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 Empowerment  Engagement/ Inspiration  Leadership. Careers Advisers and Transition Advisers - 2013. Agenda . 8:45 - 9:00am Coffee & Registration 9:00 – 9:15am Setting the Scene 9:15- 10:45am Empowerment 10:45-11:15am Morning Tea 11:15- 1pm: Inspiration and Engagement

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  1. EmpowermentEngagement/ InspirationLeadership.Careers Advisers and Transition Advisers - 2013

  2. Agenda 8:45 - 9:00am Coffee & Registration 9:00 – 9:15am Setting the Scene 9:15- 10:45am Empowerment 10:45-11:15am Morning Tea 11:15- 1pm: Inspiration and Engagement 1- 1:30pm: Lunch 1:30- 2:50pm: Leadership 2:50-3pm: Review & Future Directions

  3. Setting the scene • 32 respondents in 2013 * 33 respondents in 2009 • Years as a careers adviser: • View of C.A Role today: • 66% think it is becoming more interesting • 69% increased innovative capacity • C.A Perception: Has remained consistent with 66% indicating they are first point of contact- welfare programs utilizing employers'.

  4. Work Experience • 29 schools have a work experience program that predominately caters for Yr 10 students. • Almost 100% of responsibility for paperwork lies with Careers Adviser however 48% of schools have a team who organisesvocational learning opportunities. • 15 respondents indicated work experience is reactive to student need whilst 11 schools indicated the block release format. • C.A role in the K-10 Syllabus implementation.

  5. Empowerment • National Career Development Strategy • NSW K–10 syllabuses for the Australian curriculum- additional capabilities of: • Civics and Citizenship • Difference and Diversity • Work and Enterprise • Workplace Learning Policy - Update

  6. NSW K-10 Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum • Cross Curriculum Priorities • Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander histories and culture. • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia • Sustainability

  7. NSW K-10 Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum • General Capabilities: General capabilities encompass the knowledge, skills, attributes and behaviours that will assist students' to live and work successfully in the 21st Century. • Critical and creative thinking • Ethical understanding • Information and communication technology capability • Intercultural understanding • Literacy • Numeracy • Personal and social capability BOS Additions: • Civics and citizenship • Difference and diversity • Work and enterprise.

  8. Workplace Learning Policy for Secondary StudentsUp-date

  9. Objectives- Policy Statement • Policy covers HSC VET work placement, work experience, career and enterprise programs, student mentoring in the workplace, SBATs. • Duty of Care rests with the school/ TAFE • Insurance and Indemnity provisions of DEC apply to work place learning placement approved by the Principal. • Regular and effective communication with parents/carers, support staff and host employers • Appropriate work place learning opportunities for students with special needs.

  10. Audience and Applicability • The policy applies to all education and training organisations involved in the provision of workplace learning programs to students over 14 years of age.

  11. Responsibilities and Delegation • Principals • Duty of Care • Authorization of a suitable contact person and approval of workplace learning programs. • Insurance is enacted upon Principal approval of work placement • Injury Claims referred to Principal • Teachers/ Careers Advisers • Duty of Care • Providing Parents Guide to all students. • HSC VET: Working with WPSPs to match students appropriately and ensure SPR is complete. • Prepare students for WPL and follow-up during and after WPL. • Communicate with employers.

  12. Responsibilities • Parents • Understand purpose of work place learning programs. • Provide permission • Plan safe travel arrangements. • Emergency contact for placements after normal business hours. • Report concerns to school • Students • Complete SPR • Participate in work placement activities. • Travel safely • Communicate concerns.

  13. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Requirements • Principals or delegates are responsible for monitoring and evaluating workplace learning programs. • Inclusion of workplace learning programs into School Management Plan. • Reporting of workplace learning programs annually or as required. • Incident reporting in line with DEC Incident and reporting Policy and Procedures.

  14. Support Documentation • Student Placement Record • Procedures & Standards – expands on policy document • An Employer’s Guide to Workplace Learning • Guide for Parents/Carers • Prohibited Activities

  15. Inspiration and Engagement • Career Search- Susan Beamer St Clair HS. • Women in Trades- Michelle Ibrahim- Parramatta HS • WOW- Peter Rance- Kingswood HS • myFuture- Lyn Tuckwell- Hawkesbury HS • ‘MathsDeadlys’- Sandra Palmer- Cranebrook HS

  16. Inspiration and Engagement Using as many of the snapshots as you are interested in complete the SWOT analysis. Use the points mentioned as thought prompters.

  17. Leadership Inspiration and Engagement - reflection using SWOT- 5 or more people share a sentence that is expressed like: My school could consider “initiative…eg GIT” by linking it with “identified opportunity” which would strengthen “a current strength or overcome a current weakness”.

  18. Leadership • Leadership hinges on sharing a vision of possibility. • Leadership involves inspiring others to support you to enact the vision. • Leadership also involves identifying and seizing an opportunity. How will you use your expertise to create sustainability and leave a legacy of effective practise?

  19. Leadership • Essential Information – Careers Advisers • Orientation • Management and Accountability • Career Development • Clients and Stakeholders • Professional Development

  20. Leadership – Personal / Communal • Stephen Covey – “7 habits of highly effective people”. • Key areas of focus for careers and transition • How are you using your time? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODyG5lKbH08 • Urgent and Important matrix • Where are you spending most of your time? • What could you do better?

  21. Reflection on your Matrix • In the worksheet provided I want you to brainstorm how you use your time over a day / week/ term……Your decision. • Reflect on your matrix and write a sentence on this reflection. • Can you identify areas for improvement? If so what? • Share in a group and see if the group can identify one idea for further PD.

  22. Review and Reflect • Collate all PD ideas from room • Brainstorm other PD ideas that emerged throughout the day.

  23. Days reflection • What I thought I’d get • What I wanted to get from the day. • What I did get • What I would like in the future

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