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A random walk through the hadron resonance gas. Krzysztof Redlich. Thermal origin of particle yields in HIC: modelling statistical operator Implementic conservation laws : canonical & grand canonical model: comparisons with data in AA, pA and collisions
A random walk through the hadron resonance gas Krzysztof Redlich • Thermal origin of particleyieldsin HIC: modellingstatistical operator • Implementicconservationlaws: canonical & grand canonical • model: comparisonswith data in AA, pA and collisions • IsCharm and Bottomproduction of thermal origin? • A-A, p-p, and collisions
A random walk through the hadron resonance gas Krzysztof Redlich • Thermal origin of particleyieldsin HIC: modellingstatistical operator • Implementicconservationlaws: canonical & grand canonical • model: comparisonswith data in AA, pA and collisions • IsCharm and Bottomproduction of thermal origin? • A-A, p-p, and collisions Helmut following 1st RHIC data with his criticaljudgement of theirpossible thermal origin (QM 2001 Stony Brook)
Thermal nature of particle production in HIC • All properties of a thermodynamc ensemble in thermal equilibrium are derived from part. function • To get a specific value of one fixes from • The equilibrium number of particles carrying q
Statistical operator and mass spectrum resonance dominance: Hagedorn mass spectrum + approximateby experimentally known mass spectrum and include finite width of resonaces Breit-Wigner resonaces
Particle Yields and model parameters particle yieldthermal densityBRthermal density of resonances • Minimal setup of model parameters 3-parameters needed to fix all particle yields • To account for chemical off-equilibriumeffects • introducefugacityparametersinparticlemomentumdistributions: • for allparticles? • => introduce on thequarklevel: • Density of hadronscomposed of numbers of • u,d,squarksgets a factor: Then, max 6-parameters needed to fix all particle yields
Model versus data J. Cleymans &Helmut Satz (93) J. Cleymans, H. Satz, E. Suhonnen &K.R. (93) F. Becattini , P. Castorina, A. Milov & Helmut Satz (2010) Au-Au 200GeV DATA T=169.8± 4.2 miu~ 25MeV T~175 MeV miu~ 250MeV MODEL Gooddescription of particleyields, withthestatistical operator of HRG formulatedin GC- ensemble, in central heavy ioncollisionsfrom top AGS up to RHIC . Problemswithstrangenessyieldsin non-central collisionsat high energy and in central collisionsfromSIS-AGS. K – yieldsdiffer by a factor of almost 20 at SIS!
Importance of canonicaleffects: 1st results J. Sollfrank, F. Becattini, Helmut Satz & K.R. (98) • Introduced strangeness correlation volume • Provides good description of data • Data from NA35 & WA97
conservation on the average exact conservation GC Consider thermal system with total strangenes “S”=0 C A A A S=-1 A S=1 S S S suppression factor 1 suppression increases withS and with decreasing collision energy
i) Strong, quadratic dependence of |S|=1 particles with at SIS ii) strange anti-particle/particle ratios independent of KaoS (GSI-SIS)
iii) Scaling properties of particle production yields • Excellent description of kaon production from SIS to AGS subthreshold Scaling: • similar scaling for :
Strangeness Enhancement from pp to AA increases with:i) strangeness content of the particleii) with decreasing collision energy NA57 A. Tounsi & K.R STAR Decrease of enhancements from SPS to RHIC as predicted in the model Consistent predictions for order of magnitude of enhancements of Omega and Xi at RHIC Centrality dependence not correct when assuming ,howeverdoes not need to scale linearly. Assume:
Energy dependence of thermal parameters in HIC at chemical freeze-out A. Andronic , D. Blaschke, P. Braun-Munzinger , J. Cleymans , K. Fukushima , L.D. McLerran , H. Oeschler e, R.D. Pisarski , C. Sasaki, H. Satz, J. Stachel & K.R. (2010) For GeVfreezeouttemperaturealmostsaturatesat165 5MeV
Particles excitation functions in HG model A. Andronic , D. Blaschke, P. Braun-Munzinger , J. Cleymans , K. Fukushima , L.D. McLerran , H. Oeschler e, R.D. Pisarski , C. Sasaki, H. Satz, J. Stachel & K.R. (2010) Nu Xu & K.R. H.Oeschler et al.
F. Becattini, P. Castorina, A. Milov& H. Satz(2010) Canonical statistical model in pp collisions: Helmut Satz et al. predictions versus ALICE p-p data at LHC • Good description of RHIC data with similar temperature as in a central HIC F. Becattini , P. Castorina, A. Milov & H. Satz J.Phys.G38:025002, (2011.)
Charm production in annihilation Jet structure of hadrons production Flavor content of the jets: Can we quantify light and heavy flavor particles within Statistical Model ?? F. Becattini, P. Castorina, J. Manninen and H. Satz (2008) (2009)
Most hadronic events in high energy e+e collisions are two-jet events Each jet represents an independent fireball 2-jets with substructed decays of “C” and “B” Problem: Open Charm and Bottom shows dramatic deviations from data Subtract the contributions from charm and bottom to lighter particles e.g. C,B contributions to
Canonical effects and charm/bottom mesons Charge of the system Charge of the particle Total charge of the system and small Strong Suppression of thermal particle phase-space Strong Enhancement of thermal particle phase-space
Charm and Bottom particles at LEP, 91 GeV Open charm and bottom well described by thermalisation of thermal fireball with overall Charm= and Bottom= and are entirely coming from Bottom’s decays and agree with model Hidden charm, Y is of non-thermal origin, thus, it does not fit to model systematic!
Production cross section of relative to A. Andronic, F. Beutler, P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Stachel &K.R. The ratio for the Tevatron energy was derived from the CDF dataon and and is for : We have extrapolated the measurements from down to NA50 Strong suppression of ratio in relative to different production mechanism in elementary and heavy ion collisions The nuclear modification cancelled out in the ratio as the pp value is the same as in the pA Good agreement of Statistical Model and data in PbPb collisions RHIC CDF Data pA compilation by:
Conclusions • The Hadron Resonance Gas partictionfunction: => reproducesbulk of particleyieldsmeasured form SIS up to LHC energy =>itreproduces net proton fluctuationsup to 4th order measuredat RHIC =>Itreproducesratios of different susceptibilitiesobtained on thelattice =>itreproducesthermodynamicsup to very near T_cobtained on thelattice for differentquark masses • Italsoprovidesconsitentdescription of particleproductioninelementarycollisionswith clear discrepancies for yields of hiddencharm, bottom and strangeparticles
Summary I wish you Helmut many Happy Returns and Successful Further Research