2. A little background . . . Degree in French and German (Aston)
‘Licence’ in English with French and German (Orléans)
Diploma in Management Studies (Bournemouth)
Lived in France for 3 years (fluent French speaker)
Lived in Germany for 6 months (rusty German speaker)
Lived in Italy for 1 month
Visiting Lecturer to CEIBS (Shanghai) for 9 years
Some knowledge of Italian, Spanish, Japanese & Chinese
Have travelled extensively in Europe, Australasia & S.E.Asia
Responsible for international affairs in Business School
Framework Leader for UG Business and Management
3. The Institutional Vision “We are committed to fostering a global outlook. We will encourage internationally significant research, the recruitment of students and staff with experience of a wide range of countries and cultures, the development of opportunities for international engagement by students and staff, the delivery of a curriculum which prepares for global employability, the establishment of strategically significant international partnerships and active engagement with appropriate networks and initiatives within Europe and beyond.”
Bournemouth University Strategic Plan (08/09-11/12)
4. Agenda Introduction
Cross-Cultural Capability in the Business School
Lessons learned
What and where next?
Q & A / Discussion
5. Employability in the 21st century "Final-year students should be aware that nearly half of [graduate] recruiters expect to face difficulties in fulfilling recruitment objectives - with the largest factor being a lack of applicants with the right skills.
Employers are … looking for graduates who can demonstrate softer skills, such as team working, cultural awareness, leadership and communication skills, as well as academic achievement”.
Chief executive of the AGR, Carl Gilleard
(Ford, The Guardian - 07.02.07)
6. Cross-Cultural Capability in the Business School 3 units (all team-taught):
‘International Awareness and Management Ethics’ (Level C)
‘Working in an International Context’ (Level I)
‘International Management’ (Level H)
Cultural and linguistic sensitivity / fluency
Ethical challenges in (international) management
CSR, sustainability, international HRM
Focus on evolution of English as a lingua franca
Culture-specific and culture-general approaches used
Ethnocentrism and stereotyping highlighted throughout
Focus on development of interpersonal / transferable skills
Multi-faceted assessment
7. Overview: The International Jigsaw
8. What makes an effective international manager = what we aim to develop and assess Ability to see the ‘big picture’
Cultural sensitivity
Ethical management
Language ability - English and foreign languages
Empathy and respect for others
Recognition of knowledge and educational gaps
Adaptability and flexibility
Tolerance of ambiguity, uncertainty and complexity
Experience of having lived and worked abroad
9. A bility to see the ‘big picture’
C ultural sensitivity
C uriosity
E thical management
L anguage ability - English and foreign languages
E mpathy and respect for others
R ecognition of knowledge and educational gaps
A daptability and flexibility
T olerance of ambiguity, uncertainty and complexity
E xperience of having lived and worked abroad What makes an effective international manager = what we aim to develop and assess
10. Cross-Cultural Capability:Example ILOs
Understanding of, and ability to apply, the principles of effective communication in a cross-cultural context (C)
Appreciation of occasions where unethical behaviour might occur and the range of managerial practices possible to encourage ethical behaviour (C)
Understanding of the nature and complexity of social responsibility and ability to apply methodologies to critically examine moral, social, environmental and economic dilemmas (I)
Critical understanding of cultural differences in business protocol, organisational behaviour and management culture (I)
A critical appreciation of the nature and complexity of International Organisations and Management issues (H)
An ability to contribute effectively to the formulation, communication and implementation of management policy and practice in both national and international contexts (H)
11. Cross-Cultural Capability:Learning and Assessment Philosophy
12. Cross-Cultural Capability at BU: Example assignments Group presentation: students play the role of business consultants / trainers, advising a UK audience on how to enter, and conduct everyday business interactions in, a specific foreign market (C)
Online group negotiation: students negotiate ‘virtually’ with representatives from an (initially undisclosed) ‘Eastern’ culture, thus requiring them to adapt their persuasion skills and cultural expectations (I)
Report: students write a briefing report on the business and management in two contrasting countries, focusing on everyday business interactions (I)
Face-to-face negotiation: a pair of students must explore and seek to resolve a complex cross-cultural business conflict, by using appropriate communicative and suasive techniques (role play with tutor) (H)
Group presentation: students prepare and deliver a cultural briefing, as well as a training programme to a client, which will be sending a manager overseas (H)
13. Lessons learned Students enjoy this subject when taught enthusiastically and knowledgeably (IA&ME and WiaIC are the highest-scoring units on C/I);
Many students have fascinating life experiences, which they are happy to discuss when prompted;
Students increasingly struggle with the more complex material, due to a lack of wider reading (e.g. current affairs). Up-to-date and interesting case studies, to which they can relate, are key;
Students resent being ‘preached at’ or told what to think. They want material delivered objectively and to be able to form their own views;
Students engage particularly well with practical assignments. Such assignments need not be ‘lightweight’. My assignments are ‘hybrids’;
For group-based work, students respond extremely positively and maturely to Self and Peer Assessment, provided the system is carefully explained and well-managed.
14. What and where next?
Materials date quickly: my units need refreshing (when?)
At present, there is little integration between the two ‘halves’ of each unit. However, this year, we will be running an integrated assignment for ‘International Management’ and we aim to develop similar for the other units in 10-11;
The number of Business Studies students taking the final-year option remains disappointingly low – how we can encourage more to take this route?