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Upgrade your tired and worn flooring today by trusting the team at Thrust Flooring. For over 10 years we have been the flooring team of choice for domestic and commercial Sydneysiders, ensuring that their specific flooring requirements and desires are met.
1t ll,''ll,'l '1,,\ I, (ry$';au
'tu- regulations of the various spoting cod€s, the National Indoor Spods Centre is used as a venue lor numerous actlvities, including pop conceds. of AIR.THROST" into th€ lndoor AIR.THRUST Since the inroduction Sports Flooring market in l9TT, been installed in over 860 major compLexes across the length and breadth of the county. has The majofity of indoor spoillnq cenires being designed and conshucted today, are not solely for sPofts usage and ln many instances these centres will be the venue for exhibitions lhrough to entrepreneurial use. The National lndoor Spofts and Training Centre. situated in Bruce A.C.T., is but a line example of the recognluon the AIR THROST thjs shod perlod of iime. for we proud y boast the faci that Austalia s foremost Indoof Spofts Stadium has the ''AlR.THRUST Pneumatic Spotrs Hall F ooring System as the playing suilace. System hasachiev€d in The Dunhill International Showjumping Competjtion was conducted at the National Stadium in Ociober l9B2 and to accommodate this spectacular, the "AlR. IHRUST' Syst€m was covered by 200mm ol sand and soil representing a total deadweight of some 800 tonne. In ihis, jt is djffjcult io imagine the enormous load stresses imposed on the f oor. Priof to ih€ selection of the flooring to be insialled, the 'AlR.THROST System wds scieniifically tesied on performance against data contained in the W€st Cerman Standard DIN l8 O32 for Spofrs Hall Flooring, which is internationally recognised as being ihe most demanding of all criteria for spods tloor constuction. The fesulis of numerous scienufic tesis conducted on the AIR-THROST System substaniiale ihe ability ot 'AIR.THRUST Io withstand enormous loads, such as a number of eight ton Asiaijc Elephants standing on one 'oor'or"proo^qp- odof o p .ndr-d dld r,r-r 'onn. f. ly odd"d retfactab e seatjng system in the E C. Whiilam lndoor Recreation Centre in Liverpool N.S.W. The Cenhe provides facilitjes for twenty lwo indoor spofrs to natlonal and intefnatjonal standard and has a fLoof surface area measufins 57m x 37m (2, l09m'?). d- |!JFdnpaoI InFo Although desiqned to meet with the requirements in *!s ffi+_ :ltsfiffiti'ff'5:=i-
I SCIENTIFIC TESTINC PIFTnd| ' Spo r\ H"ll 'loo .ng The AIR THRUST 5\)Ier hd" bc"r \-bjp. rad o - iFn il', l-. ing o) ou- ,oun r) s fo erost LFst. q dLt\o rt.e. d_d rh. to ow I q aspecis are just some of the altributes of the 'AlR. THROST" System. which were criiically assessed. . Afea Resilience . Point Resliience o Resisrance to Binding ' Mean Sbain Modulus " Standard Deflection o Energy Loss . Thickness Factor o Afea Effect of Standard Defleciion ' Floor Tolerance o Cenefation of Static Load 6 Response io Static Load " Response to Rolling Loads . Inflammability - Eady Fire Hazafd of Materials Repod . lgnitability . Spread of Flame Index " Heat Evolved lndex ' Smoke Developed Index d Co'efficient of Friction 6 Sliding Characteristics ' SubJloor Ventilation ' , Concealed, In.Floor Fittings E Common Response Lite of Sprung Mounis Tests have been conducied by Unisearch Limited (Universiiy of N.S.W.), the C.S.l.R.O. Buildins Research Division (H19heu, Victoria). Depadment of Housing and Conshuction Experimental Building Station (Ryde, N.S.W.) and Loujs A. Challis and Associates Piy. Ltd. (Woollahra, N.S.W.), making most closely examined flooring systems in the wodd 4 Y I -i - AIR.THROST one of the
