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Traditions, Holidays and Feast days

Traditions, Holidays and Feast days. Great Britain. New Year´s Eve –

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Traditions, Holidays and Feast days

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  1. Traditions, Holidays and Feastdays Great Britain

  2. New Year´s Eve – • is on 31st December (in SVK itiscalled Silvester). It´s the lastdaybefore New Year. Peoplego to parties, bars or restaurantsorsquares. In Londontheygo to TrafalgarSquareatmidnighttheysing a song „ AuldLangSyne“ a Scottish song. • New Year´s Day - • 1st January, isthefirstdayof New Year, peoplestayathomes and relax. Manyofthemmake New Year´sresolutions • St.Valentine’s Day – • on February 14th. It is the dayofalllovers.This day wecommemorate the Roman priest Valentinewho helpedsoldier to get marriedbecause the Emperordidn´tagree. People in love sendcards to theirlovedones or buythemsomesweetsorflowers. They do notwritetheirnamesinside, just write: Be my Valentine, or FromyourValentine

  3. St.David’s Day

  4. All fools’ Day -April 1st. Peopleplay jokes and tricks on people and then shout “April fool!” • Easter- March/April – spring holiday, wecelebrate the beginningofspring and commemorate the Resurrectionof JesusChrist. ItbeginswithGoodFridaywhen the RomanskilledJesus. Thenthere are EasterSundayand EasterMonday. Eggs are important part ofEasterbecausetheymeanspring – a new life.OnEasterSundaypeoplegivechocolateeggsaspresents. Parentshideeggs in the garden and childrenhave to lookforthem.

  5. Halloween- celebrated on October 31st . Winterisnear and manyyearsagopeoplebelievedthatbadspiritscame in winter. Nowpeoplemakelanternsofpumpinks and haveparties. Childrengofromhouse to house and say: „ trick or treat.“ Ifthey are notgivensomesweets, theythroweggsathouses. • Guy Fawkes Day- November 5th. Bonfire Night is celebrated to remember the day when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the King James I and his Parliament on 5th November 1605. People make bonfires every 5 November, to remember this terrible plot. (sprisahanie)

  6. Christmas December 24th – Christmas Eve . The English have no traditional celebration on Christmas Eve; it is the day of“office parties”. A lot of people spend this day shopping. Before English children go to bed, they hang up Christmas stockings at the end of the bed and believe that Santa Claus or Father Christmas comes down the chimney and fills the stockings with presents and toys. Larger things are found under the Christmas tree.

  7. ChristmasDay– December 25th - children get upveryearly to lookintotheirstockings or under the ChristmastreewhatFatherChristmasputthereforthem. Atmiddaytheyhave a Christmasdinner – a roastturkey, mince pies or Christmaspudding. • Boxing Day -December 26th. Itiscalledfrom the custom in earlier times of giving postmen, milkmen, dustmen, newspaper boys small sums of money, which they collected in their Christmas boxes.

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