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Projekts Nr.2. “Inovatīvas signālapstrādes tehnoloģijas viedu un efektīvu elektronisko sistēmu radīšanai”. Projekta apakšvirziens: Ekstrēmi precīzu (pikosekunžu) laika mērījumu sistēmu izveidošana un tās darbības aprobācija tautsaimniecībā. 201 3 .gads :.
Projekts Nr.2. “Inovatīvas signālapstrādes tehnoloģijas viedu un efektīvu elektronisko sistēmu radīšanai” Projekta apakšvirziens: Ekstrēmi precīzu (pikosekunžu) laika mērījumu sistēmu izveidošana un tās darbības aprobācija tautsaimniecībā 2013.gads: Laika notikumu reģistrācijas un mērīšanas sistēmas prototipu aprobācija dažādos reāliem apstākļiem pietuvinātos scenārijos, kur nepieciešama pikosekunžu precizitāte Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013
Laika notikumu reģistrācijas tehnoloģijas pamati un realizācijas (2010 – 2012) Block diagram Time diagram Event Timer A033-ET/usb Event Timer A093-ET module Event Timer A033-ET In 2011 under Licensee Agreement the rights for manufacturing and distributing of A033-ET are transferred to Eventech Ltd (Latvia). #2 Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013
Pētījumu galvenie virzieniizpildei 2013. gadā • The main object of this year activity is to show real applications for eventtiming systems requiring the picosecond precision for time measurements: • Satellite Laser Ranging and Laser Time Transfer (collaborations with LU AI, China Academy of Sciences, Japan NICT); • Multifunctional Time Analyzer (researches with Military University of Technology in Poland); • LIDAR and 3-D scan systems (collaborations with Canadian specialist); • Free-Falling Absolute Gravimeters (researches with Finland, Russia, China); • Single Photon Counting Systems (researches with HORIBA Jobin Yvon in Scotland). #3 Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013
1a. Satellite Laser Ranging and Laser Time Transfer Low frequency Satellite Laser Ranging Time diagram of ranging process Collaboration with Institute of Astronomy and Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics of Latvian University Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 4
1b. Satellite Laser Ranging and Laser Time Transfer High frequency Satellite Laser Ranging Time diagram of ranging process • Three existing alternatives: • get the START events from ET and and control GATE input and firing (Range Gate Generator, EDI); • register the START event by simple timer (precision 0.5 ns)and control SPAD (Austria); • control firing so that a corresponding STOP pulses hit to predicted GATE area (China). Block diagram Almost of 50 % of Satellite Laser Ranging Stations in the world have Riga Event Timers Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 5
1c. Satellite Laser Ranging and Laser Time Transfer Laser Time Transfer Laser Time Transfer principle Laser Time Transfer implementation in Shanghai SLR station (two Riga Event Timers) Only the institutions of China Academy of Sciences bought 15 Event Timers A033-ET Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 6
2a. Multifunctional Time Analyzer Pulse generator jitter analysis Explicit jitter measurement Implicit jitter measurement accumulated jitter function: periodic jitter function : cycle-to-cycle jitter function : Jitter functions characterize modulation functions Jitter dependence on time interval for generator T5300U (produced in Poland) Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 7
2b. Multifunctional Time Analyzer Analogue signal analysis Implementation Block-diagram SAW function spectrograms SAW function time-to-time presentation Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 8
3. LIDAR and 3-D scan systems • LIDAR and 3-D laser scan systems find distances to surface of the object by timing the round-trip time of a pulse of light. • The main requirements are: • measurement resolution: +/- 2 mm • measurement rate: more than 100 KSPS • Event Timers with USB interface provides: • measurement resolution: better than 1 mm RMS and • measurement rate: more than 1 MSPS • and can be successfully used for these tasks. “Proof of concept” of new developed LIDAR system is based on the Event Timer module. The development carried out in the framework of the investment project that is led by Canadian Technology Commercialisation Consultant Brent Gelhar. Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 9
