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Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S). (Narrated by Hazrat Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab) A stranger came & asked four questions from Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W): 1. Inform me about ISLAM . 3. What is IMAAN? 2. Inform me about IHSAAN. 3. Inform me about THE HOUR (Doomsday). Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S).
Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S) (Narrated by Hazrat Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab) A stranger came & asked four questions from Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W): 1. Inform me about ISLAM. 3. What is IMAAN? 2.Inform me about IHSAAN. 3. Inform me about THE HOUR(Doomsday)
Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S) 1. “ISLAM is to bear witness that: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, & Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, To offer the Salaat (five time daily prayers), Pay Zakaat (annual charity), Fast during the month of Ramazan (from sunrise to sunset), To make Hajj (pilgrimage to Mekkah) if you are able and have the means to make the journey.”
Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S) 2. “What is IMAN? Must have faith/belief in: Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Prophets, Doomsday, & Faith in Bad or Good Fate.”
Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S) 3. “Inform me about IHSAAN. The Prophet said: “Ihsaan (perfection) is to worship/obey Allah in a way as if you would have worshipped Him if you could have seen Him; & if that is not possible you must worship Him keeping this fact in mind that you can’t see Him, but He surely sees you.”
Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S) 4. “Inform me about THE HOUR (Doomsday). “He (the Messenger of Allah) said: “The one asked has no more knowledge of it then the questioner.” “(Its signs are) the women will give birth to her mistress [i.e. the children will dominate/ command their parents]. You will see the (previously) barefooted, naked, impoverished sheep herders competing with each other in constructing tall buildings.” -The Prophet said, the questioner was Jibreel; he came to teach you your religion,” (Muslim p-27 volume 1).
Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S) Four questions asked from Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W): 1. Inform me about ISLAM. 3. What is IMAN? 2.Inform me about IHSAAN. 3. Inform me about THE HOUR (Doomsday): Time & some indications.
Hadith-e-Jibreel (A.S) I.I.I.H 1. ISLAM. 3. IMAN? 2. IHSAAN. 3. THE HOUR (Doomsday, Qiyaamat) (I.I.I.H)
Explanation of Hadith e Jibreel Famous as “Hadith-e- Jibreel”. A stranger came in Masjid-e-Nabvi and sat in front of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and asked four questions. After listening to the answers he said “you have spoken the truth.” & then he left. The Holy Prophet asked, “O Umar, do you know who the questioner was?” Omer (RA) said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said, “That was Jibreel, he came to teach you your religion. “(Muslim p-27 volume 1).
Explanation of Hadith-e-Jibreel Describes salient and basic principles of Islam, especially: the definition of Islam and the elements of Imaan. the comprehensive definition of Ihsaan. Doomsday: No one nows about the time but some of its signs. That is why this Hadith is called as “Ummul-Hadith”.
Explanation of Hadith-e-Jibreel Reveals The essential elements of Islam. Islam: Ibadaat (Worship & all activities of life). Tawheed: Oneness 3. Risalat: Final, Supreme & Last Messenger. 4. Imaan:Allah, Angels, Divine Books, Prophets, Dooms day, Fate, Life hereafter (7 elements) 5. Islam: 5 Pillars 6. Ihsaan: Living exactly according to Quran- o-Sunnah 7. Qiyamat:Life after death/Judgment-Results
Explanation of Hadith-e-Jibreel 8. One with Imaan/Islam - Muslim/Momin. 9. Traits of Ihsaan – A Mohsin (with perfect Imaan) 10. Accepts but does not fully practice-Weak Imaan 11. Does not accept these elements verbally, have no conviction in heart & does not endorse it by his actions. (Disbeliever,Kafir) 12. Munafiqeen, like Abdullah Bin Ubai and his followers in Madina. They accepted Islam and offered prayers in Masjid-e- Nabwi but they were hypocrites and were never bestowed with the blessing of Islamic teachings. Ran away from Jihaad. Traits of a munafiq: i. Two-faced ii. Liar, iii. Keeps no promise, iv. Breech of trust, v. Abusive language
IMAAN 1. The Iman is related to human heart & mind. 2. Belief means to accept the reality of anything by heart and mind, e.g. Allah is not visible to us and is beyond the limits of our vision & wisdom but despite that we must accept Allah’s existence. This is called a ‘Belief’. May be firm or weak. 3. According to Hadith, Imaan is constituted by ‘verbal acceptance, conviction in heart & this intention must be translated into actions.’ 4. Imaan has about 77 ingredients. 5. IMAAN: Obligatory for a Muslim to have belief in Allah, His Apostles, Angels, Heavenly Books, Doomsday, Life hereafter and Fate. 6. For Ultimate Rescue and Pardon-Iman is essential 7. A person without Iman will never enter Haven.
