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THE RICHEST IS THE POOREST…. …The principal of prosperity. ….’’blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…’’ MATHEW 5:-3.
THE RICHEST IS THE POOREST…. …The principal of prosperity..
….’’blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…’’MATHEW 5:-3
We have discovered many secret in the word of GOD through HOLY SPIRIT, but this could be among the best secret you and me ever discovered. JESUS was telling the multitude of how one should be so as to inherit the kingdom of heaven;
‘’POOR IN SPIRIT’’are the kind of people Jesus was talking about to inherit the heavenly Kingdom . You may think of being poor, in real sense this tells us about a condition of having ‘insufficient supply of something. Therefore ‘POOR IN SPIRIT’ means ‘insufficient supply of something within ones spirit’, of which the bible didn’t mention. So, it is wrong if we think of only ungodly things because it might be divine thing,i.e. insufficient supply of spiritual understanding, spiritual wisdom, spiritual discipline and even holiness.
Now, If those with less spiritual understanding, wisdom and knowledge in their spirit are the ones to inherit the kingdom of GOD, then Christians struggles is for nothing, perhaps we do not need holiness and divine revelation. But if our (Christians) struggling is for something (Hebrew:12:14), mysteriously, JESUS was telling a parable that we should all understand. ...Lets start to find out the truth, may God help you through……. The bible inECCLESTIES 6:-7, says “….all labor of man is in his mouth, but the heart is not satisfied….” Simply it means, the heart of man is always in need of things…
The bible did not say what kind of things heart is constantly in need of, but a special unstoppable character of mans’ heart is the ability toreceive both SPIRITUAL and FLESH things regardless of effects can be caused by them upon mans behaviour,thoughts,mindset and eventually attitude. This heart’s ability makes it be constantly in need of both spiritual and flesh things and there is no way to satisfy it. In fact GOD created us that way, so we can’t change this nature in us, yet it has got strong impact in our CHRISTIANITY life. Due to this, life of man turn out being nightmares, those having much now become most struggling people.
RICHESTpeople are ones investing a lot, starting up new companies, coming up with new business ideas, being terrified by economic crisis. All this is just to have more than what they do possessing. Needing new cars, new houses, new fashions, of course new life style, new way of acquire more wealth something that already has. Only because “soul is not satisfied”. But on other side is a,
POOREST man, who does not bother himself about tomorrow, well satisfied, no struggling, does not terrified by economic crisis that is recently still shaken the whole world. Only thinking of today's needs then wait for another day to come hoping everything is going to be fine like today. Now, the POOREST seems not to STRUGGLE like the RICHEST, do not worry like the RICHEST, seems not work hard like the one with abundant wealth. We expect the RICHEST to rest but in turn the POOREST is now resting.
Back to ECCLESIASTES 6:-7, we can discover a powerful feeling of soul that “THE MORE YOUACQUIRE A LOT IS THE MORE YOU CREATE A GAP IN YOUR HEART TO NEED A LOT”. Deeply this scripture tells us that “as manstruggles to get more, it makes him need more”.
Its better to know that no amount of wealth or anything we have ever needed can satisfy our need upon a particular thing.Just think of beautiful clothes and belongings you have yet every day need new one, worse enough ,lust up on those which are cheaper than what you have.
THE QUESTION IS, WHY?Its because the feelings of having much always accompanied by FEAR to loose a lot.Those with a lot of wealth, suffers from strong fear to loose much. Better know that behind possession there is fear to go out of that position. Nothing you do possess means nothing you are going to loose. Concern economic crisis, the poor has got nothing to loose in fact what is he owns anyway? He has nothing to worry about, but in another hand, rich one has got a lot to loose, therefore surrounded by too much worries.
It implies that “As one struggles more to acquiremuch, will surely acquire it but this increases a GAP to need more due to FEAR to LOOSE much. This fear usually push him to struggle more, and as ones struggle more will acquire more , hence more fear eventually more struggle” and the circle continues. In first place I said, POOR means ‘insufficient supply of something'. RICH means ‘sufficient supply of something’. THEN, poor condition tell us of situation of being in need of something which we are now see it in rich one and not poor one as we expected. Then, THE RICHEST BECOME THE POORESTIN THIS PERSPECTIVE.
The principal is;“IF YOU WANT TO BE THEPOOREST ONE YOU MUST BE THE RICHEST ONE”.Unless you become rich, you can’t be poor and to be rich you must be poor. Touching, isn’t it? As we all saw before, strong feeling of needing(being poor) raises from having much. So, if an individual ought to acquire strong feeling of having much to which means being poor, should possess much.
