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King Tut Death Mask

King Tut Death Mask. Day 1. Mummy Head. Monkey mummy. Step Pyramid. Ankh. Conopic Jars. Lotus column. Tools for pulling brains. Obelisk. Middle East. Modern Day Africa. Horus. Karnack. Giza. Red Sea. Cataracts. Menes Unites Upper and Lower Egypt. Why is this a

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King Tut Death Mask

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Presentation Transcript

  1. King Tut Death Mask Day 1

  2. Mummy Head

  3. Monkey mummy

  4. Step Pyramid

  5. Ankh

  6. Conopic Jars

  7. Lotus column

  8. Tools for pulling brains Obelisk

  9. Middle East Modern Day Africa

  10. Horus

  11. Karnack

  12. Giza Red Sea Cataracts

  13. Menes Unites Upper and Lower Egypt Why is this a good thing?

  14. The Three Kingdoms of Egypt Old Kingdom 2,700 B.C Middle Kingdom C. 2,050 B.C New Kingdom C. 1,550 Day 2

  15. The Old Kingdom (Pyramid Age) 1 A

  16. home video

  17. 1B Dynasty=Ruling Family About 33 dynasties The Pharaohs Were gods But NOT one family What is wrong with that statement?

  18. “Hey, If we’re gods We can do anything we want” “Why is this sooooooooooo dangerous?” Absolute power, No one to say NO!!!!

  19. But there was a funny Side to the pharaohs Martin Bangles Tut Pyramids Day 3

  20. Can War Ever Be Good?

  21. Its all the way you look at it Middle Kingdom Catastrophe Hits Egypt

  22. Egypt But why?

  23. When are countries Most open to invasion? When there is disunity from within

  24. How Did the Hyksos Do It? T_______________________________Y Horse drawn chariots made all the difference!!!!

  25. But the question is; why is war good? The Hyksos did one thing wrong We see what you have!!

  26. If you are Egypt, what is your next move? Hyksos, GET OUT It’s a no brainer The Egyptians Expel the Hyksos From Egypt, New Kingdom begins

  27. 1. Who would you rather work for, a man or a woman? 2. Should and could a woman be president? Day 4

  28. Pharaoh Queen Hatshpsut Notice the (fake beard)

  29. Accomplishments Proved that a woman can run a country Wore men’s clothing Buried in a tomb pyramids Luxor

  30. Egyptians and Their Connection to the Other Side “Allah is Great”

  31. “We are all going to a better place”

  32. Heaven’s Gate

  33. Kamikaze pilots “We are killing Ourselves for the good of all Japan”

  34. Egyptian Society worshipped the forces that controlled their lives The environment and their emotions Osiris = god of the Nile River Why?

  35. Isis = Taught women how to grind corn, spin flax, weave cloth, and care for children

  36. Catholic Saints St. Barnabas=Against hailstorms St. Colubanus=Against flooding St. Januarius= Volcanic Eruptions

  37. Egyptians were polytheistic Belief in many gods What period in American history was most Rebellious?

  38. Rebellious Any examples?

  39. “All we are saying, is give peace a chance”

  40. “The Religious Rebel Akhenaton

  41. From now on… One god, the giver of all life

  42. But could it work? No!!!!!! Fear of change

  43. Please read this

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