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Now you can find homemade natural insect repellent product online. This oil is safe for your skin and recommend by experts. <br>
Our Service • Deet Free Mosquito Repellent • Singapore Insect Repellent • Mosquito Repellent Singapore • Citronella Oil Repellent • Natural Insect Repellent • Natural Insect Repellent • Citronella Oil • Insect Repellent Oil
Best Homemade Sprays To Stay Bug Free Mosquitoes and other bugs are a pesky little breed that could crank you up the moment that attack your soft sensitive skin. When you take such good care of your skin by applying all kinds of lotions, oils and moisturizers to stay young and glowing, why let these bugs cause you irritation that you can’t tolerate.
Natural Insect Repellent Keeping in lieu of such an urgent situation, the need to keep mosquitoes and bugs far away from your surroundings has become vital. Singapore, being a hot and humid country, such tropical mosquito borne diseases are most likely to haunt every now and then with number of cases being reportedly affecting children, adults, pregnant women alike. The only solution to beat this alarming situation on a ground level is to keep your surroundings clean and start using an effectivenatural insect repellent.
Mosquito Repellent Singapore With this dire need for mosquito repellent Singapore, locals have been emptying stores with all kinds of insect repellents, mostly that are chemical based essentially deet and picaridin. These kind of mosquito repellents have their side effects on your skin such as burns, rashes and irritation if they come in close contact with the skin.
Homemade Bug Spray Ingredients • ● Essential oils: Choose from Clove, Citronella, Rosemary, Tea Tree,Lemongrass,Cajeput, Peppermint ,Cedar, Lavender, Eucalyptus And Catnip • ● Witch hazel or Vodka • ● Vegetable Glycerin, optional • ● Distilled or Boiled Water • ● Empty Spray Bottle www.tian-long.com.sg
Preparation Instructions: Fill the spray bottle up to half with distilled water. Add vodka or witch hazel to almost fill it up. Add half spoon glycerin, optional. Add 30 to 40 drops of any of these essential oils that you have. A good mix of essential oils would be rosemary, lavender, cinnamon and eucalyptus. It works amazing and smells good too. www.tian-long.com.sg
Natural Bug Spray You can also make your natural bug spray by mixing and adding dried or fresh herbs. The ingredients are same as above. Just add boiled water and witch hazel to the bottle and add one teaspoon of herbs each of spearmint, peppermint, lavender, clove and throw in a couple of cloves in the mix. Shake it well, cover it and let it cool off. Strain the herbs and mix 1 cup of witch hazel with water. Store it in the spray bottle and keep it in the fridge. Its ready to use. For better results, apply it after every few hours.
Contact Information Tian Long Exclusive Distributor La Belle Collection Pte Ltd1091, Lower Delta Road,#05-03, Singapore 169202 Tel: +65 6271 6189 Fax: +65 6271 2562 Email: sales@tian-long.com.sg