Op Art An art movement that began in the early 1960’s. It exists to fool the eye. Op art creates a sort of visual tension, in the viewer's mind, that gives works the illusion of movement. Realistically, you know any Op Art piece is flat, and 2-d. Your eye, begins sending your brain the message that what it's seeing has started to oscillate, flicker, throb, saying: "Yikes! This painting is moving!".
Optical Illusion • An image that is deceptive or misleading.
Rhythm • One of the principles of art that refers to a regular repetition of elements of art to produce the look and feel of movement.
Balance • Balance is one of the principles of art • Balance is the consideration of visual weight and importance. It is a way to compare the right and left side of a composition. • Symmetrical (formal) balance means both sides of an imaginary line are the same. • Asymmetrical (informal) balance means each side of an imaginary line are different yet equal. • Radial balance means • lines or shapes grow • from a center point.
Cool Colors • Cool colors are greens, blues and violets • Associated with water, sky, spring and foliage • Appear on one side of the color wheel opposite the warm colors • Optically appear to recede
Warm Colors • Warm Colors are reds, oranges and yellows • Associated with fire and sun • Appear on one side of the color wheel opposite the cool colors • Optically appear to advance
Victor Vasarely Bivega, (1974)
Richard Anusziewicz Intrinsic Harmony, (1965)
Bridget Riley Dominance Portfolio, Blue (1977)
Larry Poons Untitled, (1964)