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CBR Based workflow composition assistant

Eran Chinthaka & Jaliya Ekanayake Class Project for: Knowledge Based Computing (B552). CBR Based workflow composition assistant. Problem . Composing workflows from scratch is hard Common case : The developer has inputs and expected outputs Need a way to get to output from Inputs

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CBR Based workflow composition assistant

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  1. Eran Chinthaka & Jaliya Ekanayake Class Project for: Knowledge Based Computing (B552) CBR Based workflow composition assistant

  2. Problem • Composing workflows from scratch is hard • Common case : • The developer has inputs and expected outputs • Need a way to get to output from Inputs • Analogy: Concept of modules in programming • What can help • Use of existing workflows • From user’s space • From known places like myexperiments.org • Describing inputs and outputs using keywords or semantic annotations CBR Based Workflow Assistant by Eran Chinthaka, Jaliya Ekanayake

  3. Suggested Solution Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Service A Service B Service C • Assumption • “All workflows that are acyclic can be represented as a graph” • User describes the inputs and outputs of a workflow/part of a workflow using keywords or semantic annotations • Use NLP techniques to match inputs and outputs • Simplest solution uses Keyword matching with Lesk Algorithm • Use CBR based approach for retrieving similar workflows • Adapt existing workflow to new ones • By down sizing existing ones • Extending existing ones Service D Service E Service F Service G Service H Service I Output 1 Output 2 CBR Based Workflow Assistant by Eran Chinthaka, Jaliya Ekanayake

  4. Solution Architecture Input keyword list output keywords Check if paths exist from input nodes to output nodes Keyword similarity check (Lesk Algorithm) Check the self-containedness of the selected nodes in the workflow a closed set found Suggested Wokflows NO YES Try to adapt using existing workflows and services KB successful YES CBR Based Workflow Assistant by Eran Chinthaka, Jaliya Ekanayake

  5. Solution Example 1 • Find a part of a workflow • Exact match • Workflow CBR Based Workflow Assistant by Eran Chinthaka, Jaliya Ekanayake

  6. Solution Example 2 • Adopts a part of a workflow • Workflow CBR Based Workflow Assistant by Eran Chinthaka, Jaliya Ekanayake

  7. Key Features • Very fast compared to heavy knowledge based approach or manual composition • Independent of the workflow description languages • Ability to extend similarity measures to use semantic annotations or other NLP techniques • Ability to provide threshold for similarity check and to control number of cases retrieved • NLP based keyword checking CBR Based Workflow Assistant by Eran Chinthaka, Jaliya Ekanayake

  8. Future Work • Reducing commons workflow languages in to graph representation • Integration of standard semantic language like OWL, RDF or WSDL-S • Integration with a workflow composition software (eg: XBaya) • Performance Evaluation with an existing knowledge heavy system • Evaluation of accuracy and/or usability of suggested cases CBR Based Workflow Assistant by Eran Chinthaka, Jaliya Ekanayake

  9. Related Work • Automatically Composing Data Workflows with Relational Descriptions and Shim Services, J.-L. Ambite and D. Kapoor, Proceedings of ISWC 2007. • Using Ontologies for Data Mining Workflow Composition - Rahul Ramachandran (University of Alabama in Huntsville) CBR Based Workflow Assistant by Eran Chinthaka, Jaliya Ekanayake

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