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Learn about the significance of Earth for humans, including Earth's geoid shape, seismic events, and ocean circulation. Explore the impact of events like the Tohoku earthquake in Japan. Discover how satellite measurements track Pacific temperatures and the effects on sea-surface temperature patterns. Gain insights into continents' continuous movement and the ozone hole.
Ziemia, również dla człowieka Grzegorz Karwasz Wykład 10
Dlaczego ziemia się trzęsie? Fala tsunami po trzęsieniu ziemi Tohuku u wybrzeży Japonii 11.03.2011 (9,0 w skali Richtera)
Temperatura powierczhni • AATSR ESA – pomiary temperatury za pomocą satelity z czujnikiem podczerwieni (0,56μm) http://lst.nilu.no/language/en-US/Instruments.aspx AATSR LST daytime anomaly for April 2004 with respect to 2003-2011 climatology AATSR LST daytime anomaly for April 2011 with respect to 2003-2011 climatology
Temperatura Pacyfiku http://www.aatsrops.rl.ac.uk/ENGHK/weekly/images/MidNorthPacificThermalF-35910.html N The intricate patterns seen in this image are due to variations in sea-surface temperature. In this cloudless daytime scene, the temperature of the sea surface varies beween 282K and 290K. The warmer water to the upper-right appears pale greeny-white and the coolest water appears inky blue-black. The scene is centred on 33.9N, 126.8W (approx)- some 500 kilometres off the northwestern coast of America.