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10 Software Testing Tips for Quality Assurance in Software Development

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10 Software Testing Tips for Quality Assurance in Software Development

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  1. 10 Software Testing Tips for Quality Assurance in Software Development Summary:​ Quality testing of software is an integral part of quality assurance methodologies. It helps to fix bugs/errors from a system at the start. By solving these problems at the very beginning attributes to the enhanced quality of a system. Software testing is a methodology to asses; evaluate the functionality & working of any software application with an intention to find out whether the software meets the specifications & to detect errors in case. Software Testing: Software testing basically analysis software & helps to detect any differences between the existing & required conditions. It also evaluates the positive & negative features of a software program. Bug fixing/ error catastrophes are solved prior to launch & use of any software. Software testing services in India describe the scope, approach, resources & schedule of testing of software. Here are some tips for testing software: ▪ Company ideologies: The company’s ideology determines the quality of software. A key for high quality software development- reflects the quality of good software. Irrespective of the fact that it takes a huge of amount of money, it is important to stress as being an investment that is extremely useful. Untested software is as good as defective, non-functioning software. Therefore, a company’s software development process should comprise testing of software before the process of implementation. ▪ Cognizance to quality Developers need to be aware of the quality standards. ​The awareness of quality in the development team is an important prerequisite for software testing. Quality assurance starts with the programming, which includes a good concept & design of the software. The appropriate approach & high-quality coding & errors can be easily prevented by giving due attention to quality. Even

  2. if the process takes longer- quick fixes can quickly occur elsewhere in appropriate places. ▪ Quality assurance is a process Quality assurance is not limited to development process. It is an ongoing process in the development of software. Testing is done in each step before the development components are implemented. Software testing needs to be incorporated as regular element in the everyday developmental process of software. ▪ Identify the requirement & set quality criteria The requirements and quality criteria of the software to be developed must be defined prior commence of a project. Reason being; that developer as well as the stakeholders need to know what is being developed. This approach enables to execute various ideas regarding requirements & quality. The quality criteria of software are divided into 6 criteria’s: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability & portability. All these requirements & quality standards should be checked by the tester. Errors can be corrected on time, if they are detected timely. ▪ Committed professionals Testing should be carried out by committed professionals. Testing of software is more than just clicking through software. Its pros & cons, working methodology, utility & usability need to be elaborately worked upon. All relevant tests must be carried out with exact strategies, standards & guidelines. Dedicated professionals are employed with the task of carrying these operations efficiently. ▪ Automated tests Automated tests are a standard operating procedure which is carried out before a software launch. Manual testing is a bit difficult to carry out regularly. Each automated test is divided into: ● unit tests ● Component tests ● Integration tests ● Acceptance tests ● Graphic user interface tests

  3. However, not everything can be tested by automated tests. Manual testing should be an integral part of quality assurance despite of automated tests. ▪ Communication between team members & stakeholders Communication between team members & stakeholders is an integral part of software testing schedule. Errors can be documented & conveyed by stakeholders to the tem for necessary action. These should be conveyed within time, it can lead to major delays in launching of software. Feedback should be a regular responsibility. ▪ All beneficiaries should be aware Project participants should be aware of the pros & cons of software testing & the high quality standards. Discovering defects & errors as early as possible saves potential efforts, time & money. If such problems are resolved timely, the utility of the software increases. The tester can address the problem at an early stage & designs can be adjusted for any loss of revenues. ​Software testing services in India​​are concerned with testing & high quality requirements. ▪ Continuous improvement & responding to changes Testing tools are continuously improved to upgrade software quality. Requirements of a project change, testers should continuously learn about new tools & methods to scrutinize the existing processes. For this reason, users & testers should discuss changing trends, strategies & problems. ▪ Appropriate & good testing tools Testing tools are an essential part of software testing. In addition to a well-structured work method & processes, good tools are necessary to make the work more efficient. Resource Box:​ Software testing companies in India are striving to achieve high quality software development to excel. Software testing is part of software development & it consumes time & money. But not only developing software, we should work on its quality as well. These tips will give you a brush through for testing the quality of software. One of the best software testing company in India is ​Thinkinno Technologies Pvt Ltd.

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