4. Free-Falling Absolute Gravimeters Typical structure of Gravimeter (MPG-2) Proposed structure of Gravimeter Fringe frequency changes from 4 KHz up to 7 MHz at the end. Number of fringes about 1 million. Zero-crossing detection with precision 70 – 100 ps RMS (gravimeter FG5). Event Timer with USB interface provides about 300 000 measurements. For ET 1 mm precision at distance 25 cm the relative error for g evaluation is 3.7E-6. Presentation at IAG Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry (TG-SMM 2013, 17 – 20 September 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia) called a great interest on the representatives from Finland, Russia, China Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 10
5. Single Photon Counting Systems Histogram of intervals measured by couple of Event Timers A033-ET Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting for fluorescence Distribution of measured intervals in the range 100 ns. Relative error for 1 ps bins is 5 femtoseconds. The experiments with a couple of Event Timers A033-ET, executed in request from the HORIBA Managing Director in Scotland Dr.David Mcloskey, show that Event Timers satisfy requirements of TCSPC method in repetition rate, resolution and linearity. Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 11
Publikācijas 2010 - 2013 Publicēti raksti: Rybakov. Reconstruction of the Corrective Component of the Transfer Function of the Interpolator in the process of Calibration of the Precision Event Timer, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2010, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 11–21. Rybakov, V. Vedin. Precision Event Timing Based on Digital Processing of the Responce of Harmonic Ocsillator, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2010, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 338 – 347. Yu. Artyukh, I. Bilinskis, S. Roga, K. Sudars. Digital Representation of Analog Signals leading to their Energy-efficient Processing. Proceeding of Annual International Conference on Green Information Technology, 25-26 October 2010, Singapore. K.Sudars. Data Acquisition Based on Nonuniform Sampling: Achievable Advantages and Involved Problems, Automatic Control and Computer Science, 2010, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 199-207. I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris. Experimental Studies of Signal Digitizing Based on Sine-wave Reference Crossings, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2010, No 4(100), pp. 69-72. I.Bilinskis., K.Sudars, M.Min, P.Annus. “Advantages and limitations of an approach to bioimpedance data acquisition and processing relying on fast low bit rate ADCs”, Proceedings of Baltic Electronic Conference BEC 2010, Tallinn, Estonia, 2010. I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris, K.Sudars. Method for Fast and Complexity-Reduced Asymmetric Image Compression, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2011, No. 4(110), pp.117-120. A.Rybakov, V.Vedin. Precise Measurement of Event Flow Time Coordinates Based on the Digital Processing of a Triggered Relaxation Oscillator Wave Train, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2011, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 162–173. A.S.Rybakov. Improvement of the Accuracy of the Temporal Position Estimation of the Gravity Center of an Analog Signal on the Basis of Discrete samples, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2011, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 301–313. Yu.Artyukh, E.Boole. Jitter Measurement on the Basis of High-precision Event Timer, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 2011, No.3, pp.453-460. Yu. Artyukh, V. Bespal’ko, E. Boole, Vedin, V. Main directions of Riga Event Timer development and current results, Proc. 17th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Bad Kotzting, Germany, May 16-20, 2011, 4 pages. V. Vedins, A. Mezeriņš. “Reliability enhancement of event timer calibration by using a dual PLL for the calibrating signal generation”. Proc. 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC2012), October 3-5, 2012, Tallin, Estonia, pp.113-114. Yu. Artyukh, E. Boole, J.Bule. “Determination of correction function for reducing integral non-linearity of DSP-based event timer.” Proc. 