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EECS 581/582 : Computer Science Design Students Names. Replace text here Sub bullet sub sub bullet. Subtitle 1. Subtitle 2. Replace text here. Subtitle 3. Subtitle 4. Replace text here Please turn off auto shrink to fit in PowerPoint! T ools AutoCorrect Options…
EECS 581/582: Computer Science Design Students Names Replace text here Sub bullet sub sub bullet Subtitle 1 Subtitle 2 • Replace text here Subtitle 3 Subtitle 4 • Replace text here • Please turn off auto shrink to fit in PowerPoint! • Tools • AutoCorrect Options… • AutoFomat as you type • uncheck: • AutoFit title text to placeholder • AutoFit body text to placeholder • Otherwise font size & spacing will be inconsistent • Replace text here • KU Blue R11 G68 B153 • KU Crimson R242 G0 B23 • KU Sig. Grey R133 G137 B138 • Jayhawk Yellow R255 G214 B0