Identification of Self & Imaan SELF-IDENTIFICATION SELF-ASSESSMENT SELF-ANALYSIS SELF-CRITICISM KHUDEE (Falsafa-e-Khudee, Allama Iqbal) Khud-daani, khud-beeni, khud-shanasi, Khud-ihtisaabi---Khuda shanaasi (Man arafa nafsahoo faqad arafa rabbahoo). One can not truly recognize oneself without the only true criteria of Quran-o-Hadith.
Mathematical assessment of Imaan? 1. Rights of Allah Almighty & His Creations 2. Rights of our own self 3. Interpersonal interactions (huqooq-ul-ibaad) 4. Thoughts: Prevailing most of the time in: a. Heart b. Mind or c. Both 5. Sources/Types of thoughts: Good, Bad, Useless 6. Dominant thoughts: Prevailing most of the time during one day ? 7. For how much time one’s heart & mind & body remain preoccupied with: a. Others, b. Own self & c. Allah almighty 8. Percentage/Ratio of time devoted to different thoughts, and activities, in 24 hours decides the exact quantum of Imaan and Amal (Practice).
SEQUENCE OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES All the human activities start & are influenced by: Knowledge Conviction: created by knowledge & observation Degree of Conviction Attitude (mind set) Motivation Intent to act/not to act Action/Inaction Results But the most important factors are: i. Wisdom ii. Balance, Moderation iii. Judgment iv. Harmony v. Guidance: Book, Human or Divine, Intuition
Sequence of human activities 1. KNOWLEDGE About the self The Resources available About the Creator Creations around Purpose of one’s creation a. Broader Purpose/s b. Profession/Skill Place in the universe Selection of Mission/Goal in Life To find the aptitude of a person & assign the goal To assign a profession without seeing the aptitude of a person 2. PRACTICES OR JUST THEORIZES? ROAD MAP OF LIFE - to achieve the desired Destination or Goal VIABLE & PRACTICABLE PLAN PLAN/METHODOLOGY (step by step program) PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES: Time, Money, Energy SEQUENCE OF ACTIVITIES BALANCE BETWEEN ALL ACTIVITIES MONITORING & EVALUATION BY a. Comparing with the plan b. Comparing with the divine standard & guidance.
IHSAAN (Perfection) “To worship (obey) Allah in a way as if you would have worshipped Him if you could see Him; & if that is not possible you must worship Him keeping this in mind that you can’t see Him, but He surely sees you.”
IHSAAN (Perfection) 1. Derived from the word “Hussan” (beauty). 2. It means to perform all acts of Ibadaat beautifully (total involvement and dedication – Uswa-e-Hasana) 3. If one imagines presence of Allah, he will never perform salaat in a hurry and carelessly. 4. One may forget the etiquettes (Ta’deel e arakaan) of salaat due to hurry. 5. Scratching, looking here & there, etc., shows the lack of feeling that one is standing in front of The Supreme Authority. (This way the very sprit of prayer vanishes and it becomes an exercise in futility).
