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MOODLE - an open source tool for E-Learning

Moodle is a free and open-source course management system that allows educators to create internet-based courses and websites. It focuses on discussion tools, sharing artifacts, and engaging in the construction of knowledge. With over 300,000 registered users and sites in 195 countries, it has become a widely used platform in the field of e-learning. This text is in English.

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MOODLE - an open source tool for E-Learning

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  1. MOODLE - an open source tool for E-Learning Archana.A Chitra.B Nisanth.KV

  2. About Moodle Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS), also know as Learning Management System (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environment . It is a software package for producing internet based courses and websites.

  3. Moodle stands for MOODLE stands for Modular Object – Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. It also stands for another meaning which is a verb, which describes the process of lazily meandering through something.

  4. Founder of Moodle MOODLE was developed by Martin Dougiamas. Martin Dougiamas is a computer scientist and educator. He was a webmaster at Curtin University of Technology. He was supporting a CMS at a university in Perth, where he felt the need for a better education platform.

  5. Key features of Moodle • There are 3 key points for Moodle which adds to its success • Free and Open Source. • Educational Philosophy. • Social constructionism. • Moodle is learning centric. • It focus on tools for discussion and sharing artifacts and engaging in the construction of knowledge. • Community • There are over 300,000 people registered on Moodle.org and over 30,000 Moodle sites in 195 countries • The global community has also translated Moodle into over 70 languages

  6. What is CMS? • CMS are web applications. • CMS gives educators tools to create course web sites and provide access control. • Some of the tools that CMS provides are uploading and sharing materials, forums and chats, quizzes, gatherings and reviewing assignments and recording grades.

  7. Tools in CMS • Dokeos • ILIAS • Moodle • Sakai • Open Course Ware

  8. Tools in LMS • Angel Learning (part of Black board) • Claroline • eFront - An open source Web-Based LMS • LAMS - Learning Activity Management System • Sharepoints LMS – an LMS based on MS share point. • Joomla LMS

  9. Tools in VLE • Blackboard • WebCT • First Class • Desire2Learn • Cyber Extension • Its Learning • Web Train • Virtual Live

  10. Importance of Moodle • Moodle has been used by a vast majority of people all over the world . • Over 300,000 people registered on Moodle.org and over 30,000 Moodle sites in 195 countries. • Its an open source and so free of cost and has freedom to edit and modify. • An active community to help. • Has all the features needed for an effective learning environment.

  11. Philosophy • The design and development of Moodle is guided by a “Social Constructionist pedagogy”. • There are four philosophy that Moodle uses. • Constructivism • From a constructivist point of view, people actively construct new knowledge as they interact with their environment. • Constructionism • Constructionism asserts that learning is particularly effective when constructing something for others to experience. • Social constructivism • Groups construct knowledge for one another, collaboratively creating a small culture of shared artifacts with shared meanings. • Connected and separate • Separate behaviour • Connected behaviour • Constructed behaviour

  12. Architecture • Moodle uses the following criteria to design • It should run on the widest variety of platforms • PHP + MySQL • Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. • It uses lot of libraries for the functioning of Moodle. • It should be easy to install and modify. • It should be easy to upgrade from one version to the next. • It should be modular to allow growth. • It should be able to be used in conjunction with other systems.

  13. Versions The latest version of Moodle is 1.9.5 Moodle version 2.0 will be released later this year.

  14. Installation • Hardware Requirements • Disk space : 160 MB (Minimum) • Memory : 256MB (min), 1GB (recommended). • Moodle can support 50 concurrent users for every 1GB of RAM • Software Requirements • Web server software • Moodle should work fine under any web server that supports PHP. • PHP scripting language. • Moodle has different PHP requirements for different versions: • Moodle 2.0 will require PHP 5.2.8 or later. Moodle 1.6 to 1.9 requires PHP 4.3.0 or later . Moodle 1.0 to 1.5 requires PHP 4.1.0 or later

  15. Why do we need to register our site? • This allows us to register our Moodle site with moodle.org. Registration is free. The main benefit of registering is that we will be added to a low-volume mailing list for important notifications such as security alerts and new releases of Moodle. The only reason for collecting the information is for support purpose from moodle.org, and to help build up a statistical picture of the Moodle community as a whole. The registration can be updated anytime later, when ever we do alterations to our site.

  16. Site Management Site is managed by an administrator user Site can be modified by a robust Site administration block. Plug-in "themes" allow the administrator to customize the site colors, fonts, layout etc to suit local needs Plug-in activity modules can be added to existing Moodle installations Plug-in language packs allow full localization to any language. These can be edited using a built-in web-based editor. Currently there are language packs for over 70 languages.

