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DIMENSIONE EUROPEA DEGLI STUDI e PROGRAMMI DI STUDIO INTEGRATI. INCONTRO DI APPROFONDIMENTO SUL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA L’Aquila, 111-12 novembre, 2005 LF Donà dalle Rose, Università di Padova, Italia. www.bolognaprocess.i t. PROLOGO (anni ‘80 e ‘90). Joint study programs (pre-Erasmus)
DIMENSIONE EUROPEA DEGLI STUDIe PROGRAMMI DI STUDIO INTEGRATI INCONTRO DI APPROFONDIMENTO SUL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA L’Aquila, 111-12 novembre, 2005 LF Donà dalle Rose, Università di Padova, Italia www.bolognaprocess.it
PROLOGO (anni ‘80 e ‘90) • Joint study programs (pre-Erasmus) • 1987 - 1995 PIC ERASMUS • mobilità • Curriculum Development • IP-Intensive Programmes • 1995 - ….. Socrates-Erasmus • Dimensione europea: Dichiarazione di Politica Europea • strumenti progettuali simili ad Erasmus, con in più lo strumento delle Reti Tematiche • Reti spontanee di università • Jean Monnet Project
LE TAPPE DEL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA Nella Dichiarazione di Bologna, il sesto obiettivo dei Ministri è: Promozione della necessaria dimensione europea dell'istruzione superiore, con particolare riguardo a: • sviluppo dei curricula, • cooperazione fra istituzioni, • schemi di mobilità, • programmi integrati di studio, • formazione e ricerca.
LE TAPPE DEL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA • PRAGA 2001 (A) i corsi di studio congiunti In order to further strengthen the important European dimensions of higher education and graduate employability Ministers called upon the higher education sector to increase the development of modules, courses and curricula at all levels with ”European” content, orientation or organisation. This concerns particularly modules, courses and degree curricula offered in partnership by institutions from different countries and leading to a recognized joint degree.
LE TAPPE DEL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA • PRAGA 2001 (B) la capacità di attrazione della EHEA • un nuovo obiettivo: • Promoting the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) • come? • A common framework of qualifications • coherent quality assurance • accreditation /certification mechanisms • increased information efforts
LE TAPPE DEL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA da PRAGA 2001 a Berlino 2003 • 2 seminari di Bologna sui Joint Degrees (Stoccolma e Mantova) • la EUA promuove il progetto pilota sui Joint Masters “10 Golden rules” • il Coimbra Group mette a punto un Glossario di termini utili • lancio di Erasmus Mundus
LE TAPPE DEL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA • BERLINO 2003 (A) elementi irrinunciabili di un Joint Degree • mobilità studentesca • apprendimento delle lingue (language policy) (B) impegno a rimuovere i vincoli legali che si oppongono al rilascio del titolo congiunto oggi su 25 paesi UE (consultzione Erasmus Mundus), 10 possono rilasciare, 4 possono (previa decisione della istituzione (IE,UK) o decisione case by case (DK,HU) 1 “non automatico” (FR) 7 non possono (EE, LV,LT, NL, SE) 3 situazione non dichiarata (CY, LUX, MT)
LE TAPPE DEL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA da Berlino 2003 a Bergen 2005 • 1 seminario di Bologna sui Joint Degrees (Stoccolma) • Erasmus Mundus comincia a funzionare: definizione di “integrated study programme” • Joint criteria for admission and examination: • Course integration: • Mobility • Guaranteed award of a recognised joint, or a double or a multiple degree upon graduation:
LE TAPPE DEL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA da Berlino 2003 a Bergen 2005 due esigenze sono prioritarie per i corsi congiunti: • essere saldamente ancorati nelle istituzioni partner • procedure amministrativo-accademiche dettagliate e innovative • essere oggetto di adeguate valutazioni di qualità • metodologia Tuning per il miglioramento della qualità • EUA-European Masters New Evaluation Methodology
LE TAPPE DEL PROCESSO DI BOLOGNA • BERGEN 2005 (A) rinnovata attenzione ai joint degrees: • testi sussidiari alla Convenzione di Lisbona • futuro stocktaking riguarderà anche “the awarding and recognition of joint degrees, including at the doctorate level” (B) la attractiveness viene collegata anche a: • ricerca e formazione alla ricerca • dimensione sociale del processo di Bologna (C) adozione dello EQF- European Qualification Framewok
