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Explore the evolution of the global diamond industry, South African market statistics, taxation principles, and the impact of export levies on diamond trade. Understand the significance of fair tax policies and revenue generation for sustainable growth.
Diamond Export Levy 1 November 2006
Global diamond industry The South African Diamond Industry – a statistical overview Why taxes and the principles of a good tax Diamonds Act, 1986 Diamonds Act, 1986 – 2005 Amendments 6. The Diamond Export Levy Bill - Reasons for the Bill and objectives - Rate and charging provisions - Liability and payment date - Relief measures i. Import Credit ii. Ministerial exemption, section 74 Diamonds Act iii. Ministerial exemption - DEEC - Administration - Effective date & transitional provisions - Deletions - Regulations Contents
An overview – James Allan • The diamond industry has long been the preserve of De Beers and has been clouded in secrecy and relatively little hard information. De Beers controlled around 80% of the supply of rough diamonds up until the early 1990s and it is only recently that De Beers controlled less than 50% of diamond supply. • A single rough diamond can vary in value from a few dollars per carat to tens of thousands of dollars per carat. • Diamonds of the same weight will vary in value depending on the shape, colour, and clarity of the stone and sometimes even the location of the sales / production. • There is no terminal market value where prices are quoted and despite the publication of price lists there are “discounts to” and “premiums to” the listed price. • There is currently a global shortage of diamonds. • De Beers’ diamond stocks have declined from $4.8bn in 1998 to an estimated $1bn at the end of 2004.
Trends in the global diamond industry • Producers are becoming more oriented to driving demand (led by De Beers with their change in strategy initiated in 2000) • Vertical integration is becoming more prevalent • Cutters and polishers (and jewelers) are backwardly integrating into production as rough diamonds becomes more scarce • Producers are investigating becoming involved in cutting and polishing • Countries hosting producing mines are becoming more demanding in terms of the value chain process • Consolidation of the industry is likely to take place • Declining production in Australia is causing a shortage of rough in India • Synthetic gem diamonds are a reality and are posing a threat to the industry Source: James Allan, 2005
South African Diamond Industry • Caratage produced in South Africa • 14,4 Mct (2004) • Value produced in SA • $1,2b (2004) • % cut in SA by weight • 4.8% (691,000 ct) • % cut by value • ~$500M • Total of current jobs • ~2,100
Grading and Valuation • Polished diamonds are graded according to four important characteristics: • Carat • Colour • Clarity • Cut • The quality of the cut could make a difference of up to 30% of the value of a diamond
Why taxes • Taxes are primarily imposed to raise revenue to fund government expenditure and to achieve a degree of redistribution, e.g. income taxes, consumption taxes (VAT), excise duties, etc. • Other objectives of taxes included: • Equity, e.g. a progressive personal income tax • Protecting local industries – i.e. Customs duties (on imports) • Discourage consumption – e.g. excise duties on tobacco products, etc. • Social security, e.g. UIF • Environmental objectives, e.g. pollution charges, fuel levy, etc. (internalization of negative externalities) • Payments for extracting a depletable resource, e.g. mineral royalties • Local beneficiation, i.e. export taxes ? • However, taxes may result in the economic distortions and must therefore take account of efficiency considerations and the tax system must at the same time provide a degree of certainty to taxpayers
Principles of good tax policy • Fairness / Equity: A commitment to a fair distribution of the tax burden, reflecting the ability to pay of different individuals. • Efficiency: The tax system should not distort private decision-making. Under an efficient tax system, resources flow to the most productive areas, which will enhance productivity and growth. Exemptions and concessions should be considered in the context of the full range of policy options and accepted only when the benefits can be shown to outweigh the costs. • Simplicity:. Measures with low compliance and administrative costs are to be preferred as long as they are consistent with other objectives. • Integrity (revenue adequacy): A robust tax system in which people pay their intended rates of tax and appropriate tax revenues can be obtained to fund government programmes.[1] [1] Business tax Review, A discussion document – New Zealand, July 2006
An export levy • What are the main objectives of an export levy • Can these objectives be achieved through a different route • How does an export levy measure up against the principles of a good tax
