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Welcome to College of Public Programs…. myASU travel and travel policy overview. {. pre-travel travel status getting reimbursed helpful hints. This presentation will explain…. part I: definitions, contacts & process overview. definitions…. authorized travel official (ATO)
Welcome to College of Public Programs… myASU travel and travel policy overview
{ pre-travel travel status getting reimbursed helpful hints This presentation will explain…
definitions… authorized travel official (ATO) the ATO approves all travel; is attesting to the best of his or her knowledge that the travel is appropriate for the employee to take and appears to be for a valid university purpose more information on the next slide… travel manager point-of-contact for travel questions and processing more information on the next slide… • per diem rates • the daily allowance for meals and incidental expenses • maximum lodging rates as set by the State of Arizona direct billed in some cases, airfare or registration fees may be pre-paid for you by your School. When your School pays for these items for you, you will not be reimbursed & the amount of the expense is included in your total expenses.
contacts… • travel manager Depends on your School or Center Jamie Rock Martha Mendoza Risha Sharma CCJ SSW all centers CRD SPA Dean’s Office ASURITE: jrock3 ASURITE: mamendo4 ASURITE: rpsharma { ATO { If your travel manager is Jamie or Martha… Kathleen Robbins ASURITE: kmrobbin If your travel manager is Risha… Robert Ryberg ASURITE: rryberg
process overview… complete the pre-travel authorization & request an advance if needed secure funding & obtain necessary approval to travel determine form needed: online form paper form in-state form upon return, enter actual expenses into claim & turn in receipts to your Travel Manager get reimbursed! take your trip remember to hold onto original receipts!
which form should I use? are you traveling… domestically? (U.S. with the exception of Hawaii, Puerto Rico & other U.S. Territories & Possessions) abroad? (includes Hawaii, Puerto Rico & other U.S. Territories & Possessions) In-state? (within the state of Arizona or within 50-miles of Arizona, excluding Mexico) MyASU online travel form Other options: paper form paper form in-state travel form other options: MyASU online travel form (best option if you would like an advance)
how can I pay for my trip? common funding sources If you are… faculty… a student… COPP staff… professional development funds, research funds, school allocation (Director approved) gpsa award, grad college award, school allocation (Director approved) school allocation (Director approved)
part II: helpful hints for successful travel & reimbursement
policy hints for travel hotels… Domestic Travel: Lodging will be reimbursed according to the Arizona Per Diem Rates Foreign Travel:Lodging will be reimbursed according to the U.S. Dept. of State Standardized Regulations Conference Travel: If the traveler stays at the conference host hotel, lodging will be reimbursed at the published conference materials rate (applies to both domestic & foreign travel) { what the policy says what does this mean for me? For your best chance at full reimbursement, book a hotel that is at or under the AZ Per Diem Rate. If you are traveling to a conference, try to stay at the conference hotel.
policy hints for travel hotels (cont.)… Q: My travel funding is limited. Can I share a room? A: Yes! If you would like to share a room with another traveler, you will each pay a portion of the bill to the hotel. Upon return, each traveler must include a itemized hotel receipt with the claim showing the amount they paid. Note: Not all hotels will accommodate requests to split payments. If you run into issues, ask your Travel Manager about other options.
policy hints for travel meals & transportation… Q: Do I have to keep all my meal receipts? A: No. For per diem meals, you do not need to keep your receipts. You are reimbursed according the dates/times of your travel & the Arizona Per Diem Rate schedule Q: Do I have to keep all my transportation (taxi, shuttle, etc.) & parking receipts? A: Yes, it’s a good idea. Best travel practice is to keep your original receipts and submit them with your claim. However, the policy states that original receipts are not required if the transportation expense is under $50 for taxi, shuttles, etc., and $25 for parking
policy hints for travel transportation… Q: Anything helpful to know about booking airfare? A: In most cases direct flights are more expensive. Please choose the option that is the least expensive while still getting you to your destination in a timely manner. Use your best judgment. Flight upgrades will not be reimbursed unless special circumstances exist Q: Anything helpful to know about booking a rental car? A: ATO authorization must be obtained prior to travel and a valid explanation must be provided When traveling domestically, always refuse the insurance offered by the rental agency - you are covered by State of Arizona Risk Management liability insurance *Does not apply to foreign travel Only “economy” class rentals are permitted – exceptions only apply to special circumstances and need prior approval Prior to renting car, traveler must attend a defensive driver training
policy hints for travel transportation… Q: Can I be reimbursed for early check-in fees/preferred boarding? A: When traveling for ASU business, we always should try to reduce costs and chose the most economical options. In most cases, these fees will not be reimbursed. However, reimbursements for early check-in fees will be considered on a case-by-case basis if a valid explanation is provided. Q: Can I drive to my destination instead of flying? A: In some cases, there are valid reasons for choosing to drive instead of flying to your destination. Example: driving to Tucson is less expensive than flying. Under special circumstances, it makes more sense to drive to a destination even when the destination is not close. Example: Need to bring materials to a conference. Driving will cost less than shipping the items and paying for airfare.