UN CASO DI BUONA PRATICA Procedura in 21 punti per il rilascio del Diploma di Titolo Congiunto a cura soprattutto delle universitàdi Deusto, Bochum, Venezia e Padova
THE MODEL of E.MA - VENICEEuropean Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA for short) a consortium of partner universities, out of which • SOMEare willing and can confer a JDD - Joint Degree Diploma INNER CIRCLE INSTITUTIONS • OTHERS (even if willing) cannot confer a JDD OUTER CIRCLE INSTITUTIONS
POINTS and STEPS in the PROCEDURE for CONFERRING the JDD – JOINT DEGREE DIPLOMA RED = academic / BLUE = legal / BLACK = administrative aspects (much of overlap is possible) _______________ 1.Nature of the E.MA network and Quality Assurance 2.Academic characterisation of the Joint Degree-Course and of the JDD 3.Name of the Joint Degree and type of Degree/Qualification in each country 4.General administrative co-ordination of the Degree-Course the CO-ORDINATING CENTRE
POINTS and STEPS in the PROCEDURE -2 5. Special relationship: A special relationship is established between the Co-ordinating Centre and the Inner Circle Institutions (ICIs), in order to anchor firmly the Joint Programme in those institutions. In addition to support the ICIs with respect to students’ enrolment (point 9 below), insurance (point 11) and fee collection (point 12), the CC will transfer to each of the ICIs (at the right times of the Academic Year): • the agreed part of the tuition fee (see again point 12 below) • that part of the budget for the Joint Programme, which may serve to pay the E.MA teachers. See also point 17 below. • a complete list of all the teachers contributing to the E.MA degree-course educational activities in the involved Academic Year • the career records of each successful student (including a copy of the E.MA thesis), before the final examination takes place (transfer to the University of first enrolment only, in order to carry out the needed previous administrative check). • the completed career of each graduate, including a copy of the related JointDiploma Supplement (see also point 16 below). 6.Annual Call
POINTS and STEPS in the PROCEDURE – 3 7. Prerequisites for Access to the Degree Course 8. Selection and Admission of the students 9. Enrolment at the Universities of the Inner Circle 10. Certificate of “joint enrolment” 11. Insurance 12. Students’ fee 13. Student mobility: during the second semester, the status of a student moving to an Inner Circle Institution is “already jointly enrolled” (see point 9); the status of a student moving to an Institution out of the Inner Circle is “exchange student”. 14. Responsibility towards the students and Insurance of the students
POINTS and STEPS in the PROCEDURE - 4 15.Admission to the final examination 16.Registrar Office(s): The CC will keep a record of the Academic Career of each student, year by year. Each career, when completed and including the draft JOINT DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT, will be transmitted to each Inner Circle Institution, in order to keep full track there of the jointly conferred degree [e.g. in the appropriate archives (at each University)]. In order to make use of the sameRegistration Number in the ICI’s archives, it is agreed that the ICIs will register on their own archives the degree diplomas according to the initials “E.MA” followed by a progressive number. 17.Payment of Teachers 18. Structure, Language and Graphical Lay-out of the JDD: FOLLOWING SLIDES 19.Signatures on the Joint Degree Diploma 20.Role of the E.MA partners not belonging to the Inner Circle (RECOGNITION declared in the DS a JOINT RECOGNITION DIPLOMA?)
I am honoured to be invited to comment on your initiative from the perspective of international recognition of qualifications. Let me start by stating that such an initiative of setting up a joint degree and joint diploma deserves all possible encouragement. It is an example of recognition in practice in its finest form, from which student mobility in Europe can only benefit. I can whole-heartedly support the conclusion of the Italian NARIC that is mentioned in the letter and endorse the proposed procedure. In my opinion it contains the elements necessary from the point of view of foreign credential evaluators or admissions officers. ”Divis, Jindra”, Dutch NARIC, September 2003