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Legislative Session Update. CPRA Board Meeting April 16, 2014. HCR 10 by Connick (Annual Plan). Includes a three year budget, implementation projection and program progress assessment.
Legislative Session Update CPRA Board Meeting April 16, 2014
HCR 10 by Connick (Annual Plan) • Includes a three year budget, implementation projection and program progress assessment. • Approves total expenditures of $668 million for planning; engineering and design; construction; operation, maintenance and monitoring; ongoing programs and initiatives; and operating costs. • Subjected to public hearings in Thibodaux, Lake Charles, and Belle Chasse and approved by the CPRA Board.
HB 408 by Champagne (Audits of CPRA) • Any entity receiving $ associated with DWH to be audited. • Funding for audits to come from the 3% administrative allowance in RESTORE ACT • Audits must be provided in parish land use plans
HB 587 by Carmody (CPRA Trust Fund) • Constitutional amendment eliminates certain constitutional dedications and funding mandates (addresses State Supplemental Pay, Free School Books, the Minimum Foundation Program, The CPRA Trust Fund, the Transportation Trust Fund, and the Lottery Proceeds Fund). • Deletes the requirements that net mineral revenues be deposited into the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund. (Currently CPRA Trust Fund receives $5 million net mineral revenues and $10 million of net mineral revenues in excess of $600 million plus $10 million of net mineral revenues in excess of $650 million).
HB 810 by Harrison (Diversions) • Prohibits operating any freshwater diversion constructed, operated, or maintained pursuant to present law at a flow rate that negatively affects the commercial and recreational fisheries through changes in salinity or nutrient levels. • Requires notice of changes to operational plans be submitted to the LA. Register, the official journal of the parish where the project is located and the parishes affected 30 days prior to implementation • Any change of 5 parts per thousand salinity line impacted must be indicated.
SB 345 by Crowe (Oil Spill $ for Wi-Fi) • Creates the School Technology Improvement Account and the deposit of $300 million dollars from “any monies received by the state for violations associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill event” into the account to be used to ensure full wi-fi compliance for all public schools within the state.
HB 148 by Champange (Restore Act Amendment) • Constitutional amendment to require Restore Act monies received by the state to be deposited into the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund
HB 850 by Rep. Dove • Allows the CPRA to contract with a USACE contractor for cleanup and removal of hazardous materials associated with coastal projects. • Cost savings and prevents project delays.
SB 104 by Sen. Allain • Gives the CPRA the same exemption DOTD has regarding the demolition of or improvements to existing state owned structures. • Saves time and money on coastal projects.
Sen. Chabert Bills • Sen. Chabert DOTD and Flood Control Package (SB 305, 389, 390, 391, 392, 452, 457)
HB 1026 by Fannin (Economic Damages $) • Provides for funding to the Budget Stabilization Fund. • Limited to economic damages funds • Not associated with NRDA or RESTORE