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Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. 443 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: (651) 284-5000 Phone: 1-800-DIAL-DLI (1-800-342-5354) TTY: (651) 297-4198 www.dli.mn.gov. Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry.
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 443 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: (651) 284-5000 Phone: 1-800-DIAL-DLI (1-800-342-5354) TTY: (651) 297-4198 www.dli.mn.gov
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry The department's mission is to ensure that Minnesota's work and living environments are equitable, healthy and safe. It strives to be a fair regulator and a trusted resource for employees, employers, property owners and other stakeholders. DLI supports the following statewide outcomes: People in Minnesota are safe. Strong and stable families and communities. A thriving economy that encourages business growth and employment opportunities.
Agency activities are designed to assure that: Workplaces are free from injury and illness. Buildings are safe for those who occupy them. Workers injured on the job are provided treatment and benefits required by law. Apprenticeship training that provides the opportunity to learn critical skills is available in all communities. Those who construct and inspect buildings are qualified to perform the work. Workers are paid the appropriate wages for all hours worked. Employees and employers understand their rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
DLI administers laws related to employment, apprenticeship, workplace safety, workers’ compensation and construction of buildings through its core functions: provide training, outreach and other resources to customers; promulgate construction codes; conduct plan reviews, inspections, audits and investigations; conducts workplace safety and health inspections and consultations; review workers’ compensation claims and oversee the provision of benefits; provide informal dispute resolution services of worker’s compensation claims; provide vocational rehabilitation services; issue penalties for violations of the law; issue professional licenses and certifications; and register apprenticeship programs.
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Revenues by fund ($266,720,000) Total Employees: 435.25 FY 2014-2015
Salary FTE’s Operations Total External $39,100,000 458.25 $11,630,000 $50,730,000 92,434,000 $2,510,000 23.00 $1,425,000 $3,935,000 -0- $36,590,000 435.25 $10,205,000 $46,795,000 $92,434,000 (25.57%) (7.13%) (32.70%) (64.60%) DLI agency total MN.IT-DLI Spend DLI Net Base % of expenditures Safety and Workers’ Compensation Division Vinland Grant Workers’ Comp Claims Services and Investigations unit Benefit claims for injured workers Other state agencies Workers’ Comp Court of Appeals Office of Administrative Hearings Commerce (Fraud investigations) Minnesota Management and Budget OSHA Workplace Safety Consultation Safety Grants Loggers rebates Construction Codes and Licensing Contractor Recovery Fund 76 Contract electrical inspectors Labor Standards and Apprenticeship: LEAP Grants Total agency external expenditures External $200,000 $70,467,000 $1,703,000 $7,250,000 $751,000 $100,000 $998,000 $800,000 $2,565,000 $7,500,000 $100,000 $92,434,000 Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 2014 Agency total expenditures: $143,164,000
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Workers’ Compensation Fund FY 2014-2015 The purpose of the Workers’ Compensation Fund is to provide special benefits and services authorized under the workers’ compensation law. These include: supplementary benefits ($100,000,000) for approximately 3,000 claimants second-injury benefits ($21,274,000) workers’ compensation benefits paid to employees of uninsured and bankrupt self-insured employers ($19,660,000) costs of administering the workers’ compensation and a portion of occupational safety and health programs at Labor and Industry ($48,122,000), and costs of workers’ compensation activities of the Office of Administrative Hearings ($14,500,000), Workers’ Compensation Court of Appeals ($3,406,000), the Department of Commerce ($1,502,000) and Minnesota Management and Budget ($200,000).
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Expenditures by program ($266,720,000) FY 2014-2015
Workers’ Compensation Employees: 124.5 Biennial budget: $162,484,000 Safety and Workers’ Compensation Division Helps employees injured on-the-job to receive proper medical treatment and benefit payments in a timely manner, mediates disputes about injuries and benefits, issues penalties for late benefit payments to injured employees and reviews records to ensure state laws are followed. Special Compensation Fund Alternative Dispute Resolution Compliance Records and Training Vocational Rehabilitation
Safety and Workers’ Compensation Division OSHA Compliance Employees: 74.0 Biennial budget: $16,390,000 Enforces the Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health Act (MNOSHA) and standards that assure safe and healthful working conditions for Minnesota workers through on-site inspections, issuing citations for noncompliance, interpreting standards and helping employers understand how to comply with those standards. MNOSHA revises and/or adopts new or existing OSHA regulations and responds to employee complaints of workplace hazards and discrimination due to safety and health issues.
