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The Effects of New Deal and American Culture during the Great Depression

Explore the impactful programs of the 2nd New Deal, labor reforms, Social Security, and regulatory acts in the U.S. during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Discover how the New Deal initiatives shaped American culture through entertainment like movies, radio, and support for artists, while leaving a lasting impact on government functions, social welfare, and the environment.

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The Effects of New Deal and American Culture during the Great Depression

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  1. The Effects of New Deal and American Culture during the Great Depression U. S. History & Government 11th Grade Br. Siraj / January 3, 2020

  2. 2nd New Deal Programs • Helping Farmers: • A 2nd AAA was passed • FSA was established • Helping Workers • WPA was established to create jobs • NYA was also established

  3. Reforms in Labor • Improving Labor Conditions • Wagner Act • Provision of Collecting bargaining • Fair Labor practices were to be put into effect. • NLRB was established • Social Security • Social Security Act

  4. Regulatory Acts • REA to provide electricity to rural areas • Public Utility Holding Company Act

  5. New Deal and American Culture During 1930s • Fun Activities done by Americans • Movie going • Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of the Oz, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs • Frank Capra made movies that showed kind-hearted, honest people winning over greedy people.

  6. Radio • 90% American homes had radio • Provided inexpensive entertainment • Comedy, variety shows, news programs, soap operas and children’s shows, dramas and mysteries • Bob Hope, Jack Benny, George Burns and Gracie Allen were made Stars by Radio. • Orson Welles’s “The War of the Worlds” had profound impact on American life.

  7. New Deal’s help to Artists • Federal Arts Project was part of WPA that provided help to artists • Federal Theatre Projects was another part of WPA, which supported playwrights. • Federal Writers Project (FWP) provided fund to the writers.

  8. The Lasting Impact of New Deal • Effects on the Government: • Gave greater role to the federal government and the president to shape the country’s economy. • It had lasting impact on worker’s rights, banking and investment • The following organizations still function: NLRB, FDIC and SEC.

  9. Social and Environmental Impact • The economy became more stable • Social security system became one lasting impact – for the first time the federal government took charge of people’s welfare. • Loans for farmers – Second Agricultural Adjustment Act • TVA helped environment

  10. Homework • Questions 1, 2, and 3 • On Page 725

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