IHSAAN (Perfection) 6. In fact, the: Manner, Method & Pattern of performance & results are essential for all activities of life. 7. No prayer can be appreciated/accepted if not performed in a perfect manner (True Intentin). 8. Allah has commanded us to perform every task wholeheartedly, in the best possible way with true love and full involvement. 9. The act of prayer must be performed with dignity, otherwise it will lose its very purpose. 10. Hadith: “Assalaatu miraajul momineen”.
IHSAAN? 11. The level of ‘IHSAAN’ achieved by Worship(Ibadaat+Zikr+Obedience+…) a. The Intent, the Preparations: - Self - Surrounding) b. The Procedure: - The apparent-Zaahir of any good act c. The Content: - Accuracy - Sequence, - Quantum d. The Concentration, Focus, (The Internal- Baatin) e. Achievement of the results desired thereof.
IHSAAN? e. ACHIEVEMENT OF THE RESULTS DESIRED THEREOF. - The peace of mind/heart - Did it change the person in some or all respects i. Personality: Follows Islamic injunctions or not? ii. Follows Prescribed Do’s & Don’ts? (Obedience) iii. Truthful or not; Trust-worthy or not? iv. Modest or Immodest (Character) v. Decent or Indecent vi. Huqooq-Allah & Huqooq-ul-ibaad (Honesty) vii. Behavior with Family & Subordinates, esp. the weak viii. Arrogance, Anger, Hatred, Insulting, Rudeness, Taunting, Envy, Jealousy, Hatred, Backbiting, Rumors ix. The degree of contact/intimacy with Allah Almighty The impact of a person on the society, who has achieved the level of ’IHSAAN’ (Mohsin)- Ulama, Soofia, Auliaa, Mujahideen, Mujaddid, Mujtahid
IHSAAN? e. ACHIEVEMENT OF THE RESULTS DESIRED THEREOF. a. Changes in the individual: - Internal changes (Zaahir) - External changes (Baatin) b. The effects of the individual on THE SOCIETY: - Efforts to establish an Islamic State? - Nizaam-e-Salaat (Spiritual growth) - Nizaam-e-Zakaat (Economic justice) - Good moral ethics – Ikhlaaq - Patience (Sabr) - Justice: Social, Economic - Security: Life, Property, Honour, Economic - Contributions for the noble causes: - Promoting the good & forbid the evils - Helping the Orphans, Widows, Needy esp. the needy relatives. - Respect the elders & kind to younger ones
DOOMSDAY (Qiyamat) When will it occur? 1. The Prophet (S.A.W) replied that “the one asked has no more knowledge of it then questioner,” and they both were equal in this regard. 2. “Indeed, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour” (Luqman-34) 3. Hazrat Jibreel asked about the signs of ‘The Hour’ (Doomsday). The Holy prophet replied: When the mother’s respect will be over and children will dominate their parents, then you must understand that the doomsday is near. (We see these signs have started appearing). The Prophets saying that the “barefooted’ naked, impoverished sheepherders competing with each other in building tall buildings” seems to testify present situation when poor and impoverished people have become rich and the honest & educated people have declined.
IHSAAN, Tareeqat, Tasawwuf, Mysticism 1. Alyaum a akmalto laum dinukum wa razeetu lakumul islama deena. 2. There is no other source of guidance other than Quran and Sunnah. 3. Quran says don’t follow religion of your fore-fathers. (Al-Araf-173). 4. The word of Tasawwuf is nowhere in Holy Quran/Hadith 5. Words of Quraan & Hadith are: (opposite traits) a. Usawatun hasana b. Salaat c. Ihsaan d. Taqwa e. Tazkia f. Ikhlaas g. Saajideen h. Raki’een i. Zaakreen j. Saleheen k. Musalleen l. Khashi’een m. Muttaqeen n. Kaazimeen o. Saabreen p. Qaniteen q. Mujahideen r. Shaheed -Quranic words & Sunnah are preferable or other words or ways of worship?