1. Testing in the Cloud Our experience of testing software that is “out there”
2. Introduction The Presenters
Paul Selway – paul_selway@redpathcg.com
Scott Rostal – scott.rostal@thrivent.com
What is “The Cloud”?
What is different / the same for cloud testers?
Testing Philosophy / Test phases
What was easier / harder than expected?
Key success factors
3. What is “The Cloud”? Internet (“The Cloud”) accessible solution
Off-premise multi-tenant architecture
Accessed via a browser (PC or Wireless)
Delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS)
Common cloud companies are:
Google, Amazon, WorkDay, and Salesforce
4. What things are the same about testing cloud solutions? Requirements coverage based testing
Risk-based structured test approach
Test Plan / Test Phases
Test Cases / Test Data / Test Automation
Defect Management / Functional Test
Use of off-shore resources / Virtualization
Politics {Quality / Schedule / Resources}
5. What is different about testing cloud solutions? Shared multi-tenant test environments
Security (Test User IDs / SSO)
Integration of on/off premise systems
Performance / volume test
Defect isolation
Documentation of “Out Of the Box” reqs
Release Management
6. Project Philosophy Risk-based structured testing approach {std}
“Exploratory Testing” to discover the out of the box cloud solution features {non-std}
Data Migration – Moving legacy data off premise {Non-Std}
Performance / volume test only our new infrastructure – not the cloud app {Non-Std}