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Evolution of JAT Airways: A Historic Journey in Serbian Civil Aviation |

Explore the rich history and milestones of JAT Airways, from early beginnings to the introduction of jet aircraft and expansion into intercontinental routes. Learn about the challenges and successes faced by this iconic airline. |

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Evolution of JAT Airways: A Historic Journey in Serbian Civil Aviation |

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  1. Presentation ofJat Airways Belgrade, October 2007.

  2. Contents • History of Serbian Civil Aviation • The Beginnings – Ivan Šarić • First Scheduled Flights – Franko-Rumen and SIDNA • Aeroput – First Serbian National Airline • JAT Yugoslav Airlines – From Founding till 2005 • Jat Airways Today • Organization, Fleet, Routes • Memberships, Standards • Facts & Figures • Strategy for Tomorrow

  3. The Beginings - Ivan Sarić History of SerbianCivil Aviation Ivan Sarić – First Serb to Fly At the City Stadium in the City of Subotica (northern part of Serbia) in summer of 1910 Ivan Sarić performed first test flights and simultaneously learning his piloting skills. Doing so, Ivan Sarić, less than seven years after the Right brothers made a successful flight on an airplane that was his design. Satisfied with achieved results he organized a public demonstration of his piloting skills on the October 16 1910 in front of 7,000 citizens of Subotica.

  4. First Scheduled Flights History of SerbianCivil Aviation FRANKO-RUMEN This international airline was the first one which started to use Pančevo airport (on the outskirts of Belgrade) on intercontinental route Paris-Carigrad (Istanbul) with SPAD aircraft on March 25, 1923. The first scheduled night flight between Belgrade and Bucharest was on 9 September 1923; and it was at the same time the first night flight in passenger air traffic in the world. SIDNA Franko-Rumen airline changes name in 1925 into SIDNA, which uses Pančevo airport till May 1927, and in 1933 this airline operates through AIR FRANCE.

  5. Aeroput – First Serbian National Airline History of SerbianCivil Aviation The first Yugoslav airline AEROPUT, was founded on June 17, 1927. The first route - Belgrade-Zagreb - became operational on February 15, 1928. The following year - 1929 - the company joined the International Air Traffic Association (IATA). By 1930, "Aeroput" aircraft had scheduled flights between Belgrade and Gratz, Vienna (via Zagreb), and Thessalonica (via Skopje). In the period from 1928 - 1940 Aeroput carried77,510 passengers, performed 21,187 flights, its aircraft flew 4,817,482 km and transported 773 tons of goods.

  6. JAT Yugoslav Airlines – Early Beginnings History of SerbianCivil Aviation 01 April 1947 - First flight of JUGOSLOVENSKI AEROTRANSPORT (previous name of JatAirways) • At the commencement of operations the fleet consisted of: • Two JU-52 • Two DC-3 During that year, the fleet was enlarged with one more JU 52, four DC-3 and one C-47 used for cargo transport. In its first year, JAT had carried 26,423 passengers and 89,512 kg of mail and cargo.

  7. JAT Yugoslav Airlines – The Jet Age History of SerbianCivil Aviation In 1963. JAT Yugoslav Airlines introduced three Caravelles SE-210, and thus marked the beginning of the jet era in Yugoslav Civil Aviation. Three Caravelles increased JAT capacity by 59% on domestic and by 75% on international flights. JAT witnessed significant growth in number of passenger carried in 1964, when JAT aircraft, linking Yugoslavia to 25 destinations in Europe, carried 460,000 passengers in total.

  8. JAT Yugoslav Airlines – The Big Leap Forward History of SerbianCivil Aviation 1970 was certainly a crucial year for JAT. This was the year when the company started developing its long-haul network, first by operating charter flights to Australia and Canada. First scheduled intercontinental route (Belgrade-Karachi-Singapore-Sydney) was inaugurated on April 1,1975. For that reason, JAT introduced two new types of airplanes into its fleet: DC-9-30 and B-707-320. In 1975, JAT became a “millionaire” company, and carried 1,106,000 passengers. This figure qualified JAT as a medium-sized company.

  9. JAT Yugoslav Airlines – Introduction of DC-10 History of SerbianCivil Aviation On December 12, 1978 the first DC-10-30 landed at Belgrade airport. The second DC-10-30 started operations in May 1979. This move clearly demonstrated JAT’s intention to expand its operations to intercontinental routes. in 1979. JAT carried 4 million passengers. At that same year JAT introduced its own system for automatic reservations (JATARS). By 1984, 12 JAT offices in 12 cities in Europe, USA and Canada were connected to JATARS, along with most of the offices in Yugoslavia.

