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Cornerstones. Part 2. The SWBAT understand what it means to begin with an end in mind and the importance of it through readings, discussion, independent and group work. 10-10/11-17 Bell Ringer #4 and discussion Read chapter 2 of 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens pg. 73- 103
Cornerstones Part 2
The SWBAT understand what it means to begin with an end in mind and the importance of it through readings, discussion, independent and group work. 10-10/11-17 • Bell Ringer #4 and discussion • Read chapter 2 of 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens pg. 73- 103 • Students will create a test from the chapter. They will write down 15 questions from the chapter. They can be any type of questions: matching, short answer, multiple choice, T/F. Just don’t have them be all of the same type. Students also need an answer key. When finished exchange your questions with a partner and have them take your test and you take theirs. Grade each others. • Answer three of the 10 questions from page 86-89. Your choice. One paragraph each. • Watch video from 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens on Begin with an end in mind.
Bell Ringer #4 for 10-10 and 10-11-17 What does it mean to begin with an end in mind? Give me your take on this quote. Control your own destiny or some else will!
The SWBAT better understand the different levels of intellectual functioning. 10-12/13-17 • Bell Ringer #5 and discussion 2A gets a bonus video clip. • Costa’s level of intellectual functioning (Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Three Little Pigs. Reading and activities with this. (Group and individual) • Finish assignment from last class: Students will create a test from chapter two of 7 Habits. (pg. 73-103) They will write down 15 questions from the chapter. They can be any type of questions: matching, short answer, multiple choice, T/F. Just don’t have them be all of the same type. Students also need an answer key. When finished exchange your questions with a partner and have them take your test and you take theirs. Grade each others • Answer three of the 10 questions from page 86-89. Your choice. One paragraph each.
Bell Ringer #5 for 10-12/13-17 • When you read, watch, or listen to something do you look beyond what is being said, or just take it for face value. Do you feel it is important to do both of these when learning? Why?
The SWBAT better understand what careers might meet their interests and what skills/schooling are needed to get these jobs. 10-16/17-17 • Bell Ringer 6 and discussion • German Presentations on Stereotypes • Finish creating 15 question quiz from chapter 2 from last week and answering 3 of the 10 questions from pages 86-89 • Go over what to do in the library for career research information. • Go to the library and work on CIS program for last half of class. Google CIS Idaho
Bell Ringer #6 for 10-16/17-17 • Based on how you feel right now what do you feel would be your ideal job as of now? Why? • Starting now how can this be accomplished? • How much money do you think you are going to need to make each month to live on your own. (with or without a roommate)
The SWBAT to better understand success and motivation by reading 7 habits and watching some motivational videos. 10-18/19-17 • Bell Ringer #7 and discussion • Finish writing question for the quiz/test for chapter 2 of 7 habits. There should be 15 of them and an answer key. You should also have answered 3 of the 10 questions from pages 86-89. Turn them in • CIS Career Packet that we did in the library should be completed. If not wrap it up and turn it in. • Begin watching the video of Rudy.
Bell Ringer #7 for 10-18/19-17 • What is your definition of happiness?
The SWBAT better understand how to use goals by beginning with an end in mind. 10-20/23-17 • Bell Ringer #8 and discussion. • Reading of 7 Habits #3 Put First Things First pg. 106-128 • Video and video guide of Rudy.
Bell Ringer #8 for 10-20/23-17 Do you feel like you make good use of your time each day? Be honest with yourself. Why or Why not? What do you waste your time on?
The SWBAT better understand organization and time management skills through readings, activities and class discussions 10-24/25-17 • Bell Ringer #9 and discussion • Finish Reading chapter 3 of 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens p. 106-128. Put first things first. • Notes over this unit • Vocabulary Review • Continue watching Rudy and video guide
Bell Ringer #9 for 10-24/25-17 • Explain a time that you accomplished something that many people felt you could not do. Why do you feel you were able to do it when others had doubts?
Vocab words you need to know • Parched procrastinate • Renovating prudent • Precocious Rancorous • Pretentious reverence • Provocative resilient • Prosperity restrained • Spontaneity • Ostentatious • Querulous
The SWBAT show what they know about habit #3 and some of the vocabulary from the SAT test by meeting proficiency on the quiz. 10-26/27-17 • Bell Ringer #10 and discussion • Pass out worksheet on power point project and go over it. A day only. • Quiz (Review beforehand with the class.) • Continue watching the movie Rudy and fill out the study guide
Bell Ringer #10 for 10-26/27-17 • In the film Rudy explain how three of the first 7 habits were accomplished by Rudy? • Be Proactive • Begin with an end in mind • Put first things first
The SWBAT show what they know what they learned about Rudy through the use of discussion through a Socratic Seminar. 10-30/31-17 • Bell Ringer #11 and discussion (2 of them) • Make Sure Rudy Movie Video guide is completed • Go over what a Socratic Seminar is • Socratic seminar over the movie Rudy • Write up on Socratic Seminar (next time) • Go over project that we will work on for next two classes.
