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Recent advancements in strawberry integrated disease management in NC. Mahfuzur Rahman and Frank Louws Department of Plant Pathology North Carolina State University. Host resistance mechanism against Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. Anthracnose ripe fruit rot.
Recent advancements in strawberry integrated disease management in NC Mahfuzur Rahman and Frank Louws Department of Plant Pathology North Carolina State University
Host resistance mechanism against Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichumacutatum
Anthracnoseripe fruit rot Lesions are more sunken under dry condition while salmon color spore mass is common under high relative humidity on less sunken lesions
All parts of strawberry are susceptible to C. acutatumAnthracnose petiole rot, flower blight & green fruit rot Symptom on green fruit
AFR incidence on 14 genotypes in plasticulture system, ‘07 & ‘08
Rank sum method • a, b and c are genotype ranking using lesion diameter at 8 DAI from three different experiments; • d= rank-sum (a + b +c) for each genotype; • e = deviation from the grand mean (G) of the rank-sums ([e = (d –G)/standard deviation] × 3).
Invitro AFR resistance Seascape is a day-neutral (everbearing) cultivar NC C02-63 is a short-day advance breeding line
Variability in overall resistance explained by true fruit resistance and resistance quiescent infection a Confidence limit
Correlation of field AFR incidence with induced level of defense enzyme
Detection and quantification of Colletotrichumspp from quiescent infections
Development of a real time PCR protocol for QI The primer/probe set and capture probe was designed from the consensus sequence using Beacon Designer software from 45 ITS sequences of C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides. bDMT-Difference in melting temperature of amplicons from C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides template when reverse primer is used with different combinations of forward primers.
Melt curve (HRM) analysis in Rotor gene 6000 qPCR system C. gloeosporioides C. acutatum
Utilization of the tool in assessing field samples • Superior detection capacity • Superior in terms of “sensitivity, specificity and speed” • Lowest detection limit is 5 cfu/1pg
AFR prediction based on foliar quiescent infection 2009 No AFR
Efficacy of reduced spray schedule and premixed active ingredients ‘09 A16001EW = a premix of difenoconazole + cyprodinil (Inspire Super). A13703 = a premix of difenoconazole + azoxystrobin (Quadris Top).
Precision disease management for sustainable strawberry production in the Southeast U.S/Prediction based spray program • The variable %INF is calculated from the equation: • In (%INF / [1-%INF]) = -3.70 + 0.33W – 0.069WT + 0.0050WT2 – 0.93 x 10 – 4WT3 where W = the duration of a preceding wetness interval and T= mean temperature( 0C) during the interval. • If threshold expressed by %INF is 0.15 will indicate the need for Captan spray • When threshold reaches 0.50 will indicate the need for pyraclostrobin spray
Skybit weather forecast • E-WEATHER FORECAST AND SUMMARY For: NC-NEW HANOVER-CASTLE HAYNE Date: THU JUN 3, 2010 <----------------- 0-48 HOUR FORECAST----------------> DATE Jun 3 Jun 4 HOUR (EDT) 8a 11a 2p 5p 8p 11p 2a 5a 8a 11a 2p 5p 8p 11p ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEMP (F) 75 83 86 84 79 75 74 73 75 84 87 85 80 76 2"- SOIL TEMP (F) 77 81 84 86 85 82 78 75 76 80 84 87 86 82 REL HUM (%) 91 71 63 68 79 89 91 95 90 66 58 63 76 89 6HR PRECIP(in) .00/ .00/ .00/ .00/ .00/ .00/ .00/ 6HR PRECIP PROB(%) 19/ 13/ 22/ 13/ 16/ 9/ 23/ 3HR EVAP (in) .02 .06 .11 .10 .04 .00 .00 .00 .01 .07 .12 .10 .04 .02 3HR WETNESS (hrs) 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 WIND DIR (pt) SSW SW SSW SSW SSW SSW SSW SW WSW WSW SSW S SSW SW WIND SPEED (mph) 6 9 10 11 8 4 4 5 6 6 7 11 7 3 CLOUD COVER OVC BKN BKN BKN SCT BKN BKN BKN BKN SCT SCT BKN OVC OVC 3HR RADIATION (ly) 8 88 173 149 59 1 0 0 18 126 208 166 48 0 PCT RADIATION (%) 32 56 71 70 74 100 --- --- 72 79 85 78 60 0
Prediction based spray schedule aDisease incidence was calculated from all harvested fruits over 8 weeks bMeans in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different by Fisher’s protected LSD test (α ≤ 0.05).
Weather based Prediction Weather based Prediction ing stock Removal of senesced tissue & Sensitive Detection Tool Host Resistance Quiescently Infected – exclude from planting stock Integrated Strawberry Disease Management Weather based Prediction Weather based Prediction Reduced spray schedule Optimum fertility Calcinit-Ca(NO3)2 Weather based Prediction Weather based Prediction Infected fruits
Acknowledgements • Mike Carnes and Jim Driver • NC strawberry growers association • North American Strawberry growers association • California strawberry commission • Southern region IPM center • SkyBit - ZedX, Inc SkyBit - ZedX, Inc.