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Public Private Partnership (PPP) To Promote Quality Sustainable Education A collaboration between Unilever & Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) . NGO PROFILE. ITA’s Partners & Sources of Funding. And Individual Philanthropists, Expatriates e.g. ITA-UK, PAGH, Aisha Foundation USA.
Public Private Partnership (PPP) To Promote Quality Sustainable Education A collaboration between Unilever & Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)
ITA’s Partners & Sources of Funding And Individual Philanthropists, Expatriates e.g. ITA-UK, PAGH, Aisha Foundation USA
Different Categories of WSIP: • 70 Intensive WSIP partner schools • 253 Schools Addressing Child Labour –Quality Education for all (ACL- QEFA) Schools in Sheikhupura, Nankana and Kasur • 212 schools in AJK under a school rehabilitation program • 65 schools where PSU alumni are working.
ITA’s Whole School Improvement ProgramA 4 Phased Process: • Phase I: • School Identification, Survey & • Orientation to the • School Improvement Program • Phase II: • MOU for Adoption ; • People’s Mobilization • & Changing Attitudes • Phase III: • School Development Planning, • Implementation & • Changing Practices • Phase IV: • Exit Strategy Partnerships & Systems for Sustainability Challenge of Agents of Change From Within
Early Childhood Education Reading Club Information & Communication Technology Health Action Program Summer School Home Work Study Centre Community Learning Centre WSIP
Unilever and ITA signed an MoU on August 1st 2007 for the period ending December 31st, 2007 for an initial period of 6 months.
Hopes & Fears Session May 30, 2007 • Following were some critical questions/fears raised by the teachers: • Why ITA is here? This school has been totally transformed by Unilever in terms of infrastructural improvements and other facilities. • ITA should pay attention to underprivileged dilapidated schools located in far off rural areas. • There is no need for teachers’ professional development as they are qualified and capable enough to improve and sustain quality of education. • Why have they (teachers) not been trusted by Unilever? Unilever could have entrusted such responsibilities or project to any school teacher as school coordinator instead of ITA. • The session ended on a positive note as an ice breaker / catharsis session.
Conflict Resolution – II with School Staff July 17-19, 2007 Time: 1:30 – 5:15 pm. Participants: School Staff: 18 (all male faculty) Dr. Baela R. Jamil Chairperson ITA Saeed ul Hassan Manager WSIP (ITA)
Key Decisions: • School is willing to work with ITA but this will not be an inspectorial relationship but one of Support. Teachers’ self esteem and respect to be ensured • School board terminology to be reviewed and its meetings to be held in the school premises • Willing to provide space for a resource centre and work as a Cluster Centre with DSD/DTEs • One coordinator for the school to be from within the school and a second one hired • The link will now be directly with ITA and not through UNILEVER. Norms of the relationship will be set between the three entities • Staff pays and resources to be transferred to School Council account for disbursement • according to proper documentation • All hired staff records to be properly maintained /recruitment and TORs from back dates • A liaison person will be selected from EDO’s office for the school for review of the • partnerships and links with the development/recurrent programs and planning • ITA will have two to three focal persons with Mr. Saeed Ul Hassan as the principal officer from ITA’s with two school development associates to work jointly on leadership, teacher • training; school councils strengthening, gender sensitization, life skills, school enrichment, health and environment. • Chairperson to liaise as an adviser and in policy work • The school is keen to have a website developed and have a school to school link as well as professional development online support • A school calendar will be prepared of all key activities cleared by Dept and UNILEVER to • ensure maximum opportunities for improved learning, confidence building and creative • initiatives.