Something to think about!Bell Ringer #11 for 10-30/31-17 • “Most of us will never do great things. But we can do small things in a great way.” • Give me your take on this.
Bell Ringer #11 also for 10-30/31 What advice would you give to someone just entering Middle School? Based on your own experiences.
Socratic Questions • Give me a level 1 question that was right there in the movie. How about a level 2 question? Level 3? All of these from Costa’s level of Intellectual Functioning. • How can you apply the movie Rudy to your own life? • Considering the movie Rudy, what conclusion can you make about the rest of his life. • What is the most important part of the movie Rudy? • If I put together everything I learned about Rudy, how could I summarize that it one sentence. • How did Rudy inspire the other players on his team? What did they do for him?
2nd set of Socratic Questions • Give me a level 1 question that was right there in the movie. How about a level 2 question? Level 3? All of these from Costa’s level of Intellectual Functioning • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Rudy? • What is the relationship like between Rudy and the rest of his family? • How does the movie Rudy connect to anything we have learned in this class, or anything you learned in your life. • If you were turned down three times to a college that you wanted to attend what would you do. Why? Answer honestly.
The SWBAT learn about possible careers by researching, creating a power point and presenting the material to the class. 11-1/2-17 • Library time for half of the class doing research on careers. • Bell Ringer #12 and discussion • Write up over Socratic Seminars • Reading of 7 habits chapter 4 page 145 think Win Win
Write UP Assignment • Write up over our Socratic seminar over discussion about Rudy. It should be about one half page with two paragraphs. The first paragraph you describe your role within the seminar. Why did you not speak if you did not? How do you feel you contributed? The second paragraph you describe the other students roles. Who contributed well that you learned from, or did not learn from?
Bell Ringer #12 for 11-1/2-17 • What are the positive and negative aspects of peer pressure?
The SWBAT understand the importance of time management and come up with ways they can make use of their time better. 11-3/6-17 • Go to the library for first half of class to work on job presentation. • Bell Ringer #13 and discussion • Fill out time management assessment as part of the Bell Ringer. • Read chapter 4 Win Win in 7 Habits page 145
Bell Ringer #13 for 11-3/6-17 • Time management. Break down how much time you spend on different activities through the course of the day/week. Do you have too much free time, or not enough?
The SWBAT understand the Win Win Philosophy by reading and answering questions from the chapter in 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 11-7/8-17 • Reading and bell ringer #14 based on the reading • Philosophical chair discussion over the bell ringer/reading. • Read chapter 4 Think Win Win pg. 146-162 and answer questions from the worksheet. • Video clip from the chapter if we have time? • Presentations start Thursday and continue all next week. BE READY
Bell Ringer #14 for 11-7/8-17 • Do you think teenagers should hold down part time jobs? Why or why not?
The SWBAT understand habit 5 from 7 Habits of Highly Effective teens through readings and discussions 11-9/10-17 • Bell Ringer #15 and discussion • Presentations over careers. • Read chapter 5 of 7 Habits. (pg. 163-180) Make sure chapter 4 is read and worksheet for it is finished and turned in. • Review 15 Vocabulary words from list. Short quiz next class • Quick review power point over Chapter 4 for A day classes. • Possibly start video.
Bell Ringer #15 for 11-9/10-17 • What does it mean to think Win Win? • What does it mean to seek first to understand then to be understood?
The SWBAT learn more about possible careers by listening to students present information that they researched about a career of their choice. We will also work on vocab and 7 Habits. 11-13/14-17 • Bell Ringer #16 and discussion • Study words for quiz next class period • Presentations • Read 10 minutes of book chapter 5 and write down a paragraph of something you learned from the reading? This is part of the quiz for tomorrow. • Continue movie
Bell Ringer #16 for 11-13/14-17 • All Endings are also beginnings. You just don’t know it at the time. What does this quote mean? Give me an example.
Quiz next class period over these words Sagacity Suppress Perfidious Surreptitious Tactful Scrutinize Vindicate Submissive Transient Substantiate Venerable Subtle Spurious Superficial Wary
The SWBAT learn more about possible careers by listening to students present information that they researched about a career of their choice. We will also work on vocab and 7 Habits • Bell Ringer #17 and discussion • Presentations • Chapter 4 and 5 stuff from 7 habits • Video • Vocabulary
Bell Ringer #17 for 11-15/16-17 • Who was the first man Eddie met in Heaven? What did he learn from the man? Do you think that is an important lesson and why?
The SWBAT learn more about possible careers by listening to students present information that they researched about a career of their choice. We will also work on vocab and 7 Habits 11-17/20-17 • Presentations over careers • Continue movie Five People You Meet in Heaven • Check Bell Ringers ( You should have 17 of them starting on 10-10/11) 50 points worth. • End of Unit 2. Everyone have a very happy Thanksgiving. I am very thankful to be here and be able to teach each and every one of you and be a small part of your lives.