  17. User Management Overview Goals are to reduce admin involvement to a minimum, Standard email method: students can create their own login accounts. Email addresses are verified by confirmation. Students are encouraged to build an online profile including photos, description. Email addresses can be protected from display if required. Every user can specify their own timezone. Every user can choose the language used for the Moodle interface

  18. User Management Enrollment Teachers can add an "enrolment key” Teachers can enroll or unenroll students manually if desired Each person requires only one account for the whole server

  19. User Management • Roles • Guest ,student ,non-editing teacher ,editing teacher , course creator, and administrator • The administrator can change the roles of all . • The teacher can set the roles of students and non-editing teachers. • Each role is allowed specific function or permissions . • Overriding of roles are allowed provided it is allowed by the teacher or the administrator.

  20. Course Management A full teacher has full control over all settings for a course Choice of course formats such as by LAMS format, SCORM format, week, by topic or a discussion- focused, social format A course can have its own theme of colors and layout. Flexible array of course activities Groups - teacher(s) and students can be placed in one or more groups Recent changes to the course since the last login can be displayed on the course home page

  21. Course Management Most text entry areas can be edited using an embedded WYSIWYG HTML editor All grades for Forums, Quizzes and Assignments can be viewed on one page (and downloaded as a spreadsheet file) Full user logging and tracking Copies of forum posts, teacher feedback etc can be mailed Custom scales can be set by teachers Courses can be taken as back up and restored

  22. How to register our site? Click here This is the main page , and we must be the administrator do register our site. In other words only the admin can register the site.

  23. How to register our site? Our site name must be specified We can choose whether we want to publish our site or not Can view the number of people in the site Mention name and email of admin Once we click on the send registration information to moodle.org , our site will be registered to moodle.org and we can get the latest information now and then and we will be able to update to higher versions

  24. How to enable? We can enable grouping, outcome , comments, tag functionalities , portfolios , web services , notes, messaging system , statistics, rss feed, blog visibility, networking , completion tracking, progress tracked roles and conditional availability. Once we enable these , it can be used in our sites. This can be done only by the administrator. Click here on the Advanced Features

  25. How to enable? We can enable all the options that was told from here using the admin, by just clicking on the check box, we can enable it.

  26. How to manage user authentication? • There are three different ways in which the user and register and login • E-Mail based registration • Manual registration • No Login These can be set by the admin , and there are plug ins that must be downloaded to use these.

  27. How to enable user authentication? We get Click here on the Users

  28. How to enable user authentication? Here email based registration is activated (open eye else closed eye) The plug ins for the manual accounts ad no login are not available, so there are no icon available next to it.

  29. What is CAPTCHA? These are keywords that are displayed in different styles and shapes during the registration processes. Since computers cannot read keywords which are in different shapes and design, CAPTCHA helps in preventing the hackers to use programs to register and populate the server and eventually resulting in crash. So CAPTCHA is very important when we are using important databases and large amount of data.

  30. How to enable CAPTCHA? We get Click here Click here on the Users

  31. How to enable CAPTCHA? We can enter the keyword that we want to be displayed here and save it. Once it is done then the CAPTCHA is made available and the admin can on or off any time

  32. How to add users to the site? We get Click here on the Users

  33. How to add users to the site? We can add user by two ways, either by entering each and every user individually or by uploading all the users at once. Click on the Add a new user to add a single user and upload users to add all the users at once.

  34. How to add one user to the site? The admin can add all the details of the user here.

  35. How to add bulk users to the site? Here the admin can upload all the users at once by uploading a file, and he can use the delimiter option to separate the different users.

  36. How to view all the users in the site? Here we can see all the users in the site. We can edit their account and even delete it from here. Click here Only the admin is able to do view all the users in the site and can edit or delete.

  37. How to add bulk users actions? We can see all the users of the site here and the admin ca add all the users for whom he want to perform the action. Click here Once he has selected the users he can select what action has to be performed from the drop down list

  38. To add picture and user profiles The admin can add photos of the user from here and he can add new fields to the profile from here so that the users can enter the required data in the field. The admin can chose what type of field the user has to enter and add a description to that. Here the admin can upload the user pictures

  39. To set permissions? We get Click here on the Users

  40. To set user policies? Here the admin can set the user policies and he can set the roles of the guests and visitors to the site .

  41. To set users for the roles? We can set the users to the respective roles by selecting the role first and then assigning the user to it.

  42. To set users for the roles? Once the role has been clicked the admin can select the users and add them to the roles

  43. To set users for the roles? Here the admin can change the role settings for the current roles and the admin can also add a new role.

  44. How to add or edit a course? We get Click here on the Users

  45. How to add a category? You will get a window like this and to edit a course click on the miscellaneous and edit If you want to create or add a new course then select the add new course button, if you want to add a new category then click on the add new category. Here the admin can create a new category

  46. How to add a course? Here we can add a sub category to the main category and also edit it. Click on the add new course to add a course

  47. How to add a course? In the previous window we can create the course and the type of course we want and can set the other options from here. Once it is done click save and the course is created The admin can also assign roles in the courses

  48. How to assign roles in a course? Click here As seen before in assigning roles , we can assign users to roles in a course here

  49. How to assign enrollment to course? Here the admin has to select the plug in for which type of enrollment for the course

  50. How to take back up? We get Click here on the Users

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