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Tuesday April 28 th , 2009 (4/ 28 /2009). AGENDA. Quote. Tuesday April 28 th , 2009 (4/ 28 /2009). AGENDA. Quote. Tuesday April 28 th , 2009 (4/ 28 /2009). WARM UP. Time Given: 3 minutes
TuesdayApril 28th, 2009 (4/28/2009) AGENDA Quote
TuesdayApril 28th, 2009 (4/28/2009) AGENDA Quote
TuesdayApril 28th, 2009 (4/28/2009) WARM UP Time Given: 3 minutes Today, we read our final chapter of Night. How do you think Wiesel will end his novel—on a message of despair, hope, or another emotion? Explain your answer.
TuesdayApril 28th, 2009 (4/28/2009) WARM UP Time Given: 3 minutes Yesterday, we read our final chapter of Night. What is your opinion of the ending of his novel—did he end it in the way you expected? What emotions did you feel when Elie’s father passed away? Explain your answer.
Night, Chapter 9 TAKE NOTES Elie is called to the barracks to be shot. American’s liberate the camp. Elie looks at himself in a mirror for the first time since the start of the War.
Let’s Read! NO NOTES Turn to pg. 107 Mr. Hampton will read. After we’ll be watching a video with Elie Wiesel talking about “lessons learned during the Holocaust.” Critical Reaction Questions will follow.
CR Question #1 NO NOTES Wiesel states that “We are duly bound to try [to write about our Holocaust experiences] and not to bury our memories into silence.” Do you think Wiesel’s version of the Holocaust told in Night is a good representation of the facts of the Holocaust? Why or why not?
CR Question #2 NO NOTES Wiesel states that when telling stories about the Holocaust, “we never try to make you weep…this is too easy.” Do you think there are certain parts of Night that border on making its reader weep? Explain your answer.
CR Question #3 NO NOTES Wiesel wraps up his speech by claiming that he has delivered his message, but nothing has changed. Do you agree or disagree and why or why not? Wiesel also charges us to be “the messengers of the messenger” and to carry on the message of his book. What message do you think Wiesel was trying to portray in his book? Explain your answer.
Grab a Laptop NO NOTES Working with these laptops is a privilege—if you goof off, I will send you out of the room and you will not work on the project on Friday. Anyone not here today will not be working on the laptop project on Friday. I will make a review sheet for you to use on Friday of everything that we cover today. Questions?
Put your Laptop back! NO NOTES Put your laptop back!
Exam Preview TAKE NOTES 16 “Quick” Fill-In Questions 4 Extended Response-styleEssay Questions You may use your Night book. You MAY NOT use your notes.
What should I study? TAKE NOTES Notes on: World War II Holocaust Hitler Josef Mengele The Milgram Experiment The Poisonous Mushroom Auschwitz Buchenwald Chapter notes from Night
Curious about your grade? NO NOTES See me at my desk!