ExtemeLy economical dnd easy to mainta n with no ioints to hdrbo!r dust or othcr abrasrve mattcr whrch can be dislodged and grind away.i durjng Vjgorous usage. 'AlRTHRdST throuqh its unlque constuctjon pLayer performance and .omfoil resLlience prolidesa NAIURAL resu ting ln rmProved undeiloot the flo.r I nish Siqnificant reduction ln noise levels and exce lent ther;al insulatjon qua ties are ieaiures thal res!li lrom the unique design of the AlR THROSI Ihe shock absorbjng chafacterislics oi 'AlR-IHRUST help reduce the risk oi spoft assocrdted injufies the likes of shln splints. muscLe sprains and system. ELiminates many of the struclura vibration pfoblems encouniered ln conskuctions designed to incorPofate suspended s abs over the othe. areas and red!ces impact sound ransmjssion to acceptabLe evels True ball fesponse and rcgula. ball bounce w[h absoluiely no dead spols that is expefienced on conventional f ooring systems Sub.floor ve.tilation is adequately provided lof withrn the svslem s own method of consbuction, thus elimi;ratinq the necessjly to intoducc costly mechanral venrrarng. No mechanlcal tongue and groove ioints to break down ffom the.onstant loadings being exeded upon thc floor by retactable bleacher seatlng systems as th,.y ro I across the suriace or when fully laden with -> 793mr HIGH SCHOOL, Sreets SINCLETON C.r K ns t lork Singh.n 2310 DISTRICT SPORT O COMMONITY THE ENTRANCE CENTRE, Bate.! ts.y B.skctbdi! Tf. Enlraic. I,l28m: StadLnr. Rodd. Bateau Bay 226! l,OaAm' sTADloM WEST END SPORTS ilenow e st€et Crff $. 268{) 957n' BEATON Forls PARKLEISORECENTRE, Roda crlnrille 2t00 8O4M: ST. JOSEPH'S C.d.r'iLLe COLLECE, Road Hlnte.s H .2l l0 OF LATTER.DAY THE CHORCH sAiNTs Mr lltu u St.ke C-"nte. Lol I L Pflnllc OF JESUS CHRIST 5oam' R.dd. ilt Drd il 2t70 9OOM: CENTRE, N.fl onrire NARROM'NE Temrir SPORTS 2821 lr $€ ingo Slf€els 63am' PHYSICALFITNESSCENTRE, Anr! Esldb rhilcnr K.Pook. 2661 A43M: I ], ARMYDEVELOPMENTPHASE Av.(d srn! Ranau.k 20lL 2,945M, E,C. WHITLAM $enrora RECREATION L!erpo.i CENTRE, 2L70 Alen!€. 74lm' BOYS CLOB, 2a?0 PARKES 1640 POLICE CITIZENS Pe:rc€ Slrc.l Pdri.s 67AM' PYMBLE Ar.. LADIES r,!mbe COLLECE, 2071 Roda l,39om' TARACIRL $ason! SSCHOOL, Norlh Pan.rralld 2 I 5 I Dr !. .#- j"*- .- 3,324m: PARK INDOOR str€et Ab!ry STADIUM, 2540 MARKS foilh 659M. BONECILLAARMYESTABLISHMENT, I:rss t Rr(ldl.nd i"r{--- rlnl BLrld n9. tsoneq a 1694 546M: F I]ICH SCHOOL, \\i PARKDAI f!\ M.'dia o. Fasl 3195 R.rn ar.l,r 2.292fr' PARK, VICTORIAN S\van st.eel. \r SPORTS bD!,ne AOLYMPIC l00l 583m' aoqRNECRAMMARSCHOOL, d SlLlh !Fr ta,fd -aE 2580 EDUCATION, B^LLAR;\r B' rdf'r llrl arl OF 'DVANCED 72on 22om' sT. PAoL llol s schuol- L ink\ Road Arrl.: l9l l 66ln ST. LEONARDSCYMNASj0L, So!lh R.ac $.ofabbr. lL89 546M' HICH SCHOOL, Dr.n,a Fiil il .i A!c.!. B!.J.ora GREENWOOD FCA a-.nre B.ln,.,a l08l I 26m' OF TECHNOLOCY. ltilthorn ll22 SWINBOORNE !05 BlRoo! COLLECE R.dn
