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Mastering Data Analysis: Interpreting Graphs Simply

Learn to analyze line, bar, pie, and scatter plots effectively. Understand trends, percentages, and relationships. Explain data interpretations to others clearly and explore beyond analysis to draw meaningful conclusions.

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Mastering Data Analysis: Interpreting Graphs Simply

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  1. Analyzing Data & Drawing Conclusions Lt1.4a & b

  2. Analyzing a Line Graph • Discuss changes in data over time or trends in data • Discuss the ranges in the data • Indicate high and low spots in data

  3. Analyzing a Bar Graph • Discuss comparisons in the data • Discuss ranges in the data • Indicate high and low points in the data

  4. Analyzing a Pie Graph • Discuss percentages shown • Discuss ranges in the data • Indicate high and low points in the data www.fedstats.gov/kids/mapstats/graphics/pie.gif

  5. Analyzing a Scatter Plot • Discuss how strong the relationship is between the variables • Discuss if the relationship is direct or inverse • Indicate high and low points in the data (Pick from graph and discuss!) Relationship is strong because it is far from 0 and many points lie along the line.. Relationship is inverse because it is a negative value and line has a negative slope.

  6. In general when analyzing graphs… • Pretend you are talking to someone younger • Explain to them what the data actually means Example: *The relationship is weak which means that thumb circumference does not influence the # of wins you will get. * The relationship is inverse which means that the number of wins decreases as the thumb circumference increases.

  7. Sources of Error-Part of Analysis • Discuss errors within the experiment (due to poor set-up, etc.) • Discuss errors related to measurements taken (poor techniques, etc.) • Do not blame errors on not measuring correctly or a bad measurement device!

  8. Drawing Conclusions from Data *Go beyond analysis to find out what is behind the data (Games on Tuesdays & Fridays-so less time is spent on internet) *Use data to support (1 hour was spent on the internet on Tuesdays & Friday compared to at least 1.5 hours for every other day)

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