Safety and Workers’ Compensation Division Employees: 21 Biennial budget: $7,578,000 Provides safety and health consultation services and inspections to Minnesota private-sector employers, directed primarily toward high-hazard industries and intended to help employers understand and comply with MNOSHA standards. Also conducts educational safety and health seminars. Recent construction industry partnerships: • Radisson BLU (Bloomington) • University Recreation and Wellness Center Project (U of M) • Children's Hospital (Minneapolis) • St. Cloud Hospital (St. Cloud) • U of M Biomedical Discovery District (Minneapolis) Recent general industry partnerships: • Silver King Refrigeration, Inc. (Plymouth) • Johnson Memorial Health Services (Dawson) • Monsanto (Olivia, Owatonna, Stanton) • Valspar (Minneapolis) Workplace Safety Consultation
($140,934,000 for benefits) $145,500,000 $4,490,000 $6,548,000 $16,390,000 $7,578,000 $4,332,000 $1,614,000 $186,452,000 $176,134,000 $10,318,000 $186,452,000 Safety and Workers’ Compensation Division Expenditures by activity FY 2014-15 Special Comp Fund Alternative Dispute Resolution Compliance Records and Training OSHA Compliance OSHA Workplace Safety Consultation Vocational Rehabilitation Workers’ Comp Admin (space, IT, etc.) Financing by fund Workers’ Compensation Federal
Construction Codes and Licensing Employees: 138.25 (in addition, 76 contractors conduct electrical inspections) Biennial budget: $55,770,000 (1/3 of budget is related to electrical inspections) Protects the health, safety, and welfare of the public by providing reasonable, uniform and balanced standards for Minnesota’s buildings and construction professionals. Construction Codes and Licensing • Building Codes and Standards • Building Contractors • Electrical Licensing and Inspection • Elevator Inspection • Plumbing and Engineering • Boiler Operation and Inspection • High-pressure-piping systems • Boats-for-hire Functions: • Building Code Adoption and Administration • Licensing and Certification • Plan review • Inspection • Education • Enforcement
$55,770,000 $55,770,000 $50,340,000 $5,430,000$ 55,770,000 Construction Codes and Services Division Financing by fund Construction Code Special Revenue Expenditures by activity FY 2014-15 Construction Codes and Licensing
Labor Standards and Apprenticeship (only General fund monies in DLI’s budget) Employees: 11 Biennial budget: $1,912,000 Provides outreach and education to employers and employees about compliance with: • labor and employment laws • minimum wage • overtime • child labor laws • prevailing wage • parental leave laws • employee rights regarding termination of employment and wages due. • Receives 25,000 inquires each year. • Conducts 600 investigations annually. • In 2012, recovered $2M in wages for more than 2,600 workers. • Community Services representative provides outreach and education about Minnesota’s labor laws to businesses, professional groups, schools and community-based organizations that provide employment services to minority and cultural populations. Labor Standards
Labor Standards and Apprenticeship Employees: 6.0 Biennial budget: $1,744,000 (Workforce Development Funds from DEED) • Apprenticeship unit regulates, supervises and promotes apprenticeship programs that have been approved and meet state standard requirements. • Staff provide technical assistance to employers developing apprenticeship programs. • They also provide schools, guidance counselors and other business and industry groups with information regarding program requirements, selection criteria and general information about conducting registered apprenticeship programs. • Field representatives conduct approximately 400 visits annually to sponsors, employers and promotional visits to prospective sponsors. • Staff approve and monitor programs, including the construction trades, plant maintenance, graphic arts and the power trade industry. Apprenticeship
Labor Standards and Apprenticeship Division Expenditures by activityFY 2014-15 Labor Standards Apprenticeship Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry $1,612,000 – General fund $300,000--Workforce Development Funds from DEED $1,744,000 – Workforce Development Funds from DEED $3,656,000 Financing by fundFY 2014-15 Workforce Development General fund $2,044,000 $1,612,000 $3,656,000
Employees: 79.58 percent of agency expenditures Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry General Support Division Supports agency operations through financial and human resources management, information technology, communications, research and statistics, legal advice and litigation. Note: MN.IT Spend is included in DLI’s General Support Division expenditures: FTE’s 23.0 and total costs of $3,935,000 Financing by fundFY 2014-15 Workers’ Compensation Special Revenue Federal $13,050,000 $7,172,000 $318,000 $20,540,000
Office of Combative Sports Employees: 1.6 FTEs (includes 19 intermittent inspectors at 5 percent time) Combative sporting events include boxing, mixed martial arts and “tough person” competitions. The Office of Combative Sports (OCS) ensures combative sporting events are conducted safely and fairly. The OCS licenses event participants including: combatants, promoters, referees and trainers. OCS also establishes regulatory safeguards for the protection of fighters and to ensure fairness and safety. The Combative Sports Advisory Council was created in 2012 under the statutory authority of Minnesota Statutes 341.221. The legislation creating the council abolished the Combative Sports Commission and transferred its duties to the commissioner of labor and industry. After the initial statutory appointment of the Combative Sports Commission membership, the commissioner appoints the nine-member advisory council, which is composed of one retired judge, four members with knowledge of the boxing industry and four members with knowledge of the mixed martial arts industry. Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Financing by fundFY 2014-15 Biennial budget: $248,000 Special Revenue
St. Paul office443 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155-4320(651) 284-50051-800-DIAL-DLI (1-800-342-5354) TTY: (651) 297-4198 Mankato office410 Jackson Street, Suite 520Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 389-6507 St. Cloud office 3400 First Street N., Suite 405 St. Cloud, MN 56303 (320) 258-2050 Duluth office 5 N. Third Ave. W., #402 Duluth, MN 55802-1611 OSHA office (218) 733-7830 Workers’ Compensation office (218) 733-7810 1-800-365-4584 Commissioner Ken Peterson Phone: (651) 284-5010 * ken.peterson@state.mn.us Kris Eiden, Deputy Commissioner Phone: (651) 284-5010 * kris.eiden@state.mn.us Jessica Looman, Assistant Commissioner Construction Codes and Labor Standards Phone: (651) 284-5018 * jessica.looman@state.mn.us John Rajkowski, Legislative Director Phone: (651) 284-5103 * john.rajkowski@state.mn.us Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry