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HR INFORMATION SYSTEMS. BY WALTER O ANGOL. What Is an Information System?. A set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization. What Is an Information System?.

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  2. What Is an Information System? A set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization

  3. What Is an Information System? Data: Streams of raw facts representing events such as business transactions Information: Clusters of facts that are meaningful and useful to human beings in the processes such as making decisions

  4. What Is an Information System? Information systems literacy: Broad-based understanding of information systems that includes behavioral knowledge about organizations and individuals using information systems and technical knowledge about computers. Computer literacy: Knowledge about information technology, focusing on understanding how computer-based technologies work

  5. Major Types of Systems

  6. Human Resource Systems Major functions of systems: • Personnel records, benefits, compensation, labor relations, training Major application systems: • Payroll, employee records, benefit systems, career path systems, personnel training systems

  7. Human Resource Systems

  8. The use of HRIS Three perspectives on the use of HRIS are identified: • It may provide an objective view of an organization where information used is comprehensive and accurate, allowing the best decisions to be made • The design of an HRIS, including the categories and classifications, which determine the information that should be collected, plays a vital role in constructing the reality of an organization. • The way people relate to information provided will depend on the ‘maps’ they hold about the organization, that is the store of existing knowledge held by each person to make sense of what happens.

  9. Towards e-HR • Information and communication technology (ICT) has been developed to support HRP activities via human resource information systems (HRISs). There are three types of ICT application in HRM: • Transaction processing/reporting/tracking applications covering operational activities, for example payroll, record-keeping and performance monitoring • Expert systems to improve decision-making based on an analysis of decisions concerning such issues as sources of new recruits, salaries and training needs • Decision support systems to improve decision-making through the use of scenario modelling in areas where there are no clear answers, for example teams formation and management development programmes.

  10. eRecruitment - benefits at a glance • Spend less time on administration • Identify the best qualified candidates faster and quickly proceed to interviews and reference checks by automating administrative tasks such as publishing, career portal, application management and pre-screening. • Communicate with candidates more professionally • Send a personalized email to an unlimited number of candidates simultaneously. The name of sender, candidate and project is added automatically upon sending an email template. Giving candidates instant feedback may also reduce the number of enquiries. • Reduce publishing costs • Publish a vacancy advertisement to your website in one single mouse click. eRecruitment includes an editor which lets you easily create or re-use ads. Reduce publishing cost dramatically by posting a smaller advertisement in the newspaper merely including name of the vacancy and website address. • Reduce the number of published vacancies • eRecruitment builds up a dynamic candidate database with an advanced search engine which lets the company exploit its pool of received applications. Identify candidates by competencies and qualifications and invite them to apply your new project. • Share information more easily • All applications, résumés and notes are saved in a shared location and accessible for all projects participants. This makes it is easy to cooperate with others on evaluating candidates.

  11. SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR HRM- StepStone • Total Talent Solutions enable efficient management of the entire recruitment process, from candidate sourcing via StepStone's online job boards through to attracting, rating and on-boarding candidates. StepStone's modular solutions motivate, develop, manage, and retain employees and can be selected and implemented according to your needs.

  12. Total Talent’s StepStone Suite • Attraction & Sourcing • Screening & Selection • Onboarding • HR Management • Performance Management • Compensation Management • Skills & Competency Management • 360 Degree Feedback • Career & Succession Planning • Learning Management System • Organisational Charting

  13. StepStone Attraction & Sourcing • Ensure a professional and consistent first point of contact with your candidates • Reduce your use of expensive third party candidate sources • Create and manage your own talent pools • Build an ongoing relationship with candidates for future vacancies • Automate posting of vacancies to multiple channels - agencies, job-boards and career services • Enhance personalisation by creating personalised areas for candidates to manage their applications, interviews and contracts • Communicate opportunities to your talent pool via e-mail and SMS notification • Create greater control and measurement of your recruitment agency suppliers

  14. StepStone Screening & Selection • Ability to screen candidates using smart technology • Whether candidates submit their applications using an online application form, through a job board or through your internal career site, the candidates are screened and automatically ranked on specific qualities and skills. • Automatic scanning for exceptional talent • Not having a relevant vacancy should not mean missing good candidates. You can set up automated queries to scan each enquiry for a specific profile, generating an automated notification when a candidate fitting your profile applies. • Screening questions • The screening module allows you to predefine the criteria for automatically rejecting unqualified applicants. For example, you might want to automatically exclude all those without a working permit. • Categorising questions • Rather than exclude applications, you can rank them by points based on answers given to specific questions. This allows you to prioritise the most suitable applications. • Integration of

  15. StepStone Onboarding • Integration with HRM and payroll or legacy systems • Offer checklists • Candidate Offer Zone • Online offer acceptance • Document and contract management • Reference check

  16. StepStone HR Management • Stores complete electronic employee profiles • Offers flexible organisational structure management • Provides standard interfaces to major systems (SAP™, PeopleSoft™, Oracle™ etc.) • Accelerates HR processes through automated workflows & task-based reminders • Facilitates effective expatriate management • Delivers reporting functionality for diversity, disability, languages, etc. • Monitors application usage through logs for improved security

  17. StepStone Performance Management • Supports alignment of goals with the overall organisational strategy • Allows different performance plan templates to provide required flexibility • Enables organisational, team and individual goals to be agreed and monitored • Provides a reusable catalogue of well-defined objectives for improved efficiency • Offers managers the option of conducting interim reviews • Supports competency development at individual and group levels • Improves compliance with project management processes by providing detailed reporting on completion status • Gives managers a comprehensive, graphical departmental overview of key indicators

  18. StepStone Compensation Management • Facilitate participation in market surveys by exporting aggregated internal compensation data • Import, manage and evaluate current market data from multiple survey providers • Easily blend and age market data from multiple sources to define competitive market rates • Implement consistent anchor point policies with flexibility for high demand markets • Analyse trends in market data and align employee remuneration accordingly • Integrate analysis of employee market alignment with performance and retention risk • Prepare strategic compensation effectively through integrated scenario planning

  19. StepStone Skills & Competency Management • Find suitable internal candidates for vacancies • Incorporate client competency models easily • Enable 360 degree Feedback Administration • Achieve a Best Fit Search and Gap Analysis at your fingertips • Connects with Employee Self Service to facilitate knowledge transfer and sharing • Enable individuals and the HR team to quickly identify targeted development requirements • Competency model with over 400 competencies in 18 core areas

  20. StepStone 360 Degree Feedback • Encompasses the entire feedback process • Assessments from all sources • Support from 360, 270, 180 and 90 degree feedback processes • Flexible feedback questionnaires • Informative graphic reports • Support for follow-up processes • Complete anonymity and data confidentiality • Implementation as an integrated module or standalone solution • Superior competence analysis (of departments, management levels, locations etc.)

  21. StepStone Career & Succession Planning • Capture the organisation's view of individuals' careers • Create individual career plans and match these to the organisation's plans • Produce detailed succession plans based on the projected readiness • Facilitate executive-level discussions about candidates by providing all necessary information in a simple format • Enable "what-if" succession scenarios based on agreed proposals • Assists Human Capital Management reporting by providing a talent balance sheet

  22. StepStone Learning Management System • Manage entire processes for development needs, cost and quality controlling • Enable administrators, supervisor and employees to proactively manage organisational training requirements • Allow employees to take an active role in maintaining professional certifications • Control the various functional stages in training programs and development plans using workflows and reminders • Provide an easily-accessible, online course catalogue • Work with interfaces of external seminar opportunities using XML • Automatically recommend specific qualification training by using Skill Management's Gap analysis

  23. StepStone Organisational Charting • Receive fully-integrated, Web-based organisational charting • Create wall & book chart layouts for easy printing • Use different views for knowledge map & scenario investigation • Visualise succession/position planning alternatives • Display instant graphical representations of position evaluation results • Use drill-down functionality to linked reports in charts • Produce dynamic organisational charting from any database • Draw attention to position vacancies across the organisation

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