Hearings on the Diamonds Amendment Bill, September 2005 “The development of the local cutting industry should be encouraged through the development of an export processing zone with tax breaks and incentives, the introduction of efficient technology should be encouraged and a sustainable jewellery processing industry developed”. “There is an opportunity for an increase in employment in the cutting industry but we should be aware that this industry is part of a global market and should therefore use productivity enhancing technology to compete with Israel and Antwerp (James Allan)”. South Africa will probably find it difficult to compete with India
Diamonds Act, No 56 of 1986: Local beneficiation • The Diamonds Act,1986, inter alia, sought to promote local beneficiation by imposing a 15 per cent levy on rough diamonds exported from South Africa • The levy operated as a quasi regulatory measure, designed to encourage the supply of rough diamonds to local cutters • Producers could get relief / exemption from the 15 per cent levy via a section 59 agreements - 2 types of exemptions: (1) exporting party demonstrated the promotion of local beneficiation via other means such as the long-term contractual supply of rough diamonds to local cutters (site-holder system) (2) by offering local rough diamonds on the bourse before export • As a result the 15 per cent levy has is practice not resulted in any levy liabilities over the last 20 years
2005 amendments to the Diamonds Act No 56, 1986 • The 2005 amendments: • Delete the section 59 exemption • Replace the Diamond Board with the Diamond and Precious Metal Regulator • Reduce the number of diamond export centres to one, the Government controlled Diamond Exchange and Export Centre (DEEC) • Provide for the establishment of the State Diamond Trader (SDT) to increase the supply of rough diamonds to local cutters and polishers
Reasons for the Bill and objectives • The Diamond Export Levy Bill (“Bill”) originates as a direct consequence of the 2005 amendments to the Diamonds Act, 1986 • The Constitution prescribe that any tax / levy must be imposed by way of a Money Bill and only the Minister of Finance may introduce such a Bill • The primary objective of the export levy on rough diamonds is the same as under the Diamonds Act, 1986 – to ensure a sufficient supply of rough diamonds to local cutters – to promote local beneficiation • The export levy supports the State Diamond Trader’s objective to supply the local market with rough diamonds – local beneficiation
Basic levy regime Charging provision: Section 2 • A 5% levy applies to all rough diamonds (natural unpolished) exported • Synthetic (human) made diamonds are excluded • The levy is triggered by section 69 of the Diamonds Act,1986: “Release of unpolished diamonds for export” • The levy applies to the “value” of exported rough diamonds. In order to prevent artificial under-valuations, the 5 % will be applied to the greater of the following two values: • The value specified by an exporter on a return as required by section 69 of the Diamonds Act, or • A value assessed by the Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator (the government diamond valuator) as described under section 65 of the Diamonds Act.
Charging provision: Section 2 • If a person sells rough diamonds in exchange for foreign currency and physically exports (i.e. Customs) those diamonds, their sales value will be converted into Rands at the closing spot rate on the date of export • Any levy or penalty payable in terms of this Act must be paid into the National Revenue Fund.
Tax / Levy rate: Section 3 • The levy will be imposed as 5 per cent (as opposed to the previous 15 per cent rate as per the Diamonds Act) • The 5 per cent rate is viewed as sufficiently high to discourage the unhindered exports of rough diamond while sufficiently low enough so as not to unduly encourage smuggling
Liability and payment date: Section 4 • A bill of entry for export submitted by an exporter of rough diamonds to a South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) Customs official triggers liability for the levy • The date of payment of the levy depends upon the nature of the exporter: • Producers must pay the levy twice a year – every six months • Independent dealers must pay the levy at the time of exports
Relief measures • Similar to provisions previously contained in the Diamonds Act, 1986 the Diamond Export Levy Bill contains relief measures that may offset the 5% levy liability in full or in part. • Relief measures exist to minimize any potential distortions and unintended negative impacts of the proposed levy. • Only producers may take advantage of the relief measures • Independent dealers and cutters that are exporting rough diamonds do not qualify for the proposed relief measures
Import Credit: Section 5 • A producer is entitled to an import credit for any imported rough diamond • Credits can be used to offset (in full or in part) a producer’s export levy liabilities • Credits ensure that the levy applies only to net exports (i.e. the net outflow from South Africa) • Credits apply only upon official entry of the rough diamonds into South Africa (entry as required in section 39 of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act No. 91 of 1964). • The credit is equal to 5% of the value of imported rough diamonds • The credits arising during a period will offset the levy owing (i.e. paid or payable). The level of offset will be prescribed by the Minister of Finance as issued by regulation – 100% currently.
