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University of Economics, Faculty of Informatics Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava Slova k Republic. Financial Mathematics in Derivative Securities and Risk Reduction Fundamental Role of Derivative Securities and Portfolio Insurance. Ass. Prof. Ľ udovít Pinda, CSc.
University of Economics, Faculty of Informatics Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava Slovak Republic Financial Mathematics in Derivative Securities and Risk Reduction Fundamental Role of Derivative Securities and Portfolio Insurance Ass. Prof. Ľudovít Pinda, CSc. Department of Mathematics, Tel.:++421 2 67295 813, ++421 2 67295 711 Fax:++421 2 62412195 e-mail: pinda@dec.euba.sk
The risk of a portfolio Variance-covariance matrix with weights forMassets Tab. 1
Fig. 3 Tab. 2
. Fig. 6
Example 1 Tab. 3
Tab. 4 Example 2
Contract specifications of stock index futures SP 500 Tab. 5
Stock index arbitrage on SP 500, the futures contracts are underpriced
The interest rate futures Tab. 6
Example 3 Tab. 7 The calculation of duration
Investor Investor Maximum profit Maximumprofit Profit Profit Loss Loss Maximum loss Maximum loss Writter Writer INSURANCE PORTFOLIO Call option ( long and short position ) Put option ( long and short position )
The Generalized Black – Scholes Option Pricing Formula Black-Scholes (1973) stock option model, Merton (1973) stock option model with continuous dividend yield , Black (1976) futures option model, Garman and Kohlhagen (1983) currency option model.
Value of insure portfolio M K L Value of no insure portfolio Portfolio insurance Fig. 11
Probability Preferred distribution Normal distribution F % Expected return Fig. 12
SITUATION British fund - £ 10 mil. – diversified portfolio, FTSE Index – 2 000 index points, 1 index point - £ 10 Short – term interest rate – 10 %, Problem: To protect the fund from a fall in FTSE below 1 800 index points. The simple solution: To buy put options on the index at an exercise price of 1 800 index points Investor need: £ 10 000 000 / (£ 10 · 2 000) = 500 put contracts
If index fall to 1 700 index poins: The total fund value = (1 700/2 000) · £10 mil. + 500 · £ 10 · 100 = = £ 8.5 mil. +£ 0.5 mil. Insurance is not free: The price of an 1 800 put option = 40 index poins Total insurance cost: 500 · 40 · £ 10 = £ 0.2 mil. Manager need: £ 10.2 mil. to implement the strategy To rescale by a factor 10/10.2 = 0.980 then a £ 10 mil. fund need 490 put options, The fund = insurance + invest in shars = 490 · 40 · £ 10 + £ 9.804 mil. = = £ 0.196 mil. + £ 9.804 mil. The fund would garantee a terminal value: (1 800/2000) · £ 9.804 = = £ 8.823 mil.
13 12 11 Shares only Insured portfolio Port- folio value 10 9 8 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Index level Fig. 13
Put-call parita p – Price of Europen call option, c – Price of Europen put option, S – Share, PV(E) – Present value of lending equity The garanteed minimum - £ 8.823 The amount at 10 % : £ 8.823/1.1 = £ 8.021 and £ 10 - £ 8.021 = £ 1.979 mil.
index points The number of calls Tab. 9
Assume: Investor was not willing to accept any loss a one – year horizont He invested at risk – free rate £ 10 mil / 1.1 = £ 9.091 mil. £ 10 mil. – £ 9.091 = £ 0.909 mil. in calls. Let calls cost an exercise price 2 000 index points 250 points for one year Buy £ 909 000 / (£ 10 ·250 ) = 363.3 calls The manager participate in £ 3 633 / £ 5 000 = 72.72 % of any rise in market ( £ 5 000 = £ 10 000 000 / 2 000 ). The higher the guaranteed value of the fund => the smaller participation in any rise
5 % gain => £ 10.5 mil. => equivalent index level 2 100 => £ 10 500 000 / 1.1 = £ 9. 545 000 invested in the risk – free assets and £ 0.455 mil. in calls with price 160 points, £ 455 000 / ( 10 · 160 ) = 284.4 calls The manager participate in £ 2 844 / £ 5 000 = 56.88 % of any rise in market ( £ 5 000 = £ 10 000 000 / 2 000 ). The highest guarantee is £ 11 mil. at the 10 % risk – free rate => the participation in any rise is 0 %.
12 a 11 b Portfolio value c 10 d 9 8 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Index level Fig. 14
Portfolio strategy with respect to insurance: • the floor, • the participation rate in any rise of the index above the floor. Portfolio value = Floor + max {0, w [ ( g · Index ) - Floor]} g – initial portfolio value per index point, 10.0 / 2 000 = £ 0.005, w – participation rate, Let a floor is £ 10.5 mil. and index level is 2 200 Portfolio value = Floor + max {0, w [ ( g · Index ) - Floor]} = = 10.5 + max { 0, 0.5688 [ ( 0.005 · 2 200 ) – 10.5]} = = 10.5 + max {0, 0.2844} = £ 10.7844 mil.