Above principal can give us understand on what JESUS spoke“blessed are the poor in spirit” HE did not means ordinary poor, but rather, poor resulted from being rich of things of spirit. A bit deeper to the ‘principal’,”….having muchspiritual pattern (word of GOD, praying, worship, praising, meditating) always increase a GAP to acquire much of those due to a FEAR to loosethem. This FEAR eventually push one to strugglemore(pray more, worship more, read bible more, meditate more), as a result acquiring much and hence increases fear to loose much….”
m78-`Those having much do struggle to get more not because they need them but because of fear to loose them.Receiving GODLY things in abundant increases a fear to loose them. The rate at which one receives HEAVENLY patterns determines the fear that person going to experience when about to loose them.HAVING A LITTLE REDUCES FEAR TO LOOSE IT. HAVING A LITTLE TEACHES TO DEVALUE WHAT WE POSSESS.
One can’t see the value of things he has until he has got them in abundant. CHRISTIANS are devaluing the love, might, power, miracle,grace,mercy of the MOST HIGH GOD because they do not seek to have them all in abundant. We do have them, yes, but not in its most of it.Being poor in spiritual affairs have made many of us to get satisfied with a little we possess and yet seems not to be costful when we loose them ,we don’t care simply because we, day after day, become rich as we continue being poor.
Do not read the WORD OF GOD,Do not PRAY,Do not TESTIFY,Do not be LED BY the HOLY SPIRIT,Do not seek the POWER OF GOD,Do not have EFFECTIVE FELLOWSHIP, …because we have become rich as we are still poor into them…richness makes us get satisfied. JESUS talked about those moving in spiritual poverty due to spiritual richness not who moving in spiritual richness(satisfaction) due spiritual poverty.NB: To have fear to loose GOD, one must seekHIM diligently, and have him abundantly.
To have fear in destroying your value, seek to know your value in LORD. TO HAVE FEAR TO LOOSE; Power of GOD, seek it. Grace of GOD, be strong in it. Faith you do have in GOD, fight for it. Wisdom & knowledge of GOD be anxious to have it.And anything at all, you need to struggle to possess it more than yesterday.REMEMBER: One can become rich in anything as he become poor in it.
3 JOHN 1:-2, says “…Beloved, I pray that you may PROSPER IN ALL THINGS and be in good HEALTH, just as your SOUL PROSPER…”If we shall think of our PROSPERITY, better not ignore this scripture at all. GOD does want us to acquire not only SPIRITUAL but also MATERIAL PROSPERITY as well as be of GOOD HEALTH, that why HE said “inall things”. Interesting part is ,prosperity in all things ispredetermined by prosperity within your soul.It means, Prosperity of a soul gives rise to the prosperity of other things.
100% soul prosperity=100% things prosperity, and eventually less for less. JESUS spoke about poor in spirit and I have now taken you to soul prosperity.May be you have started asking yourself about relationship between these two ideology. They both teaches PRINCIPAL of being PROSPERED.But the difference is that MATHEW:5:3 talks about “spirit” and 3 JOHN:1:2 talks about “soul”.
Seems to be different words but they are not since they are connected to one another. Concern this, it can raise another new lesson aimed not to be taught, but i better share little of it so you won’t be troubled.GENESIS:2:7, says “and the lord God formedman of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being”.Simply;DUST+BREATH=LIVING BEING.
Then, dust = flesh pattern, breath = spiritual pattern, at this instant, man started experiencing living in him. He experienced HEART BEAT that supposed not to stop as long as he lives unless he is no longer living being (dead). It now tells us about heart of man in relation to the living being of him. Heart beat only shows existing connection between flesh and spirit; connection is present = heart beats, connection is absent = no heart beats, since, heart beat implies LIVING and no heart beat implies DEATH,
We can now see that within the heart of a man there GOD chooses to preserve a connection between flesh and spirit . Bear in mind that spirit and flesh came from different places, so they definitely have got different nature, yet they are connected. Let us take this in considering one of mathematic theory which argues that “when two or more sets of different nature are connected together, connection part should consist of nature of all sets”.
When we get back to our lesson, it means heart has got spiritual and flesh nature. Flesh pattern is the heart, spiritual nature is the soul. SPIRITUAL SIDE OF LIVING BEING IS CALLED SOUL while FLESH SIDE OF LIVING BEING IS CALLED HEART.
Hence; spirit=soul From this we can easily understand the relation between Mathew 5:-3 and 3john1:-2.As your soul prospers it means the prosperity in spiritual realm of the living being. therefore it is perfectly using “spirit” instead of “soul”.
Why a person has to have prosperity in spirit first? Prosperity in spirit tend to give thirst of (richest is poorest) and fear to loose those things instead of spiritual things. so, this God’s love for us ,that he doesn’t want us to have fear to loose anything we might have rather to have fear of loosing him first… PAUL said in Roman 8:-35-39 “..who shall separate us from the love of Christ ?shall tribulation….” we need to have fear to loose God than anything we possess no matter how important and valuable our possessions are…
When your spirit Prospers, you will be surrounded by fear of loosing God and when the fear to loose money, your beauty, house, clothes, status and many of your possessions for CHRIST’s sake you can never be defeated by it…