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02 문장을 길어지게 하는 웬수들 ! - 나 ( 명사 ) 를 넘 좋아해서 그러니 참아야지 !. A. 나 홀로 형용사와 나 홀로 분사 + 명사.
02 문장을 길어지게 하는 웬수들! - 나(명사)를 넘 좋아해서 그러니 참아야지!
A. 나 홀로 형용사와 나 홀로 분사 + 명사 TIP ① 형용사 + 명사 Here comes the big red machine. ② 현재분사 + 명사 (수식받는 명사와 주동관계) The strange-looking man eventually saved the boy's life. ③ 과거분사 + 명사 (수식받는 명사와 목동관계) A rejected case can't be judged again.
0001 There is an interesting relationship between a country’s developmental progress and its population structure.
0001 There is an interesting relationship between a country’s developmental progress and its population structure. [해석] 한 국가의 발전과정과 그 나라의 인구 구조 사이에는 흥미로운 관련성이 있다. [Words & Phrases] *relationship 관계 *developmental 발달의 발전의
0002 We have tended to believe that in the past children grew up in extended households including grandparents, parents, and children.
0002 We have tended to believe that in the past children grew up in extended households including grandparents, parents, and children. [해석] 우리는 과거에는 자녀들이 조부모와 부모, 그리고 자녀가 포함된 확대 가 족 속에서 성장했다고 믿는 경향이 있다. [Words & Phrases] *tend to ~하는경향이 있다 *extend 뻗치다, 확장하다 *household 가족, 가정
0003 A farm activist viewed the emerging fast-food industry as a step toward a food economy dominated by giant corporations.
B. 명사 + 딸린 자식 형용사와 딸린 자식 분사 TIP ① 명사 + 딸린 자식 형용사 I entered a room full of delicious cookies. ② 명사 + 딸린 자식 현재분사 (수식받는 명사와 주동관계) It is a nation covering less than 400 cubic kilometers. ③ 명사 + 딸린 자식 과거분사 (수식받는 명사와 목동관계) Hunters caught hitting around the bush were severely punished. *딸린 자식이라 함은 형용사가 구를 동반할 때와 분사에 목적어, 보어, 수식어 등이 뒤 따라 올 때를 말한다.
0004 We are not always fortunate enough to enjoy a work environment free of noise pollution.
0005 Hospices treat patients suffering from incurable diseases who are not expected to live for more than a year.
0005 Hospices treat patients suffering from incurable diseases who are not expected to live for more than a year. [해석] 호스피스는 1년 이상 동안 살 것 같지 않은 불치병으로 고통 받고 있는 환자들을 치료한다. [Words & Phrases] *hospice (말기 암 환자를 위한) 병원 *suffer from ~으로고생하다. *incurable 치료할 수 없는
0006 The importance of art is determined by the people who value it, not by governments acting as its protectors.
0006 The importance of art is determined by the people who value it, not by governments acting as its protectors. [해석] 예술의 중요성은 예술의 보호자로서 역할을 하는 정부에 의해서가 아니라 예술을 소중히 하는 사람들에 의해 결정된다. [Words & Phrases] *protector 보호자 *not Ⓐbut Ⓑ : Ⓐ가 아니라 Ⓑ
C. 명사 + to부정사 TIP 부정사의 형용사 역할을 하여 앞의 명사를 수식한다. He was the first to come into the stadium.
0007 All of a sudden, he had an irresistible urge to go to see his beloved wife and his two sons.
0007 All of a sudden, he had an irresistible urge to go to see his beloved wife and his two sons. [해석] 갑자기, 그는 자신의 사랑하는 아내와 두 아들을 보러 가고 싶은 억누를 수 없는 충동을 느꼈다. [Words & Phrases] *irresistible 저항할 수 없는 *urge 자극, 강한충동
0008 William Osler knew the only way to find out about the experiences of humanity was to read what had been written.
0008 William Osler knew the only way to find out about the experiences of humanity was to read what had been written. [해석] William Osler는 인류가 경험한 것을 알아내는 유일한 방법은 기록된 것을 읽는 것이라는 것을 알았다. [Words & Phrases] *humanity 인류, 인간성
0009 Computers will make us less human, in that they will take away our opportunities to meet for true human relationships.
D. 명사 + 전명구 TIP ‘전치사 + 명사’가 앞의 명사를 수식한다. The news from her son made her frustrated.
0010 The background of her poor performance in the concert was that she didn’t have enough time to practice.
0010 The background of her poor performance in the concert was that she didn’t have enough time to practice.
0010 The background of her poor performance in the concert was that she didn’t have enough time to practice. [해석] 콘서트 공연에서 그녀의 공연이 서툴렀던 이유는 그녀가 연습할 시간이 충분히 없었기 때문이다. [Words & Phrases] *performance 수행, 공연 *practice 연습하다.
0011 The information from both check-ups and tests provides important insight into the patient's overall physical condition.
E. 명사 + 관계사(관계대명사절/관계부사)절 TIP 관계대명사(who, which, that)와 관계부사(where, when, how, why) 이하 절이 앞의 명사를 수식한다. The mountain whose summit is covered with snow can be seen from anywhere.
