1. Simple Interest Discounting a Note Before Maturity
2. Objective 1 Understand the concept of discounting a note.
3. Notes Notes can be bought and sold just like any other tangible item.
4. Discounting a Note
5. The Basics Simple Interest Note Simple Interest Note
6% interest
150 days
How much will you get if you keep this note for the entire term?
6. The Basics Simple Interest Note What if you “bail-out” early?
7. The Basics Simple Discount Note Simple Discount Note
5% interest
120 days
How much will you get if you keep this note for the entire term?
8. The Basics Simple Discount Note What if you “bail-out” early?
9. Discounting a Note Find the proceeds when discounting simple interest notes.
10. Discounting a Note
12. Discounting a Note 1 of 1 #11, page 344
Loan made on: July 10
Face Value: $2000
Length of Loan: 72 days
Rate: 11%
Date of Discount: Aug. 2
Discount Rate: 12%
13. Discounting a Note Find the proceeds when discounting simple discount notes.
17. Practice MathXL: Ch 8 Section 4 Homework