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Understanding Shape

Enhance children's shape knowledge through activities, vocabulary exploration, and progression examination to foster understanding of shapes. This resource covers terminology, orientation, sorting, symmetry, and progression in shape learning.

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Understanding Shape

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  1. Understanding Shape

  2. Objectives • To develop knowledge of the vocabulary and terminology of shape. • To consider activities to develop children's understanding of shape. • To examine progression in shape.

  3. sphere round square cube flat draw shape sort build circle pyramid corner make curved cone face solid hollow star triangle rectangle straight end side edge

  4. Four-bidden Four Sides Right Angles Equal Answer: Square

  5. Four-bidden Answer word: Cylinder Circular Curved Three Prism

  6. Definitions “ A rectangleis any quadrilateral with four right angles. This either has to have a length which is different from its width (a shape that is correctly called an oblong) or it has all four sides equal (which is called a square).”

  7. Name These Shapes!

  8. Orientation of Shapes Children need to see shapes in different orientations.

  9. Sorting Shapes! Is there a right angle? NO YES Are 2 of the sides equal? Are 2 of the sides equal? YES NO NO YES Is there an obtuse angle? Are all 3 sides equal? NO YES YES NO

  10. Sorting Shapes! Shapes with at least one right angle Triangles

  11. Sorting Shapes! Has reflective symmetry Does not have reflective symmetry Has a right angle Does not have a right angle

  12. Sorting Shapes!

  13. Tangram

  14. Tangram

  15. Nets

  16. Nets

  17. Progression in Understanding Shape

  18. Progression in Understanding Shape

  19. 1999 Framework Supplements of Examples Reception Section 4 Pages 24-25 Years 1-3 Section 5 Pages 80-83 Years 4-6 Section 6 Pages 102-105

  20. Pitch and Expectations

  21. Key Stage 1 Level 3 2003 Sita had a square She cut a triangle of this size off each corner What is the name of the shape that is left? Tick it. square pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon

  22. Key Stage 2 2003 These diagrams show the diagonals of three quadrilaterals. Write the names of the quadrilaterals in the boxes.

  23. ICT • Polygon • Fixing Points • Calculating Angles • Isometric Grid • Symmetry • ICT Pack (What’s My Angle?)

  24. Key Messages • The vocabulary associated with shape and space is crucial to extending children’s learning. • Children must be provided with lots of opportunities to explore, investigate and reason about shapes.

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