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FEALAC Website (ECO/2007/12). FEALAC Meetings. This is a chart of FEALAC Meetings at all levels. If you click each icon, you will see a short introduction to the meeting itself and a link to the respective documents. Member Countries.
FEALACMeetings This is a chart of FEALAC Meetings at all levels. If you click each icon, you will see a short introduction to the meeting itself and a link to the respective documents.
Member Countries • All members will be listed in the alphabetical order. The third column is for the country websites or the websites of the relevant agency of each country.
SOM Documents The SOM schedules from SOM 1 to SOM 8 will appear on the screen. Member countries that have hosted a particular meeting can help uploading the documents, since many of those are not available in electronic form. In order to upload documents, it is necessary to obtain an ID and then log in to perform the necessary services. All documents are only accessible to those with valid ID.
Working Group Documents If you click any of the three Working Groups, you will be able to upload the documents of each respective meetings that was held until today. Member countries, especially the chair countries are supposed to update and upload documents regularly. What you are seeing on screen is the list of documents for this ESWG meeting.
Projects The last item under Documents is the Projects section. Every member country is free to upload on-going or past projects onto the website. Once compiled on-line, we will try to find a way to sort the projects in a manner that makes it easy for any member country to search the documents. The Topics section is reserved for individual issues, for example trade and investment.
FEALAC Calendar This is the FEALAC Calendar of yearly events. If you click on 2007 for example, you will be able to see the meetings that are held in 2007. This is also a section where the focal points of member countries need to regularly update the relevant schedules.
Bulletin Board This Bulletin Board will be used for all kinds of purposes. Projects, proposals and documents may be uploaded here for member countries’ comments, exchange of opinion on meeting schedules, announcements that need to be spread fast and for other communication purposes. This Board will only be accessible to those that have a valid ID.
Registration Next to the log in icon, you can click on “Registration” in order to obtain an ID so that you can access the Bulletin Board, upload documents, update new events and edit information on-line. After submitting the information requested in the form, you need to wait for the authorization. Only those authorized will be able to use the website and its services in its entirety.
Contact Us Contact Us will list all the focal points of all 33 member countries. It will contain the names, the positions, e-mails, telephone numbers and other information necessary for the focal points to keep in touch at all levels. Only the administrator of this website can edit this page, based on the registrations submitted to obtain a valid ID.This page is not accessible to those without ID.
First, gather member countries’ comments Reflect the comments in finalizing the Website Make sure that all focal points are listed on the website Update as many events and documents as possible Agree on final recommendations to SOM on their concrete mandates concerning the FEALAC website (management, role of focal points etc.) Come up with ideas to improve the website next year Follow-up Measures