Import Credit: Section 5 • All excess credits (i.e. credits that exceed the levy paid or payable during an assessment period) will be carried forward to following assessment periods for as long as that excess lasts (or the taxpayer remains in existence). • After consultation with the Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator, the Commissioner may in determining the value of any imported rough diamond adjust that value to reflect an arm’s length price and prevent artificial over-valuations • A taxpayer may not acquire a producer solely or mainly for import credits (acquisition of a more 50 per cent equity interest in a producer solely or mainly for that producer’s unutilised imported credits results in the wholesale denial of those credits) • The import credit does not apply to a producer that already benefits from the receipt of a Ministerial levy exemption described in section 6 or 7 • This denial of import credits is required as a matching principle (i.e. credits for imported diamonds must be matched against the levy on exported diamonds in order to ensure that the levy applies on a “net export” basis).
Ministerial exemption in terms of the Diamonds Act: Section 6 • The Minister of Minerals and Energy has the power to exempt a producer from being required to offer its rough diamonds intended for export at the Diamond Exchange and Export Centre (DEEC - section 74 of the Diamonds Act, 1986) • Section 6 Export Levy Bill provides for an automatic exemption / relief from the 5 per cent export levy if a producer has been granted an exemption to offers its diamonds on the DEEC in terms of section 74 of the Diamonds Act, 1986 • The level of the exemption will be prescribed by regulation as determined by the Minister of Finance - 100% currently • This exemption does not apply to a producer that already benefits from the import credit described in section 5 • Neither does it apply to any rough diamond purchased from the State Diamond Trader
Ministerial exemption at Diamond Exchange and Export Centre (DEEC): Section 7 • The Minister of Minerals and Energy may exempt a producer from the 5% export levy as long as that diamond is properly offered at the Diamond Exchange and Export Centre and a producers satisfy of one of the following two conditions: (i)Its activities in South Africa are supportive of local beneficiation - e.g. performs its own local polishing, has long-term contracts with local polishers or provides local training/equipment) (ii) Is a small miner (a producer whose rough diamond sales do not exceed R10 million per annum) • The level of the exemption will be set by regulation prescribed by the Minister of Finance
Ministerial exemption at Diamond Exchange and Export Centre (DEEC): Section 7 • In addition each diamond offered at the Diamond Exchange and Export Centre must satisfy the following four requirements in order for that diamond to qualify for this exemption. These requirements are: (i) The rough diamond must be offered for sale at the DEEC for a minimum of four days (ii) The offer at the DEEC must not have resulted in a sale (iii) The diamond sold for export must yield a price that is at least equal to the price at which that diamond was offered for sale at the DEEC (iv) Proof of the reserve price must be submitted ?? • These requirements preserve South Africa’s “right of first refusal” by measuring whether the offer is real • This exemption does not apply to a producer that already benefits from the import credit described in section 5 and the exemption in terms of section 6 • It also does not apply to any rough diamond purchased from the State Diamond Trader
Administration • The Diamond Levy Bill provides for two sets of levy payers – producers (diamond miners) and non-producers (independent dealers and cutters) • Producers must register with the South African Revenue Service and pay their export levies twice per year (every 6 months) and non-producers must pay the full levy when exporting rough diamonds • The definition of producer (contained in section 1) extends beyond holders of mining rights to reflect the business reality of group operations, which often separate mining from sales. • Thus, companies within the same consolidated financial group can be treated as a producer if: (i) approved by the Minister of the Department of Minerals and Energy, and (ii) that consolidated group company sells diamonds of that producer
Registration: Section 8Cancellation of registration: Section 9 • The Commissioner generally has the freedom to determine the required registration process of producers • The Bill mandates that registration occur within 45 days after the date that a person becomes a producer • The Commissioner may cancel registration upon application • Cancellation can only occur after the last day of the 6-monthly assessment period on which a person qualifies as a producer