CAMBERWELLCHORCHoFENCLAND Cnls Crahmar School, Eurke Road, CambeNdl, 668m: WESTERN AUSTRALIA ST. &ARY'S CHORCH OF ENCLAND GIRLS SCHOOL, Ellion R@d, Karnup,621 I KALCOORLIE RECREATION CENTRE, Brookman St€et, Kalgoodie. 6430 CHORCHLANDS COLLEGE OF ADVANCED EDOCATION. Dea6on srree,. ChL'.it.nds 6018 BALCACOMMONNY CENTRE, Princess Road. &lsa, 6061. 3124- 613m, 9A4m, AUSTRALlAN CAPITAL TERRITORY WESTERNCREEKCOLLEGE, Fremande D.ive, Sttling- 261 l AOSTRALIAX NATIONAL ONIVERSIry 7O4m2 663m. 1,263m, BASKETBALLPAVILLION, CANAERRA SHOWCROOND, Fleminston Road, Lyneham. 2602 A.C,T, POLICE ACADEMY, 1,923m: NORTHERN IERRITORY SPECTAL EDOCA]ION Cn,, Troser R@d 6 denoLry Avenue Casuaind 5792 DARWIN CENTRE, | 96h. 540fr, ERINDALECENTRE, McBride Crescent, Wanniassa. 2903 NATIONAL INDOOR SPORTS E TRAINING CENTRE, &ttyesheet,Bruce.26lT BRqCE COLLECE OF TECHNICAL E FURTHER EDqCATION Haydon Drive, Bru.e. 2617 CANBERRATHEATRECENTRE, London Ctcuit, Civic 2608. I,695m: SADADEEN PRIMARY, SPECIAL A PRE SCH@L Sadadeen Slbdivision, Alice Splinss. 5750 ALAWACOMMONTYHALL, Lot 8640 Lakeside Drive. Alawa. 5792 MARRARA IND@R SPORTING COilPLEX. McMillans R@d, Maiiara. 5792 l4tm, 2,lo9m, I2OM' 65am, I,Z45M' 164M' SOOTF{ AOSTRAL]A TARIONRECREATIONCENTRE, Rosedae Avenue. Maion. 5043 THE CHORCH OF JESOS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAfNTs, 413 Tapleys Hill Road. Fliham Cardens. 5024 SOUTH AUSTRALIA FIRE SERVICES HEADOOARTERS, Wakefieldsheet, Adelaide.5ooo 2328n2 OU EEN SLA N D IONACOLLEGE, 85 Nodh Road, Undum. 4178 CAIRilS AMATEOR BASKETBALL STAD|OM, Auhuller Stieet. Canns. 4870 MANSFIELD STATE HICH SCHOOL, Broadwaler Poad. Mansfield 4122 BORDEKIN AMATEUR BASKETBALL STADtUtr. McMillan Ske€t. Ayr. 4807 0N|T|NGCH0RCH, Billington Sseet, Labrador. 4215 LANDSBOROqCH CIVIC COLTORAL CENTRE. l64 Sinchinton St.eet. Caloundra. 4551 ?30fr: 243m. 59Om? 634fr, 762m. 6OOm, TASMAN]A ONIVERSITY OF TASMANIA, STODIO THEATRE E HYTTONHALL, Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay. 7005 SnERSETRECREATIONCENTRE, Adhur Stieet. SomeMt 7322 566m: 3?3M2 349M' 831m, \i;;.*, r-:J i:i"- | k:€ t!;: "[:{
DETAILS IN BRIEF CONSTRUCTION system has an overall hejght in the following The of 38mm AIR-THRUST and is constructed A secondary vapour prool barier of .006mm polythene film is laid over lhe concrete sub.floor and carefully lapped and taped. 'Air The uniouelv blended rubber "AlR-THRUST" Cell' padi (44mm x 44mm to a layer of I 2mm thick water proof exterior. structural grade plywood laid at 45o to the wall ;n brickbond fashion - pads down. A further layer of plywood is laid cross d;rectionally to the bottom sheet and power nailed together with special fasteneG. x 4mm) are attached The plywood surface is then level sanded and the mosaic parqueby ;nstalled. MECHANICAL OPERATION of the 'AlR-THR{IST" The consbuction Pneumatic Spods Hall Flooring provides ib own method of forced sub floor ventilation, which is created when any dynamic activity takes place on the floor surface. This activity causes momentary compression of the air beneath the system, which then exhausts to the full perimeter. t he unique return of the system is provided by the natu.al movement of air encapsulated within the fully formed cells of the uniquely blended rubber "AlR. THRUST 'Air Cell pads. This movement resulb in the natural resilience one experiences also SPORT SOITABILITY The "AIR.THROST" system is installed in numerous complexes where the folloilng spore are played at international competition and training levels. Tennis Table Tennis Volleyball Weightlifting Wrestling Badminton Basketball Boxing Calisthenics Fencing Ballroom Dancing Indoor Soccer Indoor Hockey Judo Cymnastics