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How I can prepare for Cheer over the summer. Slides 2-15: Stretching Slides 16-25: Positions Slides 26-33: Jumps Slides 34-31: Stunts. Stretches. 1. Shoulder Rolls: Roll your shoulders up and around to the back 5 times then change the direction to the front 5 times.
How I can prepare for Cheer over the summer • Slides 2-15: Stretching • Slides 16-25: Positions • Slides 26-33: Jumps • Slides 34-31: Stunts
1. Shoulder Rolls: Roll your shoulders up and around to the back 5 times then change the direction to the front 5 times.
2. Hamstrings: These are the muscles that give you flexibility in your jumps; they are located on the top, back of your legs. With this exercise, reach up nice and tall then slowly bend over to reach your toes.
3. Deltoids or Shoulders: These are the muscles that make up your shoulder. Take one arm and reach across your body. Take your other arm and help pull your arm just below your elbow. Hold the stretch for a count of 5 then switch arms.
4. Tricepts: These are the muscles on the upper back of your arms; they help you push things away. Take your arm and try to touch the middle of your back. With the other arm, gently hold the elbow and hold your arm in place. Hold each stretch for a count of 5.
5. Bicepts: These are the muscles on the front of your arms and help you pull things to you. Put your arm straight in front of you and gently hold down your fingers until you feel the slight stretch in your bicept.
6. Upper Back and Inner Thighs: Begin in a tripod position with your hands on your knees. Next, angle your right shoulder toward your left leg and hold for a count of 5. Switch to the other side. You should feel the stretch in your inner thighs, shoulders, and upper back.
7. Upper Back: Push your arms directly in front of you and arch your back to a "c" shape and hold the stretch for a count of 5.
8. Quadricepts: This is the largest muscle in your body and is located on the front of your thigh. To do the quad stretch, hold your ankle and point your knee straight down so you will not wobble.
9. Calf Stretch: Your calf is located on the bottom back of your leg. Put your heel in front of you and flex your foot. Rest your arms of the opposite thigh for balance. Hold your stretch for a count of at least 5. Remember, do not bounce.
Cheer Positions Jumps
Motion Tips • Your arms should be strong and sharp- no spaghetti arms. • You should practice your motions in a mirror to make sure you have the proper form. • Practice Accuracy Drills: Put your motions to music or counts.
Clasp Clap
Blades Daggers
High Punch
Low Punch
1. Standing Rest Position: 2. Sitting Rest Position:
High V: Arms are in a "V" formation and your fists are facing OUT. • Low V: Arms are in a "V" formation and your fists are holding 2 buckets of water. ‘Big cinnamon rolls’ ‘Big cinnamon rolls’
"T" : With the "T" motion, your arms are in a "T" formation with your fists holding 2 buckets of water. Do not raise your shoulders, just relax them to your normal walking position. • "Half T" : Same as the "T" motion, just bend your arms in. ‘Big cinnamon rolls’ ‘Little cinnamon rolls’
High Touchdown: This motion has both arms straight over your head with your fists facing IN. Note the difference between the High Touchdown and the High V - one has your fists facing out and the other facing in. Low Touchdown: This motion has both arms straight down with your fists facing in.
3 Parts to a Cheerleading Jump 1. The APPROACH and LIFT: Hold 1 - 2 High "V" 3 - 4 Circle down on count 5 2. The JUMP EXECUTION: On count 6 whip your arms around to help lift you into your jump execution 3. The LANDING: Land 7 Clean on 8
Landing Tips • Land with your feet together. • Land toe - heel • Land with your knees bent!
Side Hurdler Jump • Can be done with either leg as the lead leg. Usually, you will be better on one side than the other and that is ok. However, you should practice with both legs as the lead leg as you never know which leg will come up in a routine. Also, you can add a variety of armmotions to make the jump your own!
Side Hurdler Tips: • One leg is STRAIGHT out to the side with the knee facing up. • The bent leg has the knee facing forward. • Point your toes. • Keep your head up and back straight. • Land with your feet together. • You can do a variety of motions with this jump, however the "T" motion is the most popular. • Practice this jump on the ground (pictured below).
Toe Touch • Your body is in a "sitting" position and your legs come up to meet your hands. Also, you do not "touch" your toes - you should reach for your heels;
Toe touch tips • Here is a side view of the toe touch. Notice, you should reach for your ankles and bring your legs up to you; do not reach down toward your legs. • Keep your head and chest up. • Bring your legs up to you. • Reach for your heels - not your toes. • Land with your feet together. • Keep your body in the "sitting" position and do not lean forward to reach your toes.
Toe Touch Exercise Tips: One great exercise for the toe touch is to sit on the ground with your legs in a tuck jump position. Lean back, into your "sitting" position, and do your toe touch jump on the ground. Yes, you should feel this in your quadricepts (the muscle on the front of your thigh). Repeat 3 to 5 times.
Here are some general tips that you should remember for stunting regardless which position you have: 1. Never try any stunt you are not ready for. 2. Only stunt with an experienced coach. 3. Look around your area and make sure there are not hazards in your way. 4. Absolutely no laughing or fooling around during stunting. 5. Always have the proper safety equipment like proper sneakers and mats.
Stunt Positions • The Base: I am starting with the base because that is where the stunt begins as the Base is the person on the bottom. You may think to yourself, “My arms aren't very muscular so I can not be a Base”. Guess what, that does not matter because basing a stunt is ALL in the legs. Using the correct techniques will make stunting easier for you and your team. • To strengthen or legs, there are several exercises you can do like squats or lunges. The Flyer: If you're a Flyer, you are the person in the air and I bet you might be really excited. Warning: your job isn't all fun and games! You must work just as hard as your bases do. Just like the Base, using correct techniques will make stunting safer for you and your teammates. • The Spotter: The Spotter is the person that makes sure that the Flyer does not fall. In most stunts, you have several spotters including Back Spotters and Front Spotters. Remember, in all stunts, YOU MUST HAVE A SPOTTER! In the most basic of stunts, someone can fall and get hurt, so use a spotter for every stunt.
Flyer Tips • Be Confident: Confidence shows and lack of it can get you hurt. • Smile • Look Up at the crowd - do not look down. • Always be "tight" • Sell the stunt with your facial expressions and sharp motions. • Always use proper climbing technique. • PRACTICE in a mirror at home on the ground to make sure your posture is correct. • NO LAUGHING while in your stunt. • Use the word "DOWN" if you are falling • NEVER try any stunt that you are not ready for. For example, if you just mastered the Double Thigh Stand, you next stunt should not be the Ground Up Full.
BaseTips • Look at your other base to make sure that your timing is perfect. • Listen for your Flyer to say "Down" • No Laughing • Never do a stunt that you are not ready for. • Lift from your legs with back straight
Back Spot Tips • Always watch you Flyer. • Most of the time you will call the stunt. Make sure your are loud enough for everyone in your stunt to hear. • Listen for your Flyer to say "Down" • No Laughing • Never spot a stunt that you are not ready for. • NEVER LET GO until your Flyer is safely on the ground. • Always hold your Flyer TIGHT! • When holding her waist, hold with 4 fingers in front and the thumb in the back.
Stunt videos http://youtu.be/dcDzruJ5vBw http://youtu.be/HFd7v8pQ1zY