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TAKLIMAT OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION (OBE) 3 MAC 2011 OLEH: PUAN DALMATAKSIAH BINTI MOHD ZAIN. OBJEKTIF. Meningkatkan pengetahuan pensyarah JKE mengenai kandungan dokumen kurikulum program kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik
OBJEKTIF • Meningkatkan pengetahuan pensyarah JKE mengenai kandungan dokumen kurikulum program kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik • Menaikkan tahap keyakinan pensyarah JKE dalam melaksanakan OBE di jabatan masing-masing
OUTCOME Diakhir bengkel ini pensyarah JKE akan dapat; • Menyatakanmaksud OBE denganperkataansendiri. • Menyenaraikan PLO program di JKE • Menyenaraikan 8 Learning Domain MQA denganbetul • Menyenaraikan9 Areas of Quality Assurance MQA. • Menerangkankandungan JSP • Menjelaskankaitan CQI danConstructive Alignment
The Process Flow OBE (Education) OBC (Curriculum) What the student should achieved? OBLT (Learning & Teaching) How to make the student achieve the outcome? OBA (Assessment) How to measure what the student has achieved?
Self reflection 1 • Apa yang kitatahumengenaikurikulum program JKE? • Apa yang kitatahu/fahammengenai OBE? • Berapa kali taklimat/bengkel/mesyuarat yang kitahadiri yang menyebuttentang OBE? • Berapabanyakartikel yang kitadah download danbaca? • Adakahkitabersediauntukmenghadapi audit oleh MQA untuk FA padatahun 2012?
OBE • a model of education • a comprehensive approach to organizing and operating an education system that is focused in and defined by the successful demonstrations of learning sought from each student” (Spady, 1994) • an education approach that focuses on the graduate attributes or outcomes after completing an academic programme (Barr et al., 2006; Mansor et al., 2008) • a student-centered learning philosophy
OBE • an education philosophy that focuses on the graduate attributes or outcomes after completing an academic programme • focuses on empirically measuring student performance • emphasis in an OBE education system is on measured outcomes • does not specify or require any particular style of teaching or learning • requires that students demonstrate that they have learned the required skills and content
OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION Program Educational Objectives(PAIs) Few years after Graduation – 4 to 5 years Upon graduation Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Upon subject completion
OBE Model Hierarchy 1. Programme educational objectives (PAIs) are developed from a number of sources including professional accreditation bodies, employer groups, the polytechnic educational principles and the professional experience of staff teaching in the discipline. 2. The programme outcomes(PLO) for a diploma and advanced diploma are clearly written statements about the knowledge, skills and attitudes of its graduates. It should link to the PAIs. 3. From these PO’s (CLO) the curriculum of the course is constructed, the subdivision of structure into units is made, and the outcomes specific to each of the units are derived.
5-stage implementation of OBE curriculum Stage 1: • Understand the big picture. • Main aim is to achieve CQI Stage 2: • Setting Objectives and Outcomes. • Identifying Domains & Taxonomies Stage 3: • Map Pai-PLO • Map Courses-PLO • Map CLO-PLO
5-stage implementation of OBE curriculum Stage 4: • Delivery of OBE Courses. • Assessment of OBE courses Stage 5: • Closing the Loops
OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION Starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to do… Then organizing the curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure learning happens… constructive alignment
Constructive Alignment (CA) C + I +A + Penilaian = CA CQI
Mount Royal College, Calgary Mount Royal College, Calgary Constructive Alignment and CQI Source: Mount Royal College, Calgary
OBE • OBE addresses the following questions: • What do you want the students to learn? • Why do you want them to learn? • How can you best make students learn it? • How will you know what they have learnt?
Back to Basic 4 prinsip OBE • Clarity of focus – fokuskepadaapa yang pelajarbolehbuatdenganjayanya. (Adakahpelajartahudenganjelassebelummerekamemulakanpembelajaranapa yang merekasepatutnyatahudanbolehbuatapabilaselesaipembelajaran?) • Design down – rekabentukkurikulumbermuladaridefinisi yang jelasmengenaiapa yang pelajarakancapaidiakhirpendidikan formal mereka. (Adakahkurikulumtelahdigubalbermuladarihasilpembelajarandengancara yang sistematiksupayalaluanuntukmencapainyajelas?) • High expectation – pensyarahmeletakkan standard prestasi yang tinggikepadapelajar. (Adakahharapandancabaranuntukberjayadiberikankepadasemuapelajarsecarasaksama – tiada bell curve? • Extended opportunities – Pensyarahmestimenyediakanpeluang yang secukupnyauntukberjaya. (Adakahpelajardiberilebihdarisatupeluanguntukmencapai standard yang ditetapkan?)
Contents of OBC document • Vision dan Mission • Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)s / Programme Aims (PAIs) • Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) • Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) • Syllabus / JSP / SLT / TOLD / Matrix for all courses in a programme.
