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“The Gospel is Based on Resurrection”. We have received many requests to discuss the “Resurrection” . The questions are as follows: “How many resurrections are there?” “Is the resurrection an event yet to happen?” “ Are there two resurrections?”
We have received many requests to discuss the “Resurrection”. The questions are as follows: “How many resurrections are there?” “Is the resurrection an event yet to happen?” “Are there two resurrections?” “Is resurrection and rapture the same thing?”
“There is Only ONE Resurrection” JOHN 11:20 Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him: but Mary sat still in the house. JOHN 11:21 Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. JOHN 11:22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.
“The Resurrection is a Person” JOHN 11:23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. JOHN 11:24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. JOHN 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
JOHN 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? JOHN 11:27 She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.
I.AM.THE.RESURRECTION.AND.LIFE_63-1118 52 And now that beautiful flower... no matter how pretty it is, and how nice and round the seed is. Like a hybrid corn, we could plant hybrid corn, it'll do nothing. It's a nice seed, without life. Its life is perverted. 53 And any perverted life from God cannot live again. We must be born again.
54 But as surely as that seed is germitized, it's then it rises again. There's no way to keep it from rising again. It's got to, because it's germitized and its botany life is in it. 55 Now, a believer has the Life of Christ within him, Who rose up first for our justification, to prove there is resurrection of the human life, a human body, that we live again because we been germitized; in other words, born again, of the Holy Spirit.
I am one who believes in the “Literal” catching away of the Wife of Christ. I believe the mysteries revealed are the rapture and we have been “Literally” raptured. The prophet said, “The rapture is a revelation to the bride”. I believe the message of Revelation 10 “Literally” raised us out of dead denominationalism of creeds, dogmas, laws, rituals, and mans traditions.
I believe in the “Literal” resurrection. And I believe when we receive the Word for our hour that we are “Literally Resurrected” and are not waiting on another resurrection. Mary and Martha were told by Jesus that he is “Literally” the resurrection and the life! Those ladies were trying to place Lazarus in some future resurrection and Jesus very quickly upbraided them for their unbelief.
The resurrection is a Person and not a coming event. Paul declaredthe same with Festus and King Agrippa when they couldn’t believe in the resurrection. Paul didn’t preach a resurrection of the future. He unfolded a resurrection in him and ministered that resurrection of life as ever present for those who can receive it. When he ministered those seals he was clear that we resurrected from the antichrist reign in earth.
THE.FOURTH.SEAL_ JEFF.IN THURSDAY_ 63-0321 317-1 {273} …It said his name was death, and hell followed after him. Now, hell always follows death in the natural. When the natural man dies, hell follows him; that's the grave, hades (See?); that's in the natural. But in the spiritual it's a lake of fire. See? All right. See, it's eternal separation where they're burned up... And Malachi 4 said, "It don't even leave him stubble or branch or nothing else." It's the way the world has of purifying itself again for the millennium.
I.WILL.RESTORE_53-1110 E-7 God is a God of variety. And all Christianity is based upon the resurrection. If I drop this letter on the floor... Now, resurrection is not put this one in its place, but resurrection is bring up the same letter that went down in its place again. Is that right? Therefore, Christianity is based on resurrection, that when we come back to this earth again, I won't be some kind of an angel with wings a flopping. I'll be a man just like I am now, resurrected.
YE.MUST.BE.BORN.AGAIN_58-0619B E-21 What happened? Death had set in. It's put you in many a corner, but soon it's going to put you in a corner and keep you there. See? Because it's going to take you. God had His picture fixed what He wanted you in the hereafter. Now, I believe in resurrection. Christianity believes in resurrection. The whole thing's based on resurrection. Now many people think that they go down like this, they'll come back up some kind of a spirit with wings a flying.
You'll come back up men and women like you are now. …If this Bible falls from the platform down to the table, and to take another Bible and put in its place, that's not resurrection, that's replacement. Resurrection is bringing the same Bible up that went down. And resurrection's bringing the same person up that went down.
QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.1_64-0823M 970-222 Now, there you are, to the question awhile ago. See? At the judgment seat... Jesus, the church, the Bride, was raptured, went up into glory, and was up there and was married, returned back to the earth, and lived a thousand years. At the end of the thousand years Satan was loosed out of his prison, that is bound by an Angel with a chain, not a log chain, but a chain of circumstance;
all of his subjects was in hell. All that was resurrected on the earth was redeemed and Jesus with them. He couldn't work on nothing; but at the end of the thousand years, the second resurrection... "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection over which the second death has no power."