Handicapped Sports Netball Our oroanisation has received manv comme-ndations directed at the perlormance and quality of the "AIR.THRUST" system, which include a number fiom visiting overseas teams and the executives of the various spoding bodies. In the inshnce of Handicapped Spotu, we would point out that unlike conventional flooring systems there is no possibilitv of the 'AlR. THRUST system developing "uam hacks . which can tap the wheels of the competitors chahs, thus exposing the athlete to possible Inlury. PRACTICAL ADVICE To the 'layman', all this technical information must be of little significance and we would suggest you 'try before you buy'. Visit any of the numerous centres throughout Australia and experience "AIR.THRUST" for youmelf, or speak with fellow players, Stadium Managers from centres with "AIR.THRUST" floors and the executive of the va.ious spofring bodies.
e||wr INLAID GAMES LINES INFLOOR FITTINGS To compliment the AIR.THRUST'System, developed a method of application bi which it is now possible to insiall permanently every AlR.THROST flooring insiallation. we have Australia s leading manufacturefs aquipmerl hdre designed d r omplere range or filr'rgs lor e\c Jsr!e use wilh the Air Thru)r'Sy5rem. of gymnasium inlaid games lines to Flush mounted, infloor fittings access covers with parquety inlay, enable easy access without impairing th- pcrformd"ce of rhF lloor dre reddrly dvdilable. Only d 4mn brd)s -im is !isible thus.du'rnq to the athlete. Because of the unique constuction system it is possible to install removable panels to suit any requhement- These panels are edge rimmed 3mm brass and no effect is had on ihe floors Considering the cost of repairs and maintenance conventional line marking methods over a period of time, add to this the fact that if the floors should ever require a conventional resand, this would then necessitate a complete replacement of conventional line marking systems. However, with Thrusa F oors lines thefe are no on going costs, of no di\[d' lion of ihe Air Thrust' permanently with inlaid ,AND SKIR'IINC EDCE TRIIqS /t4AINTENAI.JCE Depending upon the requircments on each individual projecl, Thrust F oors have available a number of methods by which the "AIR,THRUST' teated at the perimeter or where it abuts other floor finishes. Every AlR.THRUST highest siandard of workmanship and only first quality surface finishes applied. installaiion is finished to the System can be Maintenance to each installation is designed io be simple, yet cost efficient and our Company range of iime saving producls to ease the burden of dayto-day cleaning of the floor suface. ma*ets a ln each case, the natural movement of the AlR- THRUST' floor is not resnicted in any way other than by design- We are able to provide a fully vented five (5) piece skiriing section with vermin protection for the pedmeter or aluminium and brass threshold sections to finish off through doorways. Mat wells can simply be inco.rporated in the 'Air Thrusi system and finished to suit the specification. A concise but easy io follow maintenance recommendation screed is supplied to those involved wiih the up-keep of the AIR-THRUST sho!ld the instructions be followed, no "AIR.THRUST" floor would ever need io be conventionally resanded. System and