3. PAI, PLO and CLO • Programme Educational Objectives • (PEOs) Few years after Graduation (4 to 5 years) 2. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) Upon graduation 3. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Upon course completion
RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CLO’S, PLO’S, PEO’S and COMPLIANCE TO THE STAKEHOLDERS Regulatory /Professional Bodies IHL requirements KPT/MQA Industrires STAKEHOLDERS students… ….. etc ….. etc PEO-1 PEO-2 PRORGRAME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES PEO-5 PEO-4 PEO-3 PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOMES PLO-2 PLO-5 PLO-4 PLO-3 ….. etc PLO-1 Subject CLO-1 Subject CLO-2 Subject CLO-4 Subject CLO-3 Subject CLO-5 COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Management support and commitment
Generic Student Attributes (GSA) & Learning Domains (LD) Generic Student Attributes GSA) • GSA 1 Communications Skills • GSA 2 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills • GSA 3 Teamwork Skills • GSA 4 Moral & Professional Ethics • GSA 5 Leadership Skills • GSA 6 Information Management Skills and Continuous Learning • GSA 7 Entrepreneurship Skills • Learning Domain (LD) • LD 1 Knowledge • LD 2 Technical Skills • LD 3 Professionalism & Ethics • LD 4 Social Skills • LD 5 Communication Skills • LD 6 Critical Thinking • LD 7 Life Long Learning • LD 8 Entrepreneurial Skills
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs)Example # 1 ET101 – Electrical Technology Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:- • explain correctly the units associated with basic electrical quantities, concepts of electric circuit, cells as the unit source of DC energy and the general features of batteries. • demonstrate an understanding of DC network analysis techniques on resistive networks. • describe the fundamentals of capacitive and inductive in DC network correctly. • explain properly the principles of the magnetic circuit, electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction. • demonstrate team working efficiently while doing practical work. knowledge (PLO1) & practical skill (PLO2) generic skills (PLO3-PLO9)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) - cont’dExample # 2 EC201 – Fundamental Programming Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:- • solve various problem systematically using the 6 step procedure and specified design tools. • select the appropriate data types for a particular solution. • perform data handling in solving a given problem correctly. • execute the whole process of programming, using a high level programming language, in solving a variety of engineering and scientific problems. • deliver a presentation and answer questions with confidence on a well-organized assigned group project inclusive of a report within a stipulated time frame. knowledge (PLO1) & practical skill (PLO2) generic skills (PLO3-PLO9)
5. Content of course syllabus GO - General Outcome SO - Specific Outcome
6. Learning & Teaching Strategies. • Industrial Visit • Problem Based Learning (PBL) • Work Based Learning (WBL) • Project Based Learning • etc • Lecture • Practical Work • Demonstration • Question & Answer • Brainstorming • Discussion • Tutorial
7. Assessment Tasks (ATs) Types of Assessment Tasks • Quiz • Test • Practical Work • Final Exam • Presentation • End of Chapter Problem • Essay • Case study • Peer to peer • Capstone Project • Reflective Journal • etc
Memahami KandunganJadual Spesifikasi Pentaksiran - JSP (Assessment Specification Table - AST)
Learning Outcomes • Information Transmission/Teacher-focused (ITTF) teaching approach • Conceptual Change/Student-focused (CCSF) teaching approach • ‘Surface Learning’ learning approach • ‘Deep Learning’ learning approach
The question is…. How can teaching encourage students to learn actively and interactively, and in this way, develop the ability to seek creative and innovative solutions to future issues, problems and situations? 40
Teaching approach 1 (ITTF) 1: It is important to present a lot of facts to students so that they know what they have to learn for this subject. 2: In this subject my teaching focuses on the good presentation of information to students. 3: I think an important reason for running teaching sessions in this subject is to give students a good set of notes 41
Teaching approach 2 (CCSF) 1: In teaching sessions for this subject, I deliberately provoke debate and discussion. 2: I see teaching as helping students develop new ways of thinking in this subject. 3: It is better for students in this subject to generate their own notes rather than copy mine. 42
Model of teaching-learning Teachers’conceptionsof teaching Teachers’approaches to teaching Students’approachesto learning Teachers’perceptionsof context Outcomes
Model of teaching-learning Teachers’conceptionsof teaching Teachers’approaches to teaching Students’approachesto learning Teachers’perceptionsof context Outcomes
Approaches to learning Deep approach Students focus their attention on the overall meaning or message in a class session, text or situation. They attempt to relate ideas together and construct their own meaning, possibly in relation to their own experience. Surface approach Students focus their attention on the details and information in a class session or text. They are trying to memorise these individual details in the form they appear in the class or text or to list the features of the situation in order to pass the examinations.
APPROACHES TO LEARNING Surface Approach • Intention to reproduce - rote memorise information needed for assessment - failure to distinguish principles from examples - treat tasks as external impositions - focus on discrete elements without integration • Deep Approach • Intention to understand • meaningfully memorise information for later use • - relate new ideas to previous knowledge • - relate concepts to everyday experiences • relate evidence to conclusions
Approaches to learning & outcomes N = 740 University of Oxford, 2004
Approaches to learning & outcomes N = 740 University of Oxford, 2004
Model of teaching-learning Teachers’conceptionsof teaching Teachers’approaches to teaching Students’approachesto learning Teachers’perceptionsof context Outcomes
Approaches to teaching Information Transmission/Teacher-focused (ITTF) Staff focus their attention on what they do (forward planning, good management skills, an armoury of teaching competencies, use of the literature, ability to use IT …). They attempt to transmit the information about the curriculum on the assumption that students will learn from that process. That information is often complex and requires organisation and presentation skill.