/feedback to the following: U.S. National Authority Coordinating Staff Phone: +(001) 703-235-1207 Fax: +(001) 703-235-1202 Email: NACS@cwc.gov

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