ARCHITECTORAL SPECIFICATIONS SUB.FLOORS CONCRETE 1- On ground slabs or suspended slabs which span swimminq or shower areas shall be consructed continuois vapour barrier which effectively protects the base and sides of the slab against the ingress of Size of the plywood sheets is to be 2440mm 122omm. (c) Floorfinishshallbe gmm "Metfoil'mosaic block parquet in a timber specie as nominated. Parquelry flooring is to be installed using B.W. Colle T. lO adhesive FLOOR SANDINC After parquet has been ;nsblled over the THRUST system for a min;mum of 7 ddys, the floor shall be fine sanded to a smooth, scratch.free surface, carefully brcomed and vacuumed finishing coab. SURFACE FINISHES As the majority of indoor sporting complexes being built today are designed for a multitude of uses, each project should be considered individually prior lo a surface coatinq being specified. For your guidance, we make the following recommendations, 1. SPORTS HALL FLOORS which are to be used solely for sporting events should be finished with ltlee (3) full coab of Oleo.Resinous timber seal - provides superior tractional qualities and is able to be cut back and recoated as rcqufed. 2. MULTI.PURPOSE HALL FLOORS where sport usage is minimal should be finished witht rse(3) full coats of Oleo-Resinous fimber seal and then maintained wlth a high quality spir;t based wax. 3. AYMNASIOM FLOORS should be finished with eitherlr/€r(3) full coats of Plastic Timber Seal ol (3) full coats of high solid moisture cured x wiih a ThrustFloo6 parquet or 19mm selectgrade Perfeciion" 2. The concrete slab is to be set down to accommodate the "AIR.THRUST" 38mm for parquet or by 48mm for ''Perfection" block parquet. 3. The surface of the concrete slab shall be smooth and level, f.ee of ridges and shot by more than 3mm ir 3 merres. and shall generally conlorm to the minimum requirerenb Austalian Standafd No. 1261.1262 time to time amended. 4. Thrusa F oors tntqnalifrat shall adv6e in wdting their acceptance of the sub-base prior io commencement of site work. VAPOUR BARRIER Prior to the installation of the the subJloor is to be vacuumed and an additional vapour barrier is to be supplied and installed over the existing sub-base and lapped and sealed. GENERAL (a) Sports hall floors/or other . . . shall be the AIR- THROST" pneumatic flooring system as supplied and installed by Thrusa Floors flooring system by 'Metfoil" mosaic igmm gmm AlR. waves and not vary in preparation for of lhe 1972 or as from fty Ltd system, AIR.THROST this finish qy Ltd tnlanational (b) Plywood shall be I 2mm thick 5 ply, waterpfoof e\rerior srru( lurdl plywood for rhe botom whnh lhe pddsd e to De dffrxed)a"d pl). wdtprpJool e^teilor stu.tural layer 0har ro wr'ch _l_e parquery is ro b" dffr\ed). layer {lhd' to l2mr lhicl' 5 Plywood 'or lh" top GCARANTEE Thrust Floo6 Evety 1, YEAR period. Our Cuarantee covers both workmanship and materials, which are performed and manufactufed in strict accordance wilh the appropriate Ausralian Standards. Floors free advisory service is available to any organisaiion seeking guidance on all aspects of Sports Hall Flooring and ouf after sales service is unsurpassed in lhis indushy. AIR-THRAST Pneumatic Sports Hall Floors The greatest name in Sprung Timber Floors AIR.THRUST Pneumatic Spods Hall Floofing installation is now fully waranted for a full ':hrust by THRUST FLOORS International P/L 7 / 89 Boundary Road Peakhuret 2210 P/O Box 36 Mortdsle NSIV 2223 inf{@l h r u stfl o o r s. c o m. a u 02 9s33 9s77 02 9s33 9422 www. Thr ustfl o ors. co m. au Muil: Emuil: Ph: Fx: Web: