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NATIONAL SERVICE FOR UDDER HEALTH AND MILK QUALITY The National Service for udder health and milk quality is a non profit organization, dedicated to improving the udder health and milk quality of all milk production (cows , sheep and goats) in Israel
SERVICE FOR ALL MILKPRODUCERS • The veterinarians and milking management advisers of the “National Service” are dedicated to advising all milk producers on optimal practices for improving herd health and milk quality • This service is provided by virtue of a levy on all milk marketed , with no further payment on behalf of the producers
BEFORE 1997 • 5 Regional laboratories for milk culturing. • Milking management and on farm equipment evaluation under the auspices of the Israel Cattle Breeders Association (ICBA).
BEGINNING IN1997 • Formation of the National Service for udder health and milk quality • Two regional laboratories - North and South • Each Laboratory with full staff for on farm evaluations of management and equipment as well as milk culturing • Funded by the Israel Dairy Board
BEGINNING IN2005 • One Mastitis diagnostic laboratory situated in Caesarea, that also serves as a bacteriological reference laboratory for the milk components “Bactoscan” • Samples from mastitic cows sent by dairy farmers are sent daily to Caesarea, together with the samples for milk components from processing plants all over the country • One laboratory serves all herds, between the Golan Heights in the North, and as far as Eilat in the South
Sampling and analysis of dairy cow herds in Israel.(>200.000 SCC) Analysis of samples from cows with clinical and sub-clinical mastitis sent by dairy farmers . Analysis of samples sent by farmers from pre-partum cows for sub-clinical mastitis Analysis of bedding samples
LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS AND SERVICES Analysis of water for Pseudomonas. Antibiograms providing information to the clinical veterinarian Bulk tank analysis for Streptococcus Agalactiae. Evaluation of teat dip samples from dairy herds.
EXTENSION SURVEY • Milking Procedures and Hygiene • Examination of Milking Equipment including Pulsator graphs , Air flow readings and controller function • Sanitation and washing procedures • Housing and cow environment management
Advice on milking parlor planning and construction Handbook on milking machine specifications Supervision of companies supplying milking equipment , teat dips and detergents Static and dynamic testing of milking parlors Milking parlor trouble shooting
”Hadaf Halavan” - Monthly newsletter on udder health and milking hygiene Regional workshops for dairy farmers. Individual on farm counseling in liaison with the clinical veterinarian Promotion of research projects and field studies Follow up and counseling of herds experiencing problems with mastitis and high cell counts
Milk Quality A firm and constant policy was established by the Israeli Dairy Board in the 90’s with the aim of improving milk quality. Economic incentives were set in order to lower the somatic cell count in the milk supplied to the industry and threshold of price categories was progressively lowered along years. The farmers’ response caused the average SCC (annual average for all farms) to decrease from 428,000/ml in 1995 to 259,000 in 2004.
GOALS FOR 2005 • Retaining the average national somatic cell count below 230,000 • Reduction in the number of “human errors” in marketing disqualified milk , high bacteria counts , antibiotics etc. • Reduction in environmental mastitis with an emphasis on housing management
Continuing consultation on udder health and milk quality in the event of herd expansion and mergers. Reduction in answer time to farmers via the internet, on clinical mastitis samples results. Building models for monitoring risk factors for udder health, milk quality & quantifying the economic implications Monitoring Mycobacterium paratuberculosis ( Johne's disease ) in milk samples
Israel Dairy Board (Production& Marketing) Aderet House, 46 Derech HaMaccabim Rishon Le’Zion P.O.Box 15578 Rishon Le’Zion 75054 Israel office@is-d-b.co.il www.milk.org.il National service for udder health and milk quality Caesarea Industrial Park P.O.Box 3553 38900 Israel ralf@mba-labs.org.il