  10. JAT Yugoslav Airlines – Record Years History of SerbianCivil Aviation In August 1985, first two Boeing B-737-300 were added to the fleet, representing JAT determination to achieve competitiveness through fleet renewal. By 1990 total of nine B-737-300 were delivered to JAT. At the same time, three ATR-72 were ordered to serve shorter domestic and regional routes. 1987. Will be remembered as record year in total passenger carried by JAT: 4,531,000 passengers!

  11. JAT Yugoslav Airlines – Times to be forgotten History of SerbianCivil Aviation Nineties will be remembered as the most difficult period for both JAT Yugoslav Airlines and Yugoslavia in their long history. Resolution No. 757 passed by UN Security Council made JAT unique in the history of civil aviation: JAT became first airline in history banned to perform international flights. The last JAT international scheduled flight occurred on June 3, 1992. JAT scheduled services to Europe were suspended for 2.5 years. The first JAT flight after the lifting of UN sanctions was from Belgrade to Moscow on October 6, 1994. However, JAT managed to preserve two most valuable assets: its highly skilled employees and its fleet.

  12. JAT Yugoslav Airlines – A New Beginning History of SerbianCivil Aviation Democratic changes occurred on October 5, 2000 were followed by financial and political stabilization in Serbia and Montenegro. Those changes opened new perspectives to JAT and its return to the European market.

  13. JatAirways – Back into the World History of SerbianCivil Aviation April 2002 – Migration to Amadeus GDS / LHS Inventory 2002 – First Code Share Agreement signed (JU & OK) 2003 – Long-haul routes re-established through JU-HY Code Share Agreement (TAS-BEG-JFK) 2004 – Code Share Agreements with Austrian and Lufthansa. Process of IOSA certification initiated 2005 – Jat Airways becomes 23rd IOSA certified company in the world 2005 – JU-AF, JU-SU, JU-AZ Code Share Agreements 2005 – JAT Technical Department receives EASA 145 Certification 2007 – IOSA Certification renewed, again with 0 findings 2007 – Amadeus E-Ticketing solution implementation November 2007– Cut-over to Amadeus Altea Inventory planned.

  14. JatAirways – Organization Jat Airways Today 100 % State-owned company • Jat Airways is currently in the process of restructuring. First phase of this process – forming of dependent companies is in progress: • “Slavija” Hotels – formation completed on June 1, 2005 • Mt Kopaonik Apartments – formation completed July 1, 2005 • Catering Division – formation completed July 1, 2005 • JAT Technical Division – formation completed in first half of July, 2005 • Agricultural Aviation – formation in progress • Medical Institute – formation in progress • Flight Academy – formation in progress

  15. JatAirways – Staff Jat Airways Today

  16. JatAirways – Organizational Chart Jat Airways Today

  17. JatAirways – Fleet Jat Airways Today ATR-72: 5 aircraft (1 leased in) B-737-300: 10 aircraft (1 leased-in) B-737-400: 1 aircraft (1 leased-in)

  18. JatAirways – Total Flights ’05, ’06 and ‘07 Jat Airways Today 8,2% 20,6% 10,3% 7,2%

  19. JatAirways – Scheduled Routes (W07) Jat Airways Today

  20. JatAirways – Total Passengers ’05, ’06 and ‘07 Jat Airways Today 14,3% 7,2% 6% 13,0%

  21. JatAirways – Load Factor % ’05, ’06 and ‘07 Jat Airways Today

  22. JatAirways – Memberships, Standards Jat Airways Today Member since 1955. Member since 1971. NMC Yugoslavia co-founder (1990.) Certified carrier since February 2005. (23rd certified airline in the world) Certificate renewed 2007

  23. JatAirways – Strategy for Tomorrow Jat Airways Today • Facts: • Jat Airways is loosing its market share due to fierce competition with more adequate fleet, more frequencies and better network. • Belgrade is centrally located in South-East Europe (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania). • Jat Airways is one of the most experienced carriers in the region. • Strategy: • New traffic concept: Belgrade airport as hub, and traffic concept based on at least two daily frequencies between Belgrade and the region (TGD, TIV, BNX, SJJ, TIA, SKP, SOF, BUH, TSR, SKG ...), at least 5 weekly frequencies between the Middle East and Belgrade, and at least 5 weekly frequencies between points in Europe and Belgrade.

  24. JatAirways – Strategy for Tomorrow Jat Airways Today JU to serve destinations to EU countries / Russia / Turkey with at least 5 weekly frequencies (B-737, 50-70-seater jet). JU to serve South-Eastern Europe with at least two daily frequencies (ATR-72). Europe Timisoara coordinated schedules Thessalonica BEG Middle East Middle East

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