School Development Coordinator (Female) Hiring (July 18th) Methodology: i- Written Test: 30 Marks ii- Demo : 20 Marks iii- Interview : 100 Marks Selection Panel: School Administration: Mr. Razi ur Rehman Cheema Principal Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad SV Department of Education: Mr. Rashid Latif – DEO (EE) Mr. Farooq Baig DDO (EE) Ms. Rehana Iram Focal Person UPE Ms. Zartash Momi EDO Office Ms. Shagufta Parvin DEO Office Unilever: Ms. Naila Ismail ITA: Baela Raza Jamil – Chairperson ITA Saeed ul Hassan – Manager WSIP
Meeting with DOE, District Govt. and Unilever • Important Decisions: • All resisting staff members agreed to work alongside ITA on performance based outputs with cooperation and under writing from DoE • School Board to be called School Council and composition revisited to ensure presence of parents and also females (gender balance) • DoE agreed to School Teachers participation in PEF trainings from • August onwards • DoE will ensure that the budgets for non-salary funds to school council and for other dev. Schemes will give proper consideration to UNILEVER school ; all correspondence must have EMIS Code ..quoted always • Farooq Baig Deputy DEO will be the focal officer /liaison officer between ITA/UNILEVER school • School debris from old building will be auctioned according to govt. • procedure. The auction committee shall comprise : Head Teacher; School Council Member/parent; DoE rep; UNILEVER/ITA rep. All funds from sale shall be deposited in school council account. • DoE wants ITA to send PPP Policy passed in Faisalabad for • consideration and passing through the Dist. Assembly. DoE will issue a notification for PPP Cell • The Dept was pleased to play a role in the selection of the Coordinator • (female) for the project supported by UNILEVER and look forward to • adoption of more schools by UNILEVER
TRAINING 3 Days Orientation Workshop on Whole School Improvement and Team Building for Unilever School Project Team RYK In ITA Head Office Lahore. Date: 7th to 9th August 2007 Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Venues: Aagahi Teacher Resource Center, Abdul Karim Street Qila Gujar Sing Lahore (Day 1 & 3) ITA Head Office 49-A Jail Road Lahore (Day 2) Participants from Rahim Yar Khan: Mr. Farooq Baig Dy. DO (EE) Mr. Razia ur Rehman Cheema Principal Unilever School Mr. Mumtaz Shah SV – Unilever School Mr. Abid Jamil EST – Unilever School Ms. Aqeela Librarian – Unilever School Ms. Saima Ahmad ITA’s Coordinator RYK ITA Team: Dr. Baela R. Jamil Chairperson ITA Saeed ul Hassan Manager WSIP Razia Mughal Trainer & Material Developer Shakila & Saba Cluster Coordinators Aurang Zeb Coordinator Jhang Saira Nadeem Cluster Coordinator Sheikhupura
The following are some important points of discussion and decisions: • It was agreed that only those students will be admitted in the school during new admission who • will pass the entry test and will secure at least 45% marks. • As summer school was organized by Mr. Abid Jamil in July 2007 • It was decided that no teacher will be ignored. Each one must participate in school enrichment • and improvement activities. • All committees were reformed and almost all teachers were given opportunity to be associated • with these committees. • The ToRs of Ms. Saima Ahmad were finalized jointly by the participants as ITA’s • representative and coordinator RYK Unilever Project. • It was decided that Unilever/ITA’s hired teachers will open individual bank accounts for online • transfer of salaries. • As identified and proposed by the principal and teachers of Unilever school, ITA agreed to • conduct a training workshop on time tabling and syllabus division in Unilever School Rahim • Yar Khan.
TRAINING Two Days Workshop on Syllabus Division & Time Tabling with the Teachers of Unilever School RYK for the next Academic Year 2007 – 2008 Date: - 17th -18th August 2007 No of participants/Teachers: Day 1 =26 Day 2 =30 ITA’s Representatives: Mr. Akhtar Mirza District Teacher Educator (DTE) RYK Ms. Razia Mughal Trainer & Material Developer (T&MD) Ms. Saima Ahmad ITA’s Coordinator for RYK Mr. Abid Jamil Honorary Resource Person for the training Mr. Saeed ul Hassan Manager (WSIP)
TRAINING 3 Days Session on Health and Environmental Programme, Classroom Management, Preparation of Learning Material & Displays 9th Oct to 11th Oct 2007 ITA’s representative is handing over First Aid Kit to the teacher
Future Plans & Prospects • 1. South Punjab & Sindh • A meticulously chalked out budget needs to be allocated for the Unilever Education for Sustainable Development Program (ESD) Rahim Yar Khan for the next 3 years. • Scaling up of Whole School Improvement Program (ESD) through a phase wise cluster based approach by initially adopting 3 schools specifically in the following regions of 2 districts: • Rahim Yar Khan ; Sadiqabad • Ghotki • (A used vehicle will be required for the outreach work) • ITA is building the capacity of District Govt. Officials for Public Private Partnership Initiatives and CSR. • Unilever School has been declared as the Cluster Center for District Teacher Educators by the Directorate of Staff Development. • Debt-Swap School library project by GTZ will be implemented in the 1st quarter of 2008. • The long standing issue of school debris has been amicably resolved and the generated fund has been transferred to school council fund. (Provincial Policy Decision) • 2. Support to ITA for Professional Development Program with focus on ESD • For ITA’s Professional Development Program-ESD, support is required for a systematic & self driven setup of a Professional Development Center. It will roughly incur operational costs of Rs. 150,000 per month for 2 years and after that it will sustain through its own resources. • 3. Support to Hygiene & Nutrition Program for ITA’s Child Labor Program • Unilever requested to partner with ITA in supporting hygiene and nutrition program for its Rag Pickers /Child Labor Project in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.