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Kinsey’s Misused Legacy: Moving on from continuums. Zowie Davy @ zowiedavy. Kinsey et al.
Kinsey’s Misused Legacy: Moving on from continuums Zowie Davy @zowiedavy
Kinsey et al. • The world is not to be divided into sheep and goats. Not all things are black nor all things white. Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separate pigeonholes (Kinsey, Pomeroy, & Martin, 2003 [1948]: 897).
Kinsey et al’s commentators • “matter of individual differences within a continuous scheme of sexual distribution” (Bauer, 2007: 5)
Precursors • Edward Carpenter’s (1912) ‘Uranians’ or ‘third sexes’ • Havelock Ellis’ (1942 [1905], 1994 [1897]) ‘sexual inverts’ • Hirschfeld’s(1991 [1910]) ‘sexual Intermediaries.’
Trans* • trans* as "across", "beyond" or "on the opposite side”
Trans* Social Movements Trans advocates’ claims are often in the form of a cerebral DSD condition (see Brain, 2012; Gender Identity Research and Education Society, 2006; Transgender London, 2011; TS-SI, 2008). “Many transgender people have believed for the longest time that biology had been the cause. I myself believe this as my earliest memories were that of wanting to be a girl even before I learnt to spell. Hopefully further studies like this will prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the phenomenon is a natural occurrence, leading to social acceptance of transgender people” (SameSame, 2008).
BIOLOGY???? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMz5sUQmfyQ
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