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Respondents per target group. Respondents per country. Education.
Respondents per target group Respondents per country
Education “My [university] colleagues hate people with different sexual orientation […]. In a lecture discussing the demographic collapse in Bulgaria the teacher said that ‘the cause for the demographic collapse is [same-sex relationships]:birth-rates decline as people do not have children and there are not enough heterosexual marriages’. This made me realise that I better be silent.” (Bulgaria, lesbian, 24)
EU standards The enjoyment of the right to education, protected by Article 14 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights or Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), can be affected by discrimination, which is prohibited by Article 21 of the EU Charter.
Respondents ‘always’ or ‘often’ hiding or disguising being LGBT during schooling before the age of 18, by country and by LGBT group, % Question: C9. During your schooling before the age of 18, did you …- A. Openly talk about you being [category on the basis of A3 or A4] at school; B. Hide or disguise that you were [category on the basis of A3 or A4] at school. Base: All EU LGBT survey respondents
Respondents who had rarely, often or always experienced, heard or seen negative comments or conduct at school because they, a schoolmate or teacher was perceived to be LGBT, by country, %
“My fear of prejudice stems mainly from having been bullied at school for being perceived as gay before puberty. This has led me to draw a line between my private and my professional life. As a result, my behaviour at work involves a lot of self-censorship and a certain guarded manner. I believe that secondary school is the crucible in which attitudes to diversity and sexual orientation are moulded. If we want to ingrain acceptance and tolerance in our societies, we should start with fostering positive attitudes in schools” (Germany, gay, 31)
Education EU Member States should ensure that schools provide a safe and supportive environment for young LGBT persons, free from bullying and exclusion. EU Member States should ensure that objective information on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression is part of school curricula to encourage respect and understanding among staff and students, as well as to raise awareness of the problems faced by LGBT persons.