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC2012), October 3-5, 2012, Tallin, Estonia, pp.303-306. I.Bilinskis, K. Sudars, M. Min, “Method for Wideband Signal Digitizing and their Real-time Reconstruction in Enlarged Dynamic Range”, International conference “Electronics 2012”, Palanga, Lithuania, 18-20 June 2012. I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris, K.Sudars, “Experimental Evaluation of Conditions for Short-Distance Transmission of Event Timing Data”, International conference “Electronics 2012”, Palanga, Lithuania, 18-20 June 2012. Ribakov „Compression Functions Used in the Algorithms for the Estimation of Signal Arrival Time under High-Precision Event Timing” “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences” Vol.46, Number 6, 2012 , Allerton Press, Inc. pp. 288-298. I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris, K.Sudars, “Experimen tal Evaluation of Conditions for Short-Distance Transmission of Event Timing Data” Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol 19, No 4 (2013), lpp. 57-60. (ISSN: 1392-1215) V. A. Bespal’ko and A. S. Rybakov, “Correlation Method for Estimation of Event Timing Precision”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences” – AC&CS, Allerton Press, Inc., Vol.47, Number 1, 2013, pp. 38-47. · #12 Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013
Publikācijas 2010 – 2013 (continued) • Accepted for publication: • Bilinskis, E. Boole, A. Mezerins, V. Vedin. Alias-free compressed signal digitizing and recording on the basis of Event Timer. In Proc. 21st Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR-2013) 26 – 28 November 2013, Belgrade, Serbia (accepted to publicate). • V. Bespal’ko, E.Boole, V.Vedin, G.Ozolins. High precision event timing tehnology and possibility to use it in gravimeters. In Proc. of IAG Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry (TG-SMM 2013), 17 – 20 September 2013, Saint Petersburg. (accepted to publicate) • Rezultāti prezentēti starptautiskās konferencēs: • The 14th International Conference “ELECTRONICS’2010”, 18-20 May 2010, Kaunas. I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris. Experimental Studies of Signal Digitizing Based on Sine-wave Reference Crossings. • Annual International Conference on Green Information Technology (GREEN IT 2010), 25-26 October 2010, Singapore. Yu. Artyukh, I. Bilinskis, S. Roga, K. Sudars. Digital Representation of Analog Signals leading to their Energy-efficient Processing. • Baltic Electronic Conference BEC 2010, Tallinn, Estonia, 4.-6. October 2010. I.Bilinskis I., Sudars K., Min M., Annus P., “Advantages and limitations of an approach to bioimpedance data acquisition and processing relying on fast low bit rate ADCs”. • The 15th International Conference “ELECTRONICS’2011”, 17-19 May 2011, Kaunas. I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris, K.Sudars. Method for Fast and Complexity-Reduced Asymmetric Image Compression. • 17th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Bad Kötzting (Germany), May 16-20, 2011. Yu.Artyukh, V.Bespal’ko, E.Boole, V.Vedin. Main Directions of Riga Event Timer Development and Current Results. • 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC2012), October 3-5, 2012, Tallin, Estonia, “Reliability enhancement of event timer calibration by using a dual PLL for the calibrating signal generation” (A. Mezeriņš). • 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC2012), October 3-5, 2012, Tallin, Estonia, “Determination of correction function for reducing integral non-linearity of DSP-based event timer.” (J.Bule). • WPLTN-2012 TECHNICAL WORKSHOP St. Petersburg, Russia, 24-28 September 2012. Y. Artyukh, V.Vedin, E. Boole, V. Bespalko, G. Ozolinsh, "Innovative technology of event timer building" • IAG Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry (TG-SMM 2013), 17 – 20 September 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia. E. Boole, V. Bespalko, V.Vedin, G. Ozolinsh, “High precision event timing tehnology and possibility to use it in gravimeters “ • Patenti: • LR patents Nr. 14358 „Interpolācijas „laiks-kods” pārveidotāja kalibrēšanas metode” (LR PV Oficiālais vēstnesis 06/2011). • LR patents Nr. 14691, "Monostabils multivibrators". Izgudrotāji:V.Bespaļko, A.Mezeriņš. Īpašnieks: Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts. publicēts 20.09.2013.g. • 10.10.2013.g. iesniegts patenta pieteikums "Precīzu mērītāju gadījuma kļūdu novērtēšanas metode" Pietekuma Nr.P-13-151. Izgudrotāji: Vladimirs Bespaļko, AleksandsRibakovs,Jevgenijs Buls, Andrejs Skaģeris. Īpašnieks: Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts. • Citi radītāji: • Izstrādāta konkurētspējīga inovatīva tehnoloģija “Augstas precizitātes laika momentu reģistrācija” bija prezentēta pasākumā “Commercialization Reactor”, kas bija organizēts LIAA ar mērķi palīdzēt satikties zinātniekiem un uzņēmējiem. • Armands Mezeriņš “Ultrastabilais augsto frekvenču sintezators” - aizstāvēts maģistra darbs, Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte, Elektronikas un Telekomunikāciju fakultāte, 2011. gads, jūnijs, vadītājs: Dr. habil.sc. comp. J.Artjuhs Armands Mezeriņš VPP IMIS Seminārs30/10/2013 13