Returns and assessment periods: Section 10 • Registered producers must submit 6-monthly returns • Natural persons utilise six-monthly periods based on their year of assessment prescribed by the Income Tax Act, 1962, starting on 1 March and ending on the last day of February. • Other persons (i.e. entities) rely on their financial year. • The actual return plus payment must be submitted 30 days after each 6-monthly assessment period
Returns - Section 11 Maintenance and records: Section 12 • All registered producers (which includes consolidated diamond sellers) must submit a single return at the same time and place determined by the Commissioner. This single return requirement will ensure that this single economic unit can be audited accordingly. • Registered producers, submitting biannual returns, must maintain sufficient books and records for the Commissioner to verify compliance • These books and records must be maintained for a minimum of 5 years • This 5-year minimum requirement matches the time limit for assessments described in section 16 (as well as the time limit for refunds in section 17)
Assessments: Section 13 Reduced assessments: Section 14 Withdrawal of assessments: Section 15 • The Bill operates as a self-assessment system, much like the Value-added Tax • A notice of assessment triggers an additional 30-day liability for payment (subject to objection and appeal) • The Commissioner has the power to: • reduce assessments without the formal objection and appeal process • withdraw assessments without the formal objection and appeal process
Time limit for assessments: Section 16 • The Bill has a 5-year time limit for assessments • This 5-year period begins to toll only after the submission of a diamond levy return to which that assessment period relates • If no return is submitted, the time limit for assessment continues indefinitely • Even if a return is submitted, the 5-year does not apply if the Commissioner has reason to believe that failure to pay the levy stems from fraud, misrepresentation or non-disclosure of material facts
Refunds: Section 17 Interest: Section 18 • Persons may claim refunds for overpayments • Refunds have a 5-year time limit • Both the Commissioner and diamond levy payers are eligible for interest to the extent of underpayments and overpayments, as the case may be • This interest is calculated on a monthly basis and calculated in accordance with the rate required by section 1 of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Division of responsibility: Section 19 • The Commissioner is generally responsible for administering the Diamond Export Levy Act • However, Minister of Minerals and Energy will be responsible for assisting the Commissioner on issues requiring diamond expertise
Applicability of the Income Tax Act: Section 20 Application of other laws: Section 21 • Administrative processes falling within the purview of the Bill are covered by reference to the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962) • The Commissioner and the Minister of Minerals and Energy may freely share information for enforcement of the Bill (notwithstanding any secrecy provisions to the contrary) • Discretionary decisions by the Commissioner and the Minister of Minerals and Energy are subject to objection and appeal • The Diamond Export Levy Act will be determined solely by its terms without reference to any other Act (unless that other Act makes specific mention of the Diamond Export Levy Act)
Commencement date and transitional provisions: Section 22 • The Bill will come into operation on a date set by the Minister of Finance • This discretionary date will ensure that operation of the Bill coincides with the coming into existence of supporting administration apparatus (including the apparatus relating to the State Diamond Trader) • At the present time, the “previous” 15 per cent diamond export levy contained within the Diamonds Act is technically still applicable, except for the a waiver via a previous section 59 agreement • The waiver via section 59 agreement only applies for one year from the Diamonds Amendment Act, 2005 (the Minister of Finance accordingly has the power to continue the section 59 agreement waiver until this Bill is fully operational • Without this deferral, a situation could inadvertently arise in which the 15 per cent export levy applies without any section 59 agreement relief
Deletions - Schedule • The Diamond Export Levy Act fully replaces all diamond levies required by the Diamonds Act • All diamond levies imposed by the Diamonds Act have been removed, including the 15 percent export levy as well as the fees / levies to fund the previous State Diamond Board
Ministerial Waiver: Need for Regulations • Two key exemptions within the Diamond Export Levy are left to Ministerial waiver • Exemption from the diamond exchange and export centre (section 6) • Exemption for diamonds offered (but not sold) at the centre (section 7) • Both Ministerial waivers are left to regulations • Regulations provide Government with some flexibility so changes can be made as new facts emerge • However, starting regulations must be issued rapidly to provide industry with certainty