documentation summary what receipts will I need to turn in? Itemized, original receipts are required for: airline itinerary local transportation *required when cost is more than $50 (taxi, shuttle, bus, etc.) car rental parking *required when cost is more than $25 registration fees lodging did you travel to a conference? include conference materials including program, registration receipt, hotel information with your claim
do I need to do anything if I am traveling & a 3rd party is paying for my expenses? even when another organization or University is paying for your trip, you should always let ASU know you’re traveling by completing a no-cost travel request: …you will be covered under ASU insurance …ASU will know where you are in case of an emergency, such as a Tsunami in Japan a no-cost trip request can be done with either the online form, or the paper form
Q: I am a student traveling with a travel allocation from my department. What do I need to know? A: When you have been awarded a travel allocation, you need to be sure that: requested advance + expenses paid directly by your department (if any) = less than, or equal to your travel allocation …be sure to indicate on the travel request which (if any) expenses have been paid by your department
…so, when creating my trip, how do I make sure I don’t exceed my allocation? Example: I have been awarded $550. My department paid for my flight & I want to request an advance for the other expenses. Direct Billed (flight) $375 Requested Advance + $203.25 = $578.25 Allocation $550 Over by $28.25 What happens if I do go over my allocation? …you will owe the University the amount you overspent
Remember… The online form is used for domestic travel. Exceptions include Hawaii & Puerto Rico & other US territories.
step 2: fill in trip info the trip start & end information is used to calculate per diem
step 3: fill in destination info the destination information is also used to calculate per diem
step 4: fill in estimated expenses & provide a public purpose I entered the amount of the registration but noted that it was paid with my School’s p-card If this was not paid by a p-card, I would have had the option to receive an advance this is where you fill in details about why you are traveling for ASU business the public purpose and benefit explanation fields are very important
step 4 (cont.): fill in estimated expenses I entered the amount of the airfare & requested an advance click “Save and Continue” to move across the expenses categories
step 4 (cont.): fill in estimated expenses some events like conferences provide some meals. when meals are provided, check the box that corresponds to the meal. this will exclude it from the calculation as you did not pay for the meal out-of-pocket.
step 5: submit request or add in account For the hotel, I noted when I entered the expense that it was the conference hotel. For the miscellaneous charges, I wrote short explanations. At this stage, my request shows an “undisturbed amount” because I have not entered an account to pay for the trip. I can submit the request to my manager and let them fill it in or, if I know the account number I can add it myself. on the “Trip Home” page, you will see a summary of the expenses you entered. this is where you have the option to submit the request to the Travel Manager.
I’m back from my trip. Now what? Q: So now I’ve submitted my request, received an advance and returned from my trip. Now what? A: Log back into MyASU, open the trip & enter you actual expenses. Then, bring your original receipts to your Travel Manager. They will review the claim, fix any errors & submit!
how long & what if… Q: How long will it take to get reimbursed? A: Reimbursement of your expenses can take anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks. If there are issues or questions about your claim, it may take longer. Q: What if there is an problem with my claim? A: If there are questions about your claim, you will be contacted by your Travel Manager or the ASU Travel department. If for some reason the amount of your reimbursement is reduced by Travel, you will receive an email notification with the reason.
before you go abroad… it may be helpful to review the foreign travel policy. It can be found here: http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/fin/fin506.html
foreign travel form… can be located here: https://travel.asu.edu/ASUTravel/ssl/popups/paperform.jsp When you complete the fields and click “submit” an Excel file will be generate. This becomes your paper form.
the paper form… The paper form will auto-generate a unique trip number. Do not re-use old forms for a new trip as the trip number must be new each time. For pre-travel, fill in the left-hand side of the claim. This is where you can estimated expenses & request an advance. Sign the form under “travelers signature of the left-hand side for pre-travel Bring the form to your Travel Manager before you leave Upon return, fill in the right-hand side with your expenses, sign and return to your Travel Manager. For expenses that need a little clarification, use the “explanation” box Pre-Travel Post-Travel
in-state travel form… This form is used to document mileage, hotel expenses, other transportation expenses and meal expenses. Be sure to include a public purpose and document any driving mileage.
helpful links… ASU travel policy index http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/fin/index.html ASU travel home page https://cfo.asu.edu/fs-travel Arizona per diem rate schedule http://www.gao.az.gov/publications/SAAM/Supp_I_trvrates-012308.pdf Foreign per diem rate schedule http://aoprals.state.gov/content.asp?content_id=184&menu_id=78 Paper form https://travel.asu.edu/ASUTravel/ssl/popups/paperform.jsp In-state form (under Travel section) https://cfo.asu.edu/fs-forms