0012 People who were given popularity rankings were more likely to select what the website claimed were favorite musics.
0013 Even if a neighbor were a saint, you would be likely to interpret his behavior in ways that fit your expectation.
0013 Even if a neighbor were a saint, you would be likely to interpret his behavior in ways that fit your expectation. [해석]비록한 이웃사람이 성인일지라도, 당신은 당신의 예상에 맞는 방식으로 그의 행동을 해석할 가능성이 높다. [Words & Phrases] *even if ~비록~일지라도 *saint 성인 *interpret 해석하다 *fit 적합하다,알맞다 *expectation 예상,기대
F. 명사 + that(동격)절 TIP 동격절(that)이 앞의 명사를 설명한다. He had a doubt that she might be in love with someone else.
0014 Many of those who have succeeded in life owe this to the fact that their concentration is good.
0014 Many of those who have succeeded in life owe this to the fact that their concentration is good. [해석] 인생에서 성공한 많은 사람들은 그들의 집중력이 좋다는 사실 덕택이다. [Words & Phrases] *owe Ⓐ to Ⓑ : Ⓐ는 Ⓑ의 덕분이다 *concentration 집중력
0015 Some of us have faith that we shall solve our food problems with genetically modified crops newly or soon to be developed.
0001 명문산책 I do not want to spend too long a time with boring people, but then I do not want to spend too long a time with amusing ones. W. Somerset Maugham, The summing Up
0001 명문산책 I do not want to spend too long a time with boring people, but then I do not want to spend too long a time with amusing ones. W. Somerset Maugham, The summing Up [해석] 나는 지루하게 하는 사람들과는 너무 오랜 시간을 보내고 싶어하지 않지만, 그렇다고 재미있는 사람들과도 너무 오랜 시간을 보내고 싶지 않다. [Words & Phrases] *boring 지루하게하는 *amusing 즐겁게 하는
0002 명문산책 Creative work is the source of man’s most solid and enduring happiness. The machine robs the majority of human beings of the very possibility of this happiness. Aldous Huxley, Do What You Will
0002 명문산책 Creative work is the source of man’s most solid and enduring happiness. The machine robs the majority of human beings of the very possibility of this happiness. Aldous Huxley, Do What You Will [해석] 창조적인일은 인간의 가장 확고하고 지속적인 행복의 원천이다. 기계는 대부분의 사람들에게서 바로 이 행복의 가능성을 빼앗아 가버린다. [Words & Phrases]
0003 Americans are remarkably kind, hospitable and open with both guests and strangers; and yet they will make a wide circle around the man dying on the pavement. John Steinbeck, America and Americans
0003 명문산책 Americans are remarkably kind, hospitable and open with both guests and strangers; and yet they will make a wide circle around the man dying on the pavement. John Steinbeck, America and Americans [해석] 미국인들은 손님에게나 낯선 사람에게나 매우 친절하며, 붙임성이 있고 또 솔직하다. 그러나 그들은 포장도로에서 죽어가고 있는 사람 주위를 그저 넓게 에워싸고 있곤 한다. [Words & Phrases] *remarkably 현저하게,두드러지게 *hospitable 환대하는 pavement 포장도로
0004 명문산책 The man I am writing about is not famous. It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on earth thana stone thrown into a river on the surface of the water. W. S. Maugham, The Razor's Edge
0005 명문산책 Marcel Proust said that we do not love real people, but only those whom we have created in our mind. So beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Andre Maurois, On Love
0006 명문산책 It is far easier to rule a primitive tribe than a modern democracy where every individual is ready to criticize the government, and where everyone has his own ideas about politics. Joyce Carey, The Mass Mind
0006 명문산책 It is far easier to rule a primitive tribe than a modern democracy where every individual is ready to criticize the government, and where everyone has his own ideas about politics. Joyce Carey, The Mass Mind [해석] 각 개인이 저마다 정부를 비판하려 들고, 모든 사람이 저마다 정치에 대해서 견해가 있는 현대 민주주의 사회보다는 원시 부족을 다스리기가 훨씬 더 쉽다. [Words & Phrases] *primitive 원시의 *tribe 부족 *politics 정치(학)
0007 명문산책 The reason why one poem excites us, while another leaves us cold, is very difficult to discover. A poem may obey all the rules, be flawless in technique, yet we may find it as magnificently lifeless as an empty mansion. C. Day-Lewis, Poetry for You
0007 명문산책 The reason why one poem excites us, while another leaves us cold, is very difficult to discover. A poem may obey all the rules, be flawless in technique, yet we may find it as magnificently lifeless as an empty mansion. C. Day-Lewis, Poetry for You [해석] 어떤 시는 우리에게 감동을 주지만, 다른 어떤 시는 우리에게 아무런 감동을 주지 않는 이유는 알 길이 없다. 어떤 시는 모든 규칙을 다 준수하고 기교에 있어서 완벽한데도 우리는 그 시가 텅 빈 저택처럼 전혀 생동감이 없다는 것을 발견할 지도 모른다. [Words & Phrases] *flawless 결점이 없는 *technique 기술 *magnificently 장엄하게, 멋지게
0008 명문산책 We cannot rule out the possibility that in the near future most students will attend lectures at home. Aldous L. Huxley, Fashions in Love
0008 명문산책 We cannot rule out the possibility that in the near future most students will attend lectures at home. Aldous L. Huxley, Fashions in Love [해석] 우리는 가까운 장래에 대부분의 학생들이 집에서 수업에 참여하게 될 가능성을 배제할 수 없다. [Words & Phrases] *rule out 배제하다.
0009 명문산책 There is little, if any, primeval forest or other forms of wilderness left. Few are the Americans who really come in direct contact with untamed nature. Rene Dubos, Discovering America
0001 Grammar Check! 다음 각 문장의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. In a natural night sky, someone ①looksat the heavens ②with the ③unaided eye ④should be able to see ⑤nearly 3,500 stars and planets.
0002 Grammar Check! 다음 각 문장의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. The earliest footwear ①was undoubtedly ②born of the necessity ③providedsome protection ④when moving over rough ground ⑤in varying weather conditions.
0003 Grammar Check! 다음 각 문장의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. Historians ①have found evidence ②which households in pre-industrial Western Europe ③were already nuclear and they ④were not transformed by ⑤economic changes.