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PEPPERMINT PROBLEM STATEMENT. RICHARD SHOCKEY [rich.shockey@neustar.biz] ANDREW NEWTON [andy@hxr.us]. ENUM. RFC 3761 Translate a E.164 Telephone Number into a URI via e164.arpa Public ENUM Number Holder - Registrant Infrastructure ENUM Carrier of Record - Registrant Private ENUM
ENUM • RFC 3761 Translate a E.164 Telephone Number into a URI via e164.arpa • Public ENUM • Number Holder - Registrant • Infrastructure ENUM • Carrier of Record - Registrant • Private ENUM • Non DNS based exchange of TN Mappings
SPEERMINT • Session PEERing for Multimedia INTerconnect • “SPEERMINT focuses architectures to identify, signal, and route delay-sensitive (real-time) communication sessions between one or more domains.” • The SPEERMINT work plan is related to but distinct from the work plans of the ENUM and SIPPING working groups. ENUM is primarily concerned eith the translation of E.164 numbers into URIs (RFC 3761), SPEERMINT is concerned with the use of the resulting URI data, as well as non-ENUM-derived URI data,
PEPERMINT • Provisioning Extensions in Peering Registries for Multimedia INTerconnection. • “ ENUM is specifically chartered to develop protocols that involve the translation of E.164 numbers to URI's. SPEERMINT has been chartered to develop best current practices among real-time application service providers and how such services interconnect across domain boundaries. It is clear from discussions in both working groups that Multi-Media Interconnection will require address of record data to be provisioned among administrative domains outside the normal scope of establishing a SIP session.” • Provisioning goes to the heart of the issue “ How do you trust the data you are using to route?” • Build on RFC 4114 and RFC 4414 ?? • Working to formalize BOF in at IETF 69 in Chicago.
Previous work • Crisp • Provreg • Build on RFC 4114 ENUM / EPP • RFC 4414 – IRIS ENUM • Provisioning is the critical element to making both work.
Issues • Transport SOAP/EPP • Role and expression of policy in the Registry