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Direct3D Workshop. November 17, 2005 Workshop by Geoff Cagle Presented by Players 2 Professionals. Workshop Breakdown. Part 1: Graphics Pipeline Part 2: Projection Space Part 3: Windows Programming Intermission Part 4: Setting Up Direct3D Part 5: Using Direct3D. Notes and Code Samples.
Direct3DWorkshop November 17, 2005 Workshop by Geoff Cagle Presented by Players 2 Professionals
Workshop Breakdown • Part 1: Graphics Pipeline • Part 2: Projection Space • Part 3: Windows Programming • Intermission • Part 4: Setting Up Direct3D • Part 5: Using Direct3D
Notes and Code Samples • You can download these notes and all the code samples from http://p2pclub.eng.usf.edu/direct3d/
code1.cpp • This part of the workshop is basically a big explanation for code1.cpp which creates a window. • You may find it helpful to look at code1.cpp as you go through the slides.
What is a “window?” • The most obvious windows are the application windows on your desktop. • The term “window” also refers to any child window or control (such as a button) within a window. • Windows are organized in a hierarchy.
Event Driven Programming • Windows programming is event driven. • An event driven program sits and waits for an event to process. • Events include moving or sizing a window, clicking the mouse button over a window, or typing keys on the keyboard. • Windows programs are notified of events by messages sent from the OS.
Win32 API • We will use the Win32 Platform API to write a windows program. • Typically more tedious, but we only need to create one window. • Faster and Smaller executable. • Written in C. • Other options include: • MFC, Qt, wxWindows, SDL, .NET Forms
WinMain • Instead of main, windows programs use WinMain • WinMain has different parameters: • HINSTANCE hInstance – a handle to the program • HINSTANCE hPrevInstance – no longer used. • LPSTR lpCmdLine – unparsed command line. Doesn’t include executable’s filename. • int nCmdShow – Specifies how the window should be initially shown (ie. Minimized, Maximized, Normal) • WinMain must have a WINAPI modifier. • int WINAPI WinMain (…) • WinMain still returns an integer like main.
Headers • To use the Win32 API we need to #include windows.h • If we #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN before #including windows.h, the compiler will skip compiling the more rarely used windows code.
Windows Program Outline • Create Window Class • Create Window • Show the Window • Enter Message Loop
Window Classes • A window class acts as a template for window creation. • Window classes are not classes in the C++ sense. • We can set such properties as: • Name of the window class – important for identifying it later! • Window style – How it looks and its default behaviors. • Window procedure – a pointer to function that handles messages for a window. • Default cursor, icon, and menu.
Creating a Window Class • Fill out a WNDCLASS or WNDCLASSEX structure. • Use the structure to register the class with a call to RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx, respectively.
Create the Window • Create a Window with a call to CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx. • Some of the parameters you will need to enter include: • The name of a window class. • The name of the window. • A handle to a parent window. (NULL if no parent) • Initial size and position of the window. • CreateWindow and CreateWindowEx will return a window handle (HWND) if successful or NULL if failed.
Showing the Window • When we create a window it starts off hidden. • To show the window you must call ShowWindow (hWnd, nCmdShow) • hWnd – returned from CreateWindow/Ex. • nCmdShow – parameter from WinMain. • This will send a message to the window telling it to show. • Call UpdateWindow (hWnd) to force the window to process the show message immediately.
Message Loops • A message loop is needed to forward messages to their windows. • There are different ways to make a message loop but here is the most common one: MSG msg = {0}; // returns FALSE when message is WM_QUIT while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage (&msg); // translate keyboard messages. DispatchMessage (&msg); // send message to its window. }
Message Loop (Cont’d) • The loop uses: • A MSG structure – Holds message information. • GetMessage – Retrieves the next message. Waits for a message if the message queue is empty. • TranslateMessage – Translate some keyboard messages. • DispatchMessage – Dispatches the message to the appropriate windows procedure.
Windows Procedure • Every window has an associate procedure for handling messages. • Windows procedures have the following format: • LRESULT CALLBACK ProcName (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
Window Procedure Example • Here is an example procedure: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { switch (msg) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage (0); return 0; } return DefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, wp, lp); }
Window Procedure Parameters • The procedure has 4 parameters: • HWND hwnd – handle to the window receiving the message. This is useful when multiple windows share the same procedure. You can think of it sort of like a this pointer. • UINT msg – The message. • WPARAM wp and LPARAM lp – These are parameters to the message and may represent different things.
Window Procedure Return • When the procedure completely handles a message, it should return 0. • The procedure should let the OS handle all other messages by calling DefWindowProc and then return its result.
WM_DESTROY and WM_QUIT • For this workshop we only want to handle one message: WM_DESTROY. • This message is called when a window is closed. • Note that just because the window is destroyed, the program will still run. • To end the program we send WM_QUIT by calling PostQuitMessage.
WM_* • Other messages you may want to handle include: • WM_CREATE • WM_SIZE • WM_LBUTTONDOWN • WM_LBUTTONUP • WM_MOUSEMOVE • WM_KEYDOWN • WM_KEYUP • Check MSDN literature for information about these messages: http://msdn.microsoft.com/
Code1.cpp • This completes Part 3 of the workshop. • To see how this all works check out code1.cpp, included with this workshop.
References • Programming Windows 5th Edition by Charles Petzold. The definitive guide to Win32 API Programming. • MSDN’s Win32 API Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winprog/winprog/windows_api_start_page.asp