Now notice, in this second resurrection, when they come up, then Satan's loosed out of his prison for a little season; then the judgment is set. Now, watch. Jesus with the Bride, as King and Queen, set at the throne, white throne judgment; and the books were opened, the books of the sinners. And another Book was opened, which was the Book of Life; and every man was judged thus by the Bride. "Know ye not (taking these little matters before the law)--know ye not that the saints shall judge the earth?"
SATAN'S.EDEN_65-0829 176 No matter how big they are, all kings, monarchs, potentates, and everything else has to perish, and they will not rise in the sec-... in the first resurrection. For it's written, "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection, on which the second death has no power." O God! "The second death," the spiritual death, "has no power"; he is redeemed!
REVELATION 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
THE.FIRST.SEAL_63-0318 134-2 {117} Now, notice the rest of the dead (the church members, dead church members) lived not again until the thousand years, and then at the thousand years, they were gathered... Another resurrection come, which is second resurrection, and they were gathered, and Christ and the church, the Bride (not the church, the Bride) Christ and the Queen (not the church)... Chur... Christ and the Bride stood there.
And they were separated like the sheep from the goats. That's right. There's the church members come up. And if they heard the Truth and rejected the Truth, then what's going to be said when the big thing's spread across the canvas when even your own thoughts will be there, what you thought about it. How you going to escape, and it right there on the canvas of the skies; and God's great television and there's your own thoughts rebelling right... Your own thoughts will speak against you in that hour.
So if you speak one thing and think another, you better stop that. Get your thoughts on God. Keep them pure, and stay right there with it, and speak the same thing all the time. See? Don't say, "Well, I'll say I'll believe it; but I'll go find out." You believe it. Amen.
THE.SEED.IS.NOT.HEIR.WITH.THE.SHUCK_65-0218 130 She is now a dry shuck. It's passed; The Spirit of God passed through her, is true. And will not, she will not be heir with the a vindicated Seed Word. She sure will not be. She'll not be in the Rapture. She'll be a church member, may come up in the second resurrection, be judged according to what she's heard. If you're here tonight, and just a church member, what's your judgment going to be, when we all have to stand there and witness you heard the Truth? See?
THE.RAPTURE_65-1204 178 One day, there will come a blast from Heaven, "And the dead in Christ shall rise first." Them Old Testament saints back yonder, who are waiting, will blast forth and come out of there first, and go into the resurrection. We'll drop right in line, going into the sky; these old mortal bodies changed and made like unto His Own glorious body. What a parade that'll be when it starts heavenward, some of these days, in that rapturing time that lays ahead,
Oh, proudly displaying the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their chests, the Message of God in the hour that they lived in. 179 Looky, just in closing now. The second resurrection, all... First one is past. The second one is at hand, right now, will come to hand now.
180 Now, the third one is the two witnesses of Revelations 11:11 and 12. Which, these are the ones that turns back, with the Spirit of Christ, to witness to the Jews, like Joseph did to his brethren. And remember, "Their dead bodies laid in the street, for three days and a half. Then the spirit of life came into them, and they were raptured, taken up into Heaven.“ There is your three raptures of the New Testament. Three raptures of the Old Testament; all of them past.
181 Now we're ready, waiting for the raptures, the Rapture of the saints. It's been spoken, and so shall it be. When God says anything, "All heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never fail."
SIRS.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_64-0304 13 Now, if you were in His thinking, at the beginning, if you've got Eternal Life, there is only one form of Eternal Life. Eternal Life had no beginning and it has no ending. So if you have Eternal Life, you were an attribute of God's thinking before there was anything but Him.
14 Your form, your shape, and what you're in now, is just a negative, when you come up to around twenty, twenty-two years old. You were a negative, and death develops the picture to the positive, "that when this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." See?
THE.FUTURE.HOME_64-0802 36-4 "Multiply now and replenish the earth." Their bodies was all laid out here for you to eat and make your bodies. That's the way He had of doing it. But sin come along interrupted